# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Functions used to provision Fuchsia boot images.""" import common import logging import os import subprocess import tempfile import time import uuid _SSH_CONFIG_TEMPLATE = """ Host * CheckHostIP no StrictHostKeyChecking no ForwardAgent no ForwardX11 no UserKnownHostsFile {known_hosts} User fuchsia IdentitiesOnly yes IdentityFile {identity} ServerAliveInterval 1 ServerAliveCountMax 1 ControlMaster auto ControlPersist 1m ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p""" FVM_TYPE_QCOW = 'qcow' FVM_TYPE_SPARSE = 'sparse' def _TargetCpuToSdkBinPath(target_arch): """Returns the path to the SDK 'target' file directory for |target_cpu|.""" return os.path.join(common.SDK_ROOT, 'target', target_arch) def _ProvisionSSH(output_dir): """Provisions the key files used by the SSH daemon, and generates a configuration file used by clients for connecting to SSH. Returns a tuple with: #0: the client configuration file #1: a list of file path pairs: (, ). """ host_key_path = output_dir + '/ssh_key' host_pubkey_path = host_key_path + '.pub' id_key_path = output_dir + '/id_ed25519' id_pubkey_path = id_key_path + '.pub' known_hosts_path = output_dir + '/known_hosts' ssh_config_path = GetSSHConfigPath(output_dir) logging.debug('Generating SSH credentials.') if not os.path.isfile(host_key_path): subprocess.check_call(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-h', '-f', host_key_path, '-P', '', '-N', ''], stdout=open(os.devnull)) if not os.path.isfile(id_key_path): subprocess.check_call(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-f', id_key_path, '-P', '', '-N', ''], stdout=open(os.devnull)) with open(ssh_config_path, "w") as ssh_config: ssh_config.write( _SSH_CONFIG_TEMPLATE.format(identity=id_key_path, known_hosts=known_hosts_path)) if os.path.exists(known_hosts_path): os.remove(known_hosts_path) return ( ssh_config_path, (('ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key', host_key_path), ('ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub', host_pubkey_path), ('