# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # Fuzzing Infrastructure Tests import("//testing/test.gni") import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni") test("libfuzzer_tests") { sources = [ "fuzzer_launcher_test.cc", ] deps = [ ":test_config_and_dict", ":test_config_and_seed_corpus", ":test_config_and_seed_corpuses", ":test_config_only", ":test_dict_from_subdir", ":test_dict_only", "//base", "//testing/gmock", "//testing/gtest", "//testing/gtest:gtest_main", ] data_deps = [ ":check_fuzzer_config", ":check_seed_corpus_archive", ] } fuzzer_test("test_dict_only") { sources = [ "../fuzzers/empty_fuzzer.cc", ] dict = "test.dict" additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } fuzzer_test("test_config_only") { sources = [ "../fuzzers/empty_fuzzer.cc", ] libfuzzer_options = [ "some_test_option=test_value", "max_len=1024", ] additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } fuzzer_test("test_config_and_dict") { sources = [ "../fuzzers/empty_fuzzer.cc", ] dict = "test.dict" libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=random(1337, 31337)", "timeout = 666", "use_traces=1", ] additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } fuzzer_test("test_config_and_seed_corpus") { sources = [ "../fuzzers/empty_fuzzer.cc", ] seed_corpus = "test_corpus" libfuzzer_options = [ "some_test_option=test_value", "max_len=1024", ] additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } fuzzer_test("test_config_and_seed_corpuses") { sources = [ "../fuzzers/empty_fuzzer.cc", ] seed_corpuses = [ "test_corpus", "test_corpus_2", ] libfuzzer_options = [ "some_test_option=another_test_value", "max_len=1337", ] additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } fuzzer_test("test_dict_from_subdir") { sources = [ "../fuzzers/empty_fuzzer.cc", ] dict = "dicts_subdir/test_subdir.dict" additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } copy("check_fuzzer_config") { sources = [ "check_fuzzer_config.py", ] outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/check_fuzzer_config.py", ] } copy("check_seed_corpus_archive") { sources = [ "check_seed_corpus_archive.py", ] outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/check_seed_corpus_archive.py", ] }