// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/test/spawned_test_server/remote_test_server.h" #include #include #include #include "base/base_paths.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "net/base/host_port_pair.h" #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/test/spawned_test_server/remote_test_server_spawner_request.h" #include "net/test/tcp_socket_proxy.h" #include "url/gurl.h" namespace net { namespace { // Please keep in sync with dictionary SERVER_TYPES in testserver.py std::string GetServerTypeString(BaseTestServer::Type type) { switch (type) { case BaseTestServer::TYPE_FTP: return "ftp"; case BaseTestServer::TYPE_HTTP: case BaseTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS: return "http"; case BaseTestServer::TYPE_WS: case BaseTestServer::TYPE_WSS: return "ws"; case BaseTestServer::TYPE_TCP_ECHO: return "tcpecho"; case BaseTestServer::TYPE_UDP_ECHO: return "udpecho"; default: NOTREACHED(); } return std::string(); } } // namespace RemoteTestServer::RemoteTestServer(Type type, const base::FilePath& document_root) : BaseTestServer(type), io_thread_("RemoteTestServer IO Thread") { if (!Init(document_root)) NOTREACHED(); } RemoteTestServer::RemoteTestServer(Type type, const SSLOptions& ssl_options, const base::FilePath& document_root) : BaseTestServer(type, ssl_options), io_thread_("RemoteTestServer IO Thread") { if (!Init(document_root)) NOTREACHED(); } RemoteTestServer::~RemoteTestServer() { Stop(); } bool RemoteTestServer::StartInBackground() { DCHECK(!started()); DCHECK(!start_request_); base::DictionaryValue arguments_dict; if (!GenerateArguments(&arguments_dict)) return false; arguments_dict.Set("on-remote-server", std::make_unique()); // Append the 'server-type' argument which is used by spawner server to // pass right server type to Python test server. arguments_dict.SetString("server-type", GetServerTypeString(type())); // If the server is expected to handle OCSP, it needs to know what port // number to write into the AIA urls. Initialize the ocsp proxy to // reserve a port, and pass it to the testserver so it can generate // certificates for the OCSP server valid for the proxied port. Note that // the test spawer may forward OCSP a second time, from the device to the // host. bool ocsp_server_enabled = type() == TYPE_HTTPS && (ssl_options().server_certificate == SSLOptions::CERT_AUTO_AIA_INTERMEDIATE || !ssl_options().GetOCSPArgument().empty()); if (ocsp_server_enabled) { ocsp_proxy_ = std::make_unique(io_thread_.task_runner()); bool initialized = ocsp_proxy_->Initialize(); CHECK(initialized); arguments_dict.SetKey("ocsp-proxy-port-number", base::Value(ocsp_proxy_->local_port())); } // Generate JSON-formatted argument string. std::string arguments_string; base::JSONWriter::Write(arguments_dict, &arguments_string); if (arguments_string.empty()) return false; start_request_ = std::make_unique( io_thread_.task_runner(), config_.GetSpawnerUrl("start"), arguments_string); return true; } bool RemoteTestServer::BlockUntilStarted() { DCHECK(start_request_); std::string server_data_json; bool request_result = start_request_->WaitForCompletion(&server_data_json); start_request_.reset(); if (!request_result) return false; // Parse server_data_json. if (server_data_json.empty() || !SetAndParseServerData(server_data_json, &remote_port_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse server_data: " << server_data_json; return false; } // If the server is not on localhost then start a proxy on localhost to // forward connections to the server. if (config_.address() != IPAddress::IPv4Localhost()) { test_server_proxy_ = std::make_unique(io_thread_.task_runner()); bool initialized = test_server_proxy_->Initialize(); CHECK(initialized); test_server_proxy_->Start(IPEndPoint(config_.address(), remote_port_)); SetPort(test_server_proxy_->local_port()); } else { SetPort(remote_port_); } if (ocsp_proxy_) { const base::Value* ocsp_port_value = server_data().FindKey("ocsp_port"); if (ocsp_port_value && ocsp_port_value->is_int()) { ocsp_proxy_->Start( IPEndPoint(config_.address(), ocsp_port_value->GetInt())); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "testserver.py didn't return ocsp_port."; } } return SetupWhenServerStarted(); } bool RemoteTestServer::Stop() { DCHECK(!start_request_); if (remote_port_) { std::unique_ptr kill_request = std::make_unique( io_thread_.task_runner(), config_.GetSpawnerUrl( base::StringPrintf("kill?port=%d", remote_port_)), std::string()); if (!kill_request->WaitForCompletion(nullptr)) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed stopping RemoteTestServer"; remote_port_ = 0; } CleanUpWhenStoppingServer(); return true; } // On Android, the document root in the device is not the same as the document // root in the host machine where the test server is launched. So prepend // DIR_SOURCE_ROOT here to get the actual path of document root on the Android // device. base::FilePath RemoteTestServer::GetDocumentRoot() const { base::FilePath src_dir; base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &src_dir); return src_dir.Append(document_root()); } bool RemoteTestServer::Init(const base::FilePath& document_root) { if (document_root.IsAbsolute()) return false; config_ = RemoteTestServerConfig::Load(); bool thread_started = io_thread_.StartWithOptions( base::Thread::Options(base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, 0)); CHECK(thread_started); // Unlike LocalTestServer, RemoteTestServer passes relative paths to the test // server. The test server fails on empty strings in some configurations. base::FilePath fixed_root = document_root; if (fixed_root.empty()) fixed_root = base::FilePath(base::FilePath::kCurrentDirectory); SetResourcePath(fixed_root, base::FilePath() .AppendASCII("net") .AppendASCII("data") .AppendASCII("ssl") .AppendASCII("certificates")); return true; } } // namespace net