#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # pylint: disable=C0301 """Package resources into an apk. See https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/base/+/master/legacy/ant-tasks/src/main/java/com/android/ant/AaptExecTask.java and https://android.googlesource.com/platform/sdk/+/master/files/ant/build.xml """ # pylint: enable=C0301 import multiprocessing.pool import optparse import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import zipfile from util import build_utils # A variation of this lists also exists in: # //base/android/java/src/org/chromium/base/LocaleUtils.java _CHROME_TO_ANDROID_LOCALE_MAP = { 'en-GB': 'en-rGB', 'en-US': 'en-rUS', 'es-419': 'es-rUS', 'fin': 'tl', 'he': 'iw', 'id': 'in', 'pt-PT': 'pt-rPT', 'pt-BR': 'pt-rBR', 'yi': 'ji', 'zh-CN': 'zh-rCN', 'zh-TW': 'zh-rTW', } # List is generated from the chrome_apk.apk_intermediates.ap_ via: # unzip -l $FILE_AP_ | cut -c31- | grep res/draw | cut -d'/' -f 2 | sort \ # | uniq | grep -- -tvdpi- | cut -c10- # and then manually sorted. # Note that we can't just do a cross-product of dimensions because the filenames # become too big and aapt fails to create the files. # This leaves all default drawables (mdpi) in the main apk. Android gets upset # though if any drawables are missing from the default drawables/ directory. DENSITY_SPLITS = { 'hdpi': ( 'hdpi-v4', # Order matters for output file names. 'ldrtl-hdpi-v4', 'sw600dp-hdpi-v13', 'ldrtl-hdpi-v17', 'ldrtl-sw600dp-hdpi-v17', 'hdpi-v21', ), 'xhdpi': ( 'xhdpi-v4', 'ldrtl-xhdpi-v4', 'sw600dp-xhdpi-v13', 'ldrtl-xhdpi-v17', 'ldrtl-sw600dp-xhdpi-v17', 'xhdpi-v21', ), 'xxhdpi': ( 'xxhdpi-v4', 'ldrtl-xxhdpi-v4', 'sw600dp-xxhdpi-v13', 'ldrtl-xxhdpi-v17', 'ldrtl-sw600dp-xxhdpi-v17', 'xxhdpi-v21', ), 'xxxhdpi': ( 'xxxhdpi-v4', 'ldrtl-xxxhdpi-v4', 'sw600dp-xxxhdpi-v13', 'ldrtl-xxxhdpi-v17', 'ldrtl-sw600dp-xxxhdpi-v17', 'xxxhdpi-v21', ), 'tvdpi': ( 'tvdpi-v4', 'sw600dp-tvdpi-v13', 'ldrtl-sw600dp-tvdpi-v17', ), } _PNG_TO_WEBP_ARGS = [ '-mt', '-quiet', '-m', '6', '-q', '100', '-lossless', '-o'] def _ParseArgs(args): """Parses command line options. Returns: An options object as from optparse.OptionsParser.parse_args() """ parser = optparse.OptionParser() build_utils.AddDepfileOption(parser) parser.add_option('--android-sdk-jar', help='path to the Android SDK jar.') parser.add_option('--aapt-path', help='path to the Android aapt tool') parser.add_option('--debuggable', action='store_true', help='Whether to add android:debuggable="true"') parser.add_option('--android-manifest', help='AndroidManifest.xml path') parser.add_option('--version-code', help='Version code for apk.') parser.add_option('--version-name', help='Version name for apk.') parser.add_option( '--shared-resources', action='store_true', help='Make a resource package that can be loaded by a different' 'application at runtime to access the package\'s resources.') parser.add_option( '--app-as-shared-lib', action='store_true', help='Make a resource package that can be loaded as shared library') parser.add_option('--resource-zips', default='[]', help='zip files containing resources to be packaged') parser.add_option('--asset-dir', help='directories containing assets to be packaged') parser.add_option('--no-compress', help='disables compression for the ' 'given comma separated list of extensions') parser.add_option( '--create-density-splits', action='store_true', help='Enables density splits') parser.add_option('--language-splits', default='[]', help='GN list of languages to create splits for') parser.add_option('--locale-whitelist', default='[]', help='GN list of languages to include. All other language ' 'configs will be stripped out. List may include ' 'a combination of Android locales or Chrome locales.') parser.add_option('--apk-path', help='Path to output (partial) apk.') parser.add_option('--exclude-xxxhdpi', action='store_true', help='Do not include xxxhdpi drawables.') parser.add_option('--xxxhdpi-whitelist', default='[]', help='GN list of globs that say which xxxhdpi images to ' 'include even when --exclude-xxxhdpi is set.') parser.add_option('--png-to-webp', action='store_true', help='Convert png files to webp format.') parser.add_option('--webp-binary', default='', help='Path to the cwebp binary.') options, positional_args = parser.parse_args(args) if positional_args: parser.error('No positional arguments should be given.') # Check that required options have been provided. required_options = ('android_sdk_jar', 'aapt_path', 'android_manifest', 'version_code', 'version_name', 