// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module content.mojom;

import "content/common/url_loader_factory_bundle.mojom";
import "content/public/common/url_loader.mojom";
import "content/public/common/window_container_type.mojom";
import "mojo/common/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "services/service_manager/public/interfaces/interface_provider.mojom";
import "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/referrer.mojom";
import "third_party/WebKit/public/web/window_features.mojom";
import "ui/base/mojo/window_open_disposition.mojom";
import "url/mojo/url.mojom";

// The name of the InterfaceProviderSpec in service manifests used by the
// frame tree to expose frame-specific interfaces between renderer and browser.
const string kNavigation_FrameSpec = "navigation:frame";

// Implemented by the frame provider (e.g. renderer processes).
interface Frame {
  GetInterfaceProvider(service_manager.mojom.InterfaceProvider& interfaces);
  GetCanonicalUrlForSharing() => (url.mojom.Url? canonical_url);

// See src/content/common/navigation_params.h
struct CommonNavigationParams;

// See src/content/common/navigation_params.h
struct RequestNavigationParams;

// Implemented by the frame provider and currently must be associated with the
// legacy IPC channel.
interface FrameNavigationControl {
  // Tells the renderer that a navigation is ready to commit.  The renderer
  // should request |body_url| to get access to the stream containing the body
  // of the response. When the Network Service is enabled, |body_url| is not
  // used and instead the data is passed to the renderer via |body_data|. In
  // that case |subresource_loader_factories| may also be provided by the
  // browser as a a means for the renderer to load subresources where
  // applicable.
  // For automation driver-initiated navigations over the devtools protocol,
  // |devtools_navigation_token_| is used to tag the navigation. This navigation
  // token is then sent into the renderer and lands on the DocumentLoader. That
  // way subsequent Blink-level frame lifecycle events can be associated with
  // the concrete navigation.
  // - The value should not be sent back to the browser.
  // - The value on DocumentLoader may be generated in the renderer in some
  // cases, and thus shouldn't be trusted.
  // TODO(crbug.com/783506): Replace devtools navigation token with the generic
  // navigation token that can be passed from renderer to the browser.
  CommitNavigation(URLResponseHead head,
                   url.mojom.Url body_url,
                   CommonNavigationParams common_params,
                   RequestNavigationParams request_params,
                   handle<data_pipe_consumer>? body_data,
                   URLLoaderFactoryBundle? subresource_loader_factories,
                   mojo.common.mojom.UnguessableToken devtools_navigation_token);

// Implemented by the frame (e.g. renderer processes).
// Instances of this interface must be associated with (i.e., FIFO with) the
// legacy IPC channel.
interface FrameBindingsControl {
  // Used to tell a render frame whether it should expose various bindings
  // that allow JS content extended privileges. See BindingsPolicy for valid
  // flag values.
  AllowBindings(int32 enabled_bindings_flags);

// Implemented by a service that provides implementations of the Frame
// interface. (e.g. renderer processes).
interface FrameFactory {
  CreateFrame(int32 frame_routing_id, Frame& frame);

struct CreateNewWindowParams {
  // True if this open request came in the context of a user gesture.
  bool user_gesture;

  // Type of window requested.
  WindowContainerType window_container_type;

  // The session storage namespace ID this window should use.
  int64 session_storage_namespace_id;

  // The name of the resulting frame that should be created (empty if none
  // has been specified). UTF8 encoded string.
  string frame_name;

  // Whether the opener will be suppressed in the new window, in which case
  // scripting the new window is not allowed.
  bool opener_suppressed;

  // Whether the window should be opened in the foreground, background, etc.
  ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition disposition;

  // The URL that will be loaded in the new window (empty if none has been
  // specified).
  url.mojom.Url target_url;

  // The referrer that will be used to load |target_url| (empty if none has
  // been specified).
  blink.mojom.Referrer referrer;

  // The window features to use for the new window.
  blink.mojom.WindowFeatures features;

// Operation result when the renderer asks the browser to create a new window.
enum CreateNewWindowStatus {
  // Ignore creation of the new window. This can happen because creation is
  // blocked or because the new window should have no opener relationship.
  // Reuse the current window rather than creating a new window.
  // Create a new window using the corresponding params in |reply|.

// All routing IDs in this struct must be set to a valid routing ID.
struct CreateNewWindowReply {
  // The ID of the view to be created.
  int32 route_id;

  // The ID of the main frame hosted in the view.
  int32 main_frame_route_id;

  // The ID of the widget for the main frame.
  int32 main_frame_widget_route_id;

  // The InterfaceProvider through which the main RenderFrame can access
  // services exposed by its RenderFrameHost.
  service_manager.mojom.InterfaceProvider main_frame_interface_provider;

  // Duplicated from CreateNewWindowParams because legacy code.
  int64 cloned_session_storage_namespace_id;

  // Used for devtools instrumentation and trace-ability. The token is
  // propagated to Blink's LocalFrame and both Blink and content/
  // can tag calls and requests with this instrumentation token in order to
  // attribute them to the context frame.
  // |devtools_frame_token| is only defined by the browser and is never
  // sent back from the renderer in the control calls.
  mojo.common.mojom.UnguessableToken devtools_main_frame_token;

// An opaque handle that keeps alive the associated render process even after
// the frame is detached. Used by resource requests with "keepalive" specified.
interface KeepAliveHandle {};

struct DidCommitProvisionalLoadParams;

// Implemented by the frame server (i.e. the browser process). For messages that
// must be associated with the IPC channel.
interface FrameHost {
  // Sent by the renderer to request the browser to create a new window. |reply|
  // is only non-null on when status == CreateNewWindowStatus::kSuccess.
  [Sync] CreateNewWindow(CreateNewWindowParams params)
      => (CreateNewWindowStatus status, CreateNewWindowReply? reply);

  // Creates and returns a KeepAliveHandle.
  IssueKeepAliveHandle(KeepAliveHandle& keep_alive_handle);

  // Sent by the renderer when a navigation commits in the frame.
      DidCommitProvisionalLoadParams params);