// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"

namespace base {
namespace debug {

// A crash key is an annotation that is carried along with a crash report, to
// provide additional debugging information beyond a stack trace. Crash keys
// have a name and a string value.
// The preferred API is //components/crash/core/common:crash_key, however not
// all clients can hold a direct dependency on that target. The API provided
// in this file indirects the dependency.
// Example usage:
//   static CrashKeyString* crash_key =
//       AllocateCrashKeyString("name", CrashKeySize::Size32);
//   SetCrashKeyString(crash_key, "value");
//   ClearCrashKeyString(crash_key);

// The maximum length for a crash key's value must be one of the following
// pre-determined values.
enum class CrashKeySize {
  Size32 = 32,
  Size64 = 64,
  Size256 = 256,

struct CrashKeyString;

// Allocates a new crash key with the specified |name| with storage for a
// value up to length |size|. This will return null if the crash key system is
// not initialized.
BASE_EXPORT CrashKeyString* AllocateCrashKeyString(const char name[],
                                                   CrashKeySize size);

// Stores |value| into the specified |crash_key|. The |crash_key| may be null
// if AllocateCrashKeyString() returned null. If |value| is longer than the
// size with which the key was allocated, it will be truncated.
BASE_EXPORT void SetCrashKeyString(CrashKeyString* crash_key,
                                   base::StringPiece value);

// Clears any value that was stored in |crash_key|. The |crash_key| may be
// null.
BASE_EXPORT void ClearCrashKeyString(CrashKeyString* crash_key);

// The following declarations are used to initialize the crash key system
// in //base by providing implementations for the above functions.

// The virtual interface that provides the implementation for the crash key
// API. This is implemented by a higher-layer component, and the instance is
// set using the function below.
class CrashKeyImplementation {
  virtual ~CrashKeyImplementation() {}

  virtual CrashKeyString* Allocate(const char name[], CrashKeySize size) = 0;
  virtual void Set(CrashKeyString* crash_key, base::StringPiece value) = 0;
  virtual void Clear(CrashKeyString* crash_key) = 0;

// Initializes the crash key system in base by replacing the existing
// implementation, if it exists, with |impl|. The |impl| is copied into base.
BASE_EXPORT void SetCrashKeyImplementation(
    std::unique_ptr<CrashKeyImplementation> impl);

// The base structure for a crash key, storing the allocation metadata.
struct CrashKeyString {
  constexpr CrashKeyString(const char name[], CrashKeySize size)
      : name(name), size(size) {}
  const char* const name;
  const CrashKeySize size;

// The API below is deprecated.

class StackTrace;

// Sets or clears a specific key-value pair from the crash metadata. Keys and
// values are terminated at the null byte.
BASE_EXPORT void SetCrashKeyValue(const base::StringPiece& key,
                                  const base::StringPiece& value);
BASE_EXPORT void ClearCrashKey(const base::StringPiece& key);

// Records the given StackTrace into a crash key.
BASE_EXPORT void SetCrashKeyToStackTrace(const base::StringPiece& key,
                                         const StackTrace& trace);

// Formats |count| instruction pointers from |addresses| using %p and
// sets the resulting string as a value for crash key |key|. A maximum of 23
// items will be encoded, since breakpad limits values to 255 bytes.
BASE_EXPORT void SetCrashKeyFromAddresses(const base::StringPiece& key,
                                          const void* const* addresses,
                                          size_t count);

// A scoper that sets the specified key to value for the lifetime of the
// object, and clears it on destruction.
class BASE_EXPORT ScopedCrashKey {
  ScopedCrashKey(const base::StringPiece& key, const base::StringPiece& value);

  // Helper to force a static_assert when instantiating a ScopedCrashKey
  // temporary without a name. The usual idiom is to just #define a macro that
  // static_asserts with the message; however, that doesn't work well when the
  // type is in a namespace.
  // Instead, we use a templated helper to trigger the static_assert, observing
  //   two rules:
  // - The static_assert needs to be in a normally uninstantiated template;
  //   otherwise, it will fail to compile =)
  // - Similarly, the static_assert must be dependent on the template argument,
  //   to prevent it from being evaluated until the template is instantiated.
  // To prevent this constructor from being accidentally invoked, it takes a
  // special enum as an argument.

  // Finally, note that this can't just be a template function that takes only
  // one parameter, because this ends up triggering the vexing parse issue.
  enum ScopedCrashKeyNeedsNameTag {

  template <typename... Args>
  explicit ScopedCrashKey(ScopedCrashKeyNeedsNameTag, const Args&...) {
    constexpr bool always_false = sizeof...(Args) == 0 && sizeof...(Args) != 0;
        "scoped crash key objects should not be unnamed temporaries.");

  std::string key_;


// Disallow an instantation of ScopedCrashKey without a name, since this results
// in a temporary that is immediately destroyed. Doing so will trigger the
// static_assert in the templated constructor helper in ScopedCrashKey.
#define ScopedCrashKey(...) \
  ScopedCrashKey(base::debug::ScopedCrashKey::KEY_NEEDS_NAME, __VA_ARGS__)

// Before setting values for a key, all the keys must be registered.
struct BASE_EXPORT CrashKey {
  // The name of the crash key, used in the above functions.
  const char* key_name;

  // The maximum length for a value. If the value is longer than this, it will
  // be truncated. If the value is larger than the |chunk_max_length| passed to
  // InitCrashKeys() but less than this value, it will be split into multiple
  // numbered chunks.
  size_t max_length;

// Before the crash key logging mechanism can be used, all crash keys must be
// registered with this function. The function returns the amount of space
// the crash reporting implementation should allocate space for the registered
// crash keys. |chunk_max_length| is the maximum size that a value in a single
// chunk can be.
BASE_EXPORT size_t InitCrashKeys(const CrashKey* const keys, size_t count,
                                 size_t chunk_max_length);

// Returns the corresponding crash key object or NULL for a given key.
BASE_EXPORT const CrashKey* LookupCrashKey(const base::StringPiece& key);

// In the platform crash reporting implementation, these functions set and
// clear the NUL-terminated key-value pairs.
typedef void (*SetCrashKeyValueFuncT)(const base::StringPiece&,
                                      const base::StringPiece&);
typedef void (*ClearCrashKeyValueFuncT)(const base::StringPiece&);

// Sets the function pointers that are used to integrate with the platform-
// specific crash reporting libraries.
BASE_EXPORT void SetCrashKeyReportingFunctions(
    SetCrashKeyValueFuncT set_key_func,
    ClearCrashKeyValueFuncT clear_key_func);

// Helper function that breaks up a value according to the parameters
// specified by the crash key object.
BASE_EXPORT std::vector<std::string> ChunkCrashKeyValue(
    const CrashKey& crash_key,
    const base::StringPiece& value,
    size_t chunk_max_length);

// Resets the crash key system so it can be reinitialized. For testing only.
BASE_EXPORT void ResetCrashLoggingForTesting();

}  // namespace debug
}  // namespace base