# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/ui.gni") import("//testing/test.gni") component("native_theme") { sources = [ "common_theme.cc", "common_theme.h", "native_theme.cc", "native_theme.h", "native_theme_android.cc", "native_theme_android.h", "native_theme_base.cc", "native_theme_base.h", "native_theme_export.h", "native_theme_features.cc", "native_theme_features.h", "native_theme_mac.h", "native_theme_mac.mm", "native_theme_observer.cc", "native_theme_observer.h", ] if (use_aura) { sources += [ "native_theme_aura.cc", "native_theme_aura.h", "native_theme_dark_aura.cc", "native_theme_dark_aura.h", "overlay_scrollbar_constants_aura.h", ] } defines = [ "NATIVE_THEME_IMPLEMENTATION" ] deps = [ "//base", "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations", "//cc/paint", "//skia", "//ui/base", "//ui/display", "//ui/gfx", "//ui/gfx/geometry", "//ui/resources", ] if (is_mac) { libs = [ "CoreGraphics.framework", "AppKit.framework", ] } } if (is_win) { component("native_theme_browser") { defines = [ "NATIVE_THEME_IMPLEMENTATION" ] # These files cannot work in the renderer on Windows. sources = [ "native_theme_win.cc", "native_theme_win.h", ] deps = [ ":native_theme", "//base", "//cc/paint", "//ui/base", "//ui/display", "//ui/gfx", ] } } else { source_set("native_theme_browser") { } } test("native_theme_unittests") { sources = [] if (use_aura) { sources += [ "native_theme_aura_unittest.cc" ] } if (is_mac) { sources += [ "native_theme_mac_unittest.cc" ] } deps = [ ":native_theme", "//base/test:run_all_unittests", "//base/test:test_support", "//skia", "//testing/gtest", "//ui/base", "//ui/gfx/geometry:geometry", ] }