'apk_path') build_utils.CheckOptions(options, parser, required=required_options) options.resource_zips = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.resource_zips) options.language_splits = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.language_splits) options.locale_whitelist = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.locale_whitelist) options.xxxhdpi_whitelist = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.xxxhdpi_whitelist) return options def _ToAaptLocales(locale_whitelist): """Converts the list of Chrome locales to aapt config locales.""" ret = set() for locale in locale_whitelist: locale = _CHROME_TO_ANDROID_LOCALE_MAP.get(locale, locale) if locale is None or ('-' in locale and '-r' not in locale): raise Exception('_CHROME_TO_ANDROID_LOCALE_MAP needs updating.' ' Found: %s' % locale) ret.add(locale) # Always keep non-regional fall-backs. language = locale.split('-')[0] ret.add(language) return sorted(ret) def MoveImagesToNonMdpiFolders(res_root): """Move images from drawable-*-mdpi-* folders to drawable-* folders. Why? http://crbug.com/289843 """ for src_dir_name in os.listdir(res_root): src_components = src_dir_name.split('-') if src_components[0] != 'drawable' or 'mdpi' not in src_components: continue src_dir = os.path.join(res_root, src_dir_name) if not os.path.isdir(src_dir): continue dst_components = [c for c in src_components if c != 'mdpi'] assert dst_components != src_components dst_dir_name = '-'.join(dst_components) dst_dir = os.path.join(res_root, dst_dir_name) build_utils.MakeDirectory(dst_dir) for src_file_name in os.listdir(src_dir): if not src_file_name.endswith('.png'): continue src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, src_file_name) dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, src_file_name) assert not os.path.lexists(dst_file) shutil.move(src_file, dst_file) def PackageArgsForExtractedZip(d): """Returns the aapt args for an extracted resources zip. A resources zip either contains the resources for a single target or for multiple targets. If it is multiple targets merged into one, the actual resource directories will be contained in the subdirectories 0, 1, 2, ... """ subdirs = [os.path.join(d, s) for s in os.listdir(d)] subdirs = [s for s in subdirs if os.path.isdir(s)] is_multi = any(os.path.basename(s).isdigit() for s in subdirs) if is_multi: res_dirs = sorted(subdirs, key=lambda p : int(os.path.basename(p))) else: res_dirs = [d] package_command = [] for d in res_dirs: MoveImagesToNonMdpiFolders(d) package_command += ['-S', d] return package_command def _GenerateDensitySplitPaths(apk_path): for density, config in DENSITY_SPLITS.iteritems(): src_path = '%s_%s' % (apk_path, '_'.join(config)) dst_path = '%s_%s' % (apk_path, density) yield src_path, dst_path def _GenerateLanguageSplitOutputPaths(apk_path, languages): for lang in languages: yield '%s_%s' % (apk_path, lang) def RenameDensitySplits(apk_path): """Renames all density splits to have shorter / predictable names.""" for src_path, dst_path in _GenerateDensitySplitPaths(apk_path): shutil.move(src_path, dst_path) def CheckForMissedConfigs(apk_path, check_density, languages): """Raises an exception if apk_path contains any unexpected configs.""" triggers = [] if check_density: triggers.extend(re.compile('-%s' % density) for density in DENSITY_SPLITS) if languages: triggers.extend(re.compile(r'-%s\b' % lang) for lang in languages) with zipfile.ZipFile(apk_path) as main_apk_zip: for name in main_apk_zip.namelist(): for trigger in triggers: if trigger.search(name) and not 'mipmap-' in name: raise Exception(('Found config in main apk that should have been ' + 'put into a split: %s\nYou need to update ' + 'package_resources.py to include this new ' + 'config (trigger=%s)') % (name, trigger.pattern)) def _ConstructMostAaptArgs(options): package_command = [ options.aapt_path, 'package', '--version-code', options.version_code, '--version-name', options.version_name, '-M', options.android_manifest, '--no-crunch', '-f', '--auto-add-overlay', '--no-version-vectors', '-I', options.android_sdk_jar, '-F', options.apk_path, '--ignore-assets', build_utils.AAPT_IGNORE_PATTERN, ] if options.no_compress: for ext in options.no_compress.split(','): package_command += ['-0', ext] if options.shared_resources: package_command.append('--shared-lib') if options.app_as_shared_lib: package_command.append('--app-as-shared-lib') if options.asset_dir and os.path.exists(options.asset_dir): package_command += ['-A', options.asset_dir] if options.create_density_splits: