# Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. import("//build/config/crypto.gni") import("//build/config/ui.gni") import("../webrtc.gni") if (is_android) { import("//build/config/android/config.gni") import("//build/config/android/rules.gni") } config("rtc_base_chromium_config") { defines = [ "NO_MAIN_THREAD_WRAPPING" ] } config("rtc_base_all_dependent_config") { if (is_ios) { libs = [ "CFNetwork.framework", "Foundation.framework", "Security.framework", "SystemConfiguration.framework", "UIKit.framework", ] } if (is_mac) { libs = [ "Cocoa.framework", "Foundation.framework", "IOKit.framework", "Security.framework", "SystemConfiguration.framework", ] } } if (!rtc_build_ssl) { config("external_ssl_library") { assert(rtc_ssl_root != "", "You must specify rtc_ssl_root when rtc_build_ssl==0.") include_dirs = [ rtc_ssl_root ] } } rtc_source_set("protobuf_utils") { visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "protobuf_utils.h", ] if (rtc_enable_protobuf) { public_deps = [ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite", ] } } rtc_source_set("compile_assert_c") { sources = [ "compile_assert_c.h", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_base_approved") { visibility = [ "*" ] public_deps = [ ":atomicops", ":criticalsection", ":logging", ":macromagic", ":platform_thread", ":platform_thread_types", ":ptr_util", ":refcount", ":rtc_base_approved_generic", ":rtc_event", ":safe_conversions", ":stringutils", ":thread_checker", ":timeutils", ] if (is_mac && !build_with_chromium) { public_deps += [ ":rtc_base_approved_objc" ] } } rtc_source_set("macromagic") { # TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9606): This should not be public. visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "arraysize.h", "constructormagic.h", "format_macros.h", "stringize_macros.h", "thread_annotations.h", ] deps = [ "system:arch", ] } rtc_source_set("platform_thread_types") { sources = [ "platform_thread_types.cc", "platform_thread_types.h", ] } rtc_source_set("ptr_util") { visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "scoped_ref_ptr.h", ] } rtc_source_set("refcount") { visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "refcount.h", "refcountedobject.h", "refcounter.h", ] deps = [ ":atomicops", ":macromagic", ] } rtc_source_set("criticalsection") { sources = [ "criticalsection.cc", "criticalsection.h", ] deps = [ ":atomicops", ":checks", ":macromagic", ":platform_thread_types", "system:unused", ] } rtc_source_set("platform_thread") { visibility = [ ":rtc_base_approved", ":rtc_base_approved_generic", ":rtc_task_queue_libevent", ":rtc_task_queue_win", ":sequenced_task_checker", ] sources = [ "platform_thread.cc", "platform_thread.h", ] deps = [ ":atomicops", ":checks", ":macromagic", ":platform_thread_types", ":rtc_event", ":thread_checker", ":timeutils", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_event") { deps = [ ":checks", ":macromagic", ] if (build_with_chromium) { # Dependency on chromium's waitable_event (in //base). deps += [ "//base:base" ] sources = [ "../../webrtc_overrides/rtc_base/event.cc", "../../webrtc_overrides/rtc_base/event.h", ] } else { sources = [ "event.cc", "event.h", ] } } rtc_source_set("logging") { visibility = [ "*" ] deps = [ ":criticalsection", ":macromagic", ":platform_thread_types", ":stringutils", ":timeutils", ] if (build_with_chromium) { # Dependency on chromium's logging (in //base). deps += [ "//base:base" ] sources = [ "../../webrtc_overrides/rtc_base/logging.cc", "../../webrtc_overrides/rtc_base/logging.h", ] } else { sources = [ "logging.cc", "logging.h", ] deps += [ "system:inline" ] # logging.h needs the deprecation header while downstream projects are # removing code that depends on logging implementation details. deps += [ ":deprecation" ] } } rtc_source_set("thread_checker") { sources = [ "thread_checker.h", "thread_checker_impl.cc", "thread_checker_impl.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":criticalsection", ":macromagic", ":platform_thread_types", ] } rtc_source_set("atomicops") { sources = [ "atomicops.h", ] } rtc_source_set("checks") { # TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9607): This should not be public. visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "checks.cc", "checks.h", ] deps = [ ":safe_compare", "system:inline", ] } rtc_source_set("rate_limiter") { sources = [ "rate_limiter.cc", "rate_limiter.h", ] deps = [ ":rtc_base_approved", "../system_wrappers", ] } rtc_source_set("sanitizer") { sources = [ "sanitizer.h", ] } rtc_source_set("safe_compare") { sources = [ "numerics/safe_compare.h", ] deps = [ ":type_traits", ] } rtc_source_set("safe_minmax") { sources = [ "numerics/safe_minmax.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":safe_compare", ":type_traits", ] } rtc_source_set("safe_conversions") { sources = [ "numerics/safe_conversions.h", "numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ] } rtc_source_set("timeutils") { visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "timeutils.cc", "timeutils.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":safe_conversions", ] } rtc_source_set("stringutils") { sources = [ "stringencode.cc", "stringencode.h", "strings/string_builder.cc", "strings/string_builder.h", "stringutils.cc", "stringutils.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":safe_minmax", "../api:array_view", ] } rtc_source_set("audio_format_to_string") { sources = [ "strings/audio_format_to_string.cc", "strings/audio_format_to_string.h", ] deps = [ ":stringutils", "../api/audio_codecs:audio_codecs_api", ] } rtc_source_set("type_traits") { sources = [ "type_traits.h", ] } rtc_source_set("deprecation") { sources = [ "deprecation.h", ] } # The subset of rtc_base approved for use outside of libjingle. rtc_source_set("rtc_base_approved_generic") { visibility = [ ":rtc_base_approved", ":weak_ptr_unittests", ] cflags = [] defines = [] libs = [] data_deps = [] deps = [ ":atomicops", ":checks", ":criticalsection", ":logging", ":macromagic", ":platform_thread", ":platform_thread_types", ":ptr_util", ":refcount", ":rtc_event", ":rtc_task_queue", ":safe_compare", ":safe_conversions", ":stringutils", ":thread_checker", ":timeutils", ":type_traits", "system:arch", "system:unused", "third_party/base64", ] sources = [ "bind.h", "bitbuffer.cc", "bitbuffer.h", "bitrateallocationstrategy.cc", "bitrateallocationstrategy.h", "buffer.h", "bufferqueue.cc", "bufferqueue.h", "bytebuffer.cc", "bytebuffer.h", "byteorder.h", "copyonwritebuffer.cc", "copyonwritebuffer.h", "event_tracer.cc", "event_tracer.h", "file.cc", "file.h", "flags.cc", "flags.h", "function_view.h", "ignore_wundef.h", "location.cc", "location.h", "numerics/histogram_percentile_counter.cc", "numerics/histogram_percentile_counter.h", "numerics/mod_ops.h", "numerics/moving_max_counter.h", "numerics/sample_counter.cc", "numerics/sample_counter.h", "onetimeevent.h", "pathutils.cc", "pathutils.h", "platform_file.cc", "platform_file.h", "race_checker.cc", "race_checker.h", "random.cc", "random.h", "rate_statistics.cc", "rate_statistics.h", "ratetracker.cc", "ratetracker.h", "string_to_number.cc", "string_to_number.h", "swap_queue.h", "template_util.h", "timestampaligner.cc", "timestampaligner.h", "trace_event.h", "zero_memory.cc", "zero_memory.h", ] deps += [ "..:webrtc_common", "../api:array_view", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional", ] if (is_android) { libs += [ "log" ] } if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) { sources += [ "file_posix.cc" ] } if (is_win) { sources += [ "file_win.cc", "win/windows_version.cc", "win/windows_version.h", ] data_deps += [ "//build/win:runtime_libs" ] } if (is_nacl) { deps += [ "//native_client_sdk/src/libraries/nacl_io" ] } } if (is_mac && !build_with_chromium) { config("rtc_base_approved_objc_all_dependent_config") { visibility = [ ":rtc_base_approved_objc" ] libs = [ "Foundation.framework" ] # needed for logging_mac.mm } rtc_source_set("rtc_base_approved_objc") { visibility = [ ":rtc_base_approved" ] all_dependent_configs = [ ":rtc_base_approved_objc_all_dependent_config" ] sources = [ "logging_mac.mm", ] deps = [ ":logging", ] } } rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue") { visibility = [ "*" ] deps = [] public_deps = [ ":rtc_task_queue_api", ] if (rtc_link_task_queue_impl) { deps += [ ":rtc_task_queue_impl" ] } } # WebRTC targets must not directly depend on rtc_task_queue_api or # rtc_task_queue_impl. Instead, depend on rtc_task_queue. # The build flag |rtc_link_task_queue_impl| decides if WebRTC targets will link # to the default implemenation in rtc_task_queue_impl or if an externally # provided implementation should be used. An external implementation should # depend on rtc_task_queue_api. rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue_api") { # The visibility list is commented out so that we won't break external # implementations, but left here to manually test as well as for sake of what # targets we expect to depend on rtc_task_queue_api. # visibility = [ # ":rtc_task_queue", # ":rtc_task_queue_impl", # ":sequenced_task_checker", # ] sources = [ "task_queue.h", ] deps = [ ":macromagic", ":ptr_util", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory", ] } if (rtc_enable_libevent) { rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue_libevent") { visibility = [ ":rtc_task_queue_impl" ] sources = [ "task_queue_libevent.cc", "task_queue_posix.cc", "task_queue_posix.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":criticalsection", ":logging", ":platform_thread", ":ptr_util", ":refcount", ":rtc_task_queue_api", ":safe_conversions", ":timeutils", "system:unused", ] if (rtc_build_libevent) { deps += [ "//base/third_party/libevent" ] } } } if (is_mac || is_ios) { rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue_gcd") { visibility = [ ":rtc_task_queue_impl" ] sources = [ "task_queue_gcd.cc", "task_queue_posix.cc", "task_queue_posix.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":logging", ":ptr_util", ":refcount", ":rtc_task_queue_api", ] } } if (is_win) { rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue_win") { visibility = [ ":rtc_task_queue_impl" ] sources = [ "task_queue_win.cc", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":criticalsection", ":logging", ":macromagic", ":platform_thread", ":ptr_util", ":refcount", ":rtc_event", ":rtc_task_queue_api", ":safe_conversions", ":timeutils", ] } } rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue_impl") { visibility = [ "*" ] if (rtc_enable_libevent) { deps = [ ":rtc_task_queue_libevent", ] } else { if (is_mac || is_ios) { deps = [ ":rtc_task_queue_gcd", ] } if (is_win) { deps = [ ":rtc_task_queue_win", ] } } } rtc_source_set("sequenced_task_checker") { sources = [ "sequenced_task_checker.h", "sequenced_task_checker_impl.cc", "sequenced_task_checker_impl.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":criticalsection", ":macromagic", ":rtc_task_queue", ":thread_checker", ] } rtc_static_library("weak_ptr") { sources = [ "weak_ptr.cc", "weak_ptr.h", ] deps = [ ":ptr_util", ":refcount", ":sequenced_task_checker", ] } rtc_static_library("rtc_numerics") { sources = [ "numerics/exp_filter.cc", "numerics/exp_filter.h", "numerics/moving_median_filter.h", "numerics/percentile_filter.h", "numerics/sequence_number_util.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":rtc_base_approved", ":safe_compare", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_json") { testonly = true defines = [] sources = [ "json.cc", "json.h", ] all_dependent_configs = [ "//third_party/jsoncpp:jsoncpp_config" ] if (rtc_build_json) { public_deps = [ "//third_party/jsoncpp", ] } else { include_dirs = [ "$rtc_jsoncpp_root" ] # When defined changes the include path for json.h to where it is # expected to be when building json outside of the standalone build. defines += [ "WEBRTC_EXTERNAL_JSON" ] } } rtc_static_library("rtc_base") { visibility = [ "*" ] public_deps = [] if (!build_with_mozilla) { public_deps += [ ":rtc_base_generic" ] } if (is_win) { sources = [ "noop.cc", ] } if (is_ios || is_mac) { sources = [ "noop.mm", ] public_deps += [ ":rtc_base_objc" ] } } if (is_ios || is_mac) { rtc_source_set("rtc_base_objc") { sources = [ "thread_darwin.mm", ] deps = [ ":rtc_base_generic", ] visibility = [ ":rtc_base" ] } } rtc_static_library("rtc_base_generic") { cflags = [] cflags_cc = [] libs = [] defines = [] deps = [ ":checks", ":stringutils", "..:webrtc_common", "../api:array_view", "third_party/base64", "third_party/sigslot", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional", ] public_deps = [ ":rtc_base_approved", ] public_configs = [] all_dependent_configs = [ ":rtc_base_all_dependent_config" ] sources = [ "asyncinvoker-inl.h", "asyncinvoker.cc", "asyncinvoker.h", "asyncpacketsocket.cc", "asyncpacketsocket.h", "asyncresolverinterface.cc", "asyncresolverinterface.h", "asyncsocket.cc", "asyncsocket.h", "asynctcpsocket.cc", "asynctcpsocket.h", "asyncudpsocket.cc", "asyncudpsocket.h", "crc32.cc", "crc32.h", "cryptstring.cc", "cryptstring.h", "data_rate_limiter.cc", "data_rate_limiter.h", "dscp.h", "filerotatingstream.cc", "filerotatingstream.h", "fileutils.cc", "fileutils.h", "gunit_prod.h", "helpers.cc", "helpers.h", "httpcommon-inl.h", "httpcommon.cc", "httpcommon.h", "ipaddress.cc", "ipaddress.h", "keep_ref_until_done.h", "messagedigest.cc", "messagedigest.h", "messagehandler.cc", "messagehandler.h", "messagequeue.cc", "messagequeue.h", "nethelper.cc", "nethelper.h", "nethelpers.cc", "nethelpers.h", "network.cc", "network.h", "network_constants.h", "networkmonitor.cc", "networkmonitor.h", "networkroute.h", "nullsocketserver.cc", "nullsocketserver.h", "openssl.h", "openssladapter.cc", "openssladapter.h", "opensslcertificate.cc", "opensslcertificate.h", "openssldigest.cc", "openssldigest.h", "opensslidentity.cc", "opensslidentity.h", "opensslsessioncache.cc", "opensslsessioncache.h", "opensslstreamadapter.cc", "opensslstreamadapter.h", "opensslutility.cc", "opensslutility.h", "physicalsocketserver.cc", "physicalsocketserver.h", "proxyinfo.cc", "proxyinfo.h", "rtccertificate.cc", "rtccertificate.h", "rtccertificategenerator.cc", "rtccertificategenerator.h", "signalthread.cc", "signalthread.h", "sigslot.h", "sigslotrepeater.h", "socket.cc", "socket.h", "socketadapters.cc", "socketadapters.h", "socketaddress.cc", "socketaddress.h", "socketaddresspair.cc", "socketaddresspair.h", "socketfactory.h", "socketserver.h", "socketstream.cc", "socketstream.h", "ssladapter.cc", "ssladapter.h", "sslcertificate.cc", "sslcertificate.h", "sslfingerprint.cc", "sslfingerprint.h", "sslidentity.cc", "sslidentity.h", "sslstreamadapter.cc", "sslstreamadapter.h", "stream.cc", "stream.h", "thread.cc", "thread.h", ] visibility = [ ":rtc_base", ":rtc_base_objc", ] if (build_with_chromium) { if (is_win) { sources += [ "../../webrtc_overrides/rtc_base/win32socketinit.cc" ] } include_dirs = [ "../../boringssl/src/include" ] public_configs += [ ":rtc_base_chromium_config" ] } else { sources += [ "callback.h", "logsinks.cc", "logsinks.h", "numerics/mathutils.h", "optionsfile.cc", "optionsfile.h", "rollingaccumulator.h", "sslroots.h", ] if (is_win) { sources += [ "win32socketinit.cc", "win32socketinit.h", "win32socketserver.cc", "win32socketserver.h", ] } } # !build_with_chromium if (rtc_build_ssl) { deps += [ "//third_party/boringssl" ] } else { configs += [ ":external_ssl_library" ] } if (rtc_builtin_ssl_root_certificates) { defines += [ "WEBRTC_BUILT_IN_SSL_ROOT_CERTIFICATES" ] } if (is_android) { sources += [ "ifaddrs-android.cc", "ifaddrs-android.h", ] libs += [ "log", "GLESv2", ] } if (is_ios || is_mac) { sources += [ "macifaddrs_converter.cc" ] } if (rtc_use_x11) { libs += [ "dl", "rt", "Xext", "X11", "Xcomposite", "Xrender", ] } if (is_linux) { libs += [ "dl", "rt", ] } if (is_mac) { sources += [ "macutils.cc", "macutils.h", ] libs += [ # For ProcessInformationCopyDictionary in unixfilesystem.cc. "ApplicationServices.framework", ] } if (is_win) { sources += [ "win32.cc", "win32.h", "win32filesystem.cc", "win32filesystem.h", "win32window.cc", "win32window.h", ] libs += [ "crypt32.lib", "iphlpapi.lib", "secur32.lib", ] defines += [ "_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE" ] } if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) { sources += [ "ifaddrs_converter.cc", "ifaddrs_converter.h", "unixfilesystem.cc", "unixfilesystem.h", ] } if (is_nacl) { deps += [ "//native_client_sdk/src/libraries/nacl_io" ] defines += [ "timezone=_timezone" ] sources -= [ "ifaddrs_converter.cc" ] } } rtc_source_set("gtest_prod") { visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "gtest_prod_util.h", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_base_tests_utils") { testonly = true sources = [ # Also use this as a convenient dumping ground for misc files that are # included by multiple targets below. "cpu_time.cc", "cpu_time.h", "fakeclock.cc", "fakeclock.h", "fakenetwork.h", "fakesslidentity.cc", "fakesslidentity.h", "firewallsocketserver.cc", "firewallsocketserver.h", "gunit.cc", "gunit.h", "httpbase.cc", "httpbase.h", "httpserver.cc", "httpserver.h", "memory_usage.cc", "memory_usage.h", "natserver.cc", "natserver.h", "natsocketfactory.cc", "natsocketfactory.h", "nattypes.cc", "nattypes.h", "proxyserver.cc", "proxyserver.h", "sigslottester.h", "sigslottester.h.pump", "testbase64.h", "testcertificateverifier.h", "testclient.cc", "testclient.h", "testechoserver.cc", "testechoserver.h", "testutils.cc", "testutils.h", "virtualsocketserver.cc", "virtualsocketserver.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":rtc_base", ":stringutils", "../api/units:time_delta", "../test:field_trial", "../test:test_support", "system:fallthrough", "third_party/sigslot", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory", ] public_deps = [ "//testing/gtest", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue_for_test") { visibility = [ "*" ] testonly = true sources = [ "task_queue_for_test.cc", "task_queue_for_test.h", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":rtc_base_approved", ":rtc_task_queue", ] } if (rtc_include_tests) { rtc_source_set("sigslot_unittest") { testonly = true sources = [ "sigslot_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":rtc_base", ":rtc_base_tests_utils", "third_party/sigslot", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_base_tests_main") { testonly = true sources = [ "unittest_main.cc", ] deps = [ ":rtc_base", ":rtc_base_approved", ":rtc_base_tests_utils", "../system_wrappers:field_trial_default", "../system_wrappers:metrics_default", "../test:field_trial", "../test:fileutils", "../test:test_support", ] public_deps = [ "//testing/gtest", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_base_nonparallel_tests") { testonly = true sources = [ "cpu_time_unittest.cc", "filerotatingstream_unittest.cc", "nullsocketserver_unittest.cc", "physicalsocketserver_unittest.cc", "socket_unittest.cc", "socket_unittest.h", "socketaddress_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":rtc_base", ":rtc_base_tests_main", ":rtc_base_tests_utils", "../system_wrappers:system_wrappers", "../test:fileutils", "../test:test_support", "//testing/gtest", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory", ] if (is_win) { sources += [ "win32socketserver_unittest.cc" ] } } rtc_source_set("rtc_base_approved_unittests") { testonly = true if (is_msan) { cflags = [ "-fsanitize=memory" ] } sources = [ "atomicops_unittest.cc", "base64_unittest.cc", "bind_unittest.cc", "bitbuffer_unittest.cc", "bitrateallocationstrategy_unittest.cc", "buffer_unittest.cc", "bufferqueue_unittest.cc", "bytebuffer_unittest.cc", "byteorder_unittest.cc", "copyonwritebuffer_unittest.cc", "criticalsection_unittest.cc", "event_tracer_unittest.cc", "event_unittest.cc", "file_unittest.cc", "function_view_unittest.cc", "logging_unittest.cc", "numerics/histogram_percentile_counter_unittest.cc", "numerics/mod_ops_unittest.cc", "numerics/moving_max_counter_unittest.cc", "numerics/safe_compare_unittest.cc", "numerics/safe_minmax_unittest.cc", "numerics/sample_counter_unittest.cc", "onetimeevent_unittest.cc", "pathutils_unittest.cc", "platform_file_unittest.cc", "platform_thread_unittest.cc", "random_unittest.cc", "rate_limiter_unittest.cc", "rate_statistics_unittest.cc", "ratetracker_unittest.cc", "refcountedobject_unittest.cc", "sanitizer_unittest.cc", "string_to_number_unittest.cc", "stringencode_unittest.cc", "stringize_macros_unittest.cc", "strings/string_builder_unittest.cc", "stringutils_unittest.cc", "swap_queue_unittest.cc", "thread_annotations_unittest.cc", "thread_checker_unittest.cc", "timestampaligner_unittest.cc", "timeutils_unittest.cc", "virtualsocket_unittest.cc", "zero_memory_unittest.cc", ] if (is_win) { sources += [ "win/windows_version_unittest.cc" ] } deps = [ ":checks", ":rate_limiter", ":rtc_base", ":rtc_base_approved", ":rtc_base_tests_main", ":rtc_base_tests_utils", ":rtc_task_queue", ":safe_compare", ":safe_minmax", ":sanitizer", ":stringutils", "../api:array_view", "../system_wrappers:system_wrappers", "../test:fileutils", "../test:test_support", "memory:unittests", "third_party/base64", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_task_queue_unittests") { visibility = [ "*" ] testonly = true sources = [ "task_queue_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":rtc_base_approved", ":rtc_base_tests_main", ":rtc_base_tests_utils", ":rtc_task_queue", ":rtc_task_queue_for_test", "../test:test_support", ] } rtc_source_set("sequenced_task_checker_unittests") { testonly = true sources = [ "sequenced_task_checker_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":checks", ":rtc_base_approved", ":rtc_base_tests_main", ":rtc_task_queue", ":sequenced_task_checker", "../test:test_support", ] } rtc_source_set("weak_ptr_unittests") { testonly = true sources = [ "weak_ptr_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":rtc_base_approved_generic", ":rtc_base_tests_main", ":rtc_base_tests_utils", ":rtc_event", ":rtc_task_queue", ":weak_ptr", "../test:test_support", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_numerics_unittests") { testonly = true sources = [ "numerics/exp_filter_unittest.cc", "numerics/moving_median_filter_unittest.cc", "numerics/percentile_filter_unittest.cc", "numerics/sequence_number_util_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":rtc_base_approved", ":rtc_base_tests_main", ":rtc_numerics", "../test:test_support", ] } rtc_source_set("rtc_base_unittests") { testonly = true defines = [] sources = [ "callback_unittest.cc", "crc32_unittest.cc", "data_rate_limiter_unittest.cc", "helpers_unittest.cc", "httpbase_unittest.cc", "httpcommon_unittest.cc", "httpserver_unittest.cc", "ipaddress_unittest.cc", "memory_usage_unittest.cc", "messagedigest_unittest.cc", "messagequeue_unittest.cc", "nat_unittest.cc", "network_unittest.cc", "optionsfile_unittest.cc", "proxy_unittest.cc", "rollingaccumulator_unittest.cc", "rtccertificate_unittest.cc", "rtccertificategenerator_unittest.cc", "signalthread_unittest.cc", "sigslottester_unittest.cc", "stream_unittest.cc", "testclient_unittest.cc", "thread_unittest.cc", ] if (is_win) { sources += [ "win32_unittest.cc", "win32window_unittest.cc", ] } if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) { sources += [ "openssladapter_unittest.cc", "opensslsessioncache_unittest.cc", "opensslutility_unittest.cc", "ssladapter_unittest.cc", "sslidentity_unittest.cc", "sslstreamadapter_unittest.cc", ] } deps = [ ":checks", ":rtc_base_tests_main", ":rtc_base_tests_utils", ":stringutils", "../api:array_view", "../test:fileutils", "../test:test_support", "third_party/sigslot", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/memory", "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional", ] public_deps = [ ":rtc_base", ] if (build_with_chromium) { include_dirs = [ "../../boringssl/src/include" ] } if (rtc_build_ssl) { deps += [ "//third_party/boringssl" ] } else { configs += [ ":external_ssl_library" ] } if (rtc_builtin_ssl_root_certificates) { defines += [ "WEBRTC_BUILT_IN_SSL_ROOT_CERTIFICATES" ] } } } if (is_android) { rtc_android_library("base_java") { java_files = [ "java/src/org/webrtc/ContextUtils.java", "java/src/org/webrtc/Loggable.java", "java/src/org/webrtc/Logging.java", "java/src/org/webrtc/Size.java", "java/src/org/webrtc/ThreadUtils.java", ] } }