for config in DENSITY_SPLITS.itervalues(): package_command.extend(('--split', ','.join(config))) if options.language_splits: for lang in options.language_splits: package_command.extend(('--split', lang)) if options.debuggable: package_command += ['--debug-mode'] if options.locale_whitelist: aapt_locales = _ToAaptLocales(options.locale_whitelist) package_command += ['-c', ','.join(aapt_locales)] return package_command def _ResourceNameFromPath(path): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] def _CreateExtractPredicate(dep_zips, exclude_xxxhdpi, xxxhdpi_whitelist): if not exclude_xxxhdpi: # Do not extract dotfiles (e.g. ".gitkeep"). aapt ignores them anyways. return lambda path: os.path.basename(path)[0] != '.' # Returns False only for xxxhdpi non-mipmap, non-whitelisted drawables. naive_predicate = lambda path: ( not re.search(r'[/-]xxxhdpi[/-]', path) or re.search(r'[/-]mipmap[/-]', path) or build_utils.MatchesGlob(path, xxxhdpi_whitelist)) # Build a set of all non-xxxhdpi drawables to ensure that we never exclude any # xxxhdpi drawable that does not exist in other densities. non_xxxhdpi_drawables = set() for resource_zip_path in dep_zips: with zipfile.ZipFile(resource_zip_path) as zip_file: for path in zip_file.namelist(): if re.search(r'[/-]drawable[/-]', path) and naive_predicate(path): non_xxxhdpi_drawables.add(_ResourceNameFromPath(path)) return lambda path: (naive_predicate(path) or _ResourceNameFromPath(path) not in non_xxxhdpi_drawables) def _ConvertToWebP(webp_binary, png_files): pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(10) def convert_image(png_path): root = os.path.splitext(png_path)[0] webp_path = root + '.webp' args = [webp_binary, png_path] + _PNG_TO_WEBP_ARGS + [webp_path] subprocess.check_call(args) os.remove(png_path) # Android requires pngs for 9-patch images. pool.map(convert_image, [f for f in png_files if not f.endswith('.9.png')]) pool.close() pool.join() def _OnStaleMd5(package_command, options): with build_utils.TempDir() as temp_dir: if options.resource_zips: dep_zips = options.resource_zips extract_predicate = _CreateExtractPredicate( dep_zips, options.exclude_xxxhdpi, options.xxxhdpi_whitelist) png_paths = [] package_subdirs = [] for z in dep_zips: subdir = os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(z)) if os.path.exists(subdir): raise Exception('Resource zip name conflict: ' + os.path.basename(z)) extracted_files = build_utils.ExtractAll( z, path=subdir, predicate=extract_predicate) if extracted_files: package_subdirs.append(subdir) png_paths.extend(f for f in extracted_files if f.endswith('.png')) if png_paths and options.png_to_webp: _ConvertToWebP(options.webp_binary, png_paths) for subdir in package_subdirs: package_command += PackageArgsForExtractedZip(subdir) build_utils.CheckOutput( package_command, print_stdout=False, print_stderr=False) if options.create_density_splits or options.language_splits: CheckForMissedConfigs(options.apk_path, options.create_density_splits, options.language_splits) if options.create_density_splits: RenameDensitySplits(options.apk_path) def main(args): args = build_utils.ExpandFileArgs(args) options = _ParseArgs(args) package_command = _ConstructMostAaptArgs(options) output_paths = [options.apk_path] if options.create_density_splits: for _, dst_path in _GenerateDensitySplitPaths(options.apk_path): output_paths.append(dst_path) output_paths.extend( _GenerateLanguageSplitOutputPaths(options.apk_path, options.language_splits)) input_paths = [options.android_manifest] + options.resource_zips input_strings = [options.exclude_xxxhdpi] + options.xxxhdpi_whitelist input_strings.extend(package_command) if options.png_to_webp: # This is necessary to ensure conversion if the option is toggled. input_strings.extend("png_to_webp") # The md5_check.py doesn't count file path in md5 intentionally, # in order to repackage resources when assets' name changed, we need # to put assets into input_strings, as we know the assets path isn't # changed among each build if there is no asset change. if options.asset_dir and os.path.exists(options.asset_dir): asset_paths = [] for root, _, filenames in os.walk(options.asset_dir): asset_paths.extend(os.path.join(root, f) for f in filenames) input_paths.extend(asset_paths) input_strings.extend(sorted(asset_paths)) build_utils.CallAndWriteDepfileIfStale( lambda: _OnStaleMd5(package_command, options), options, input_paths=input_paths, input_strings=input_strings, output_paths=output_paths) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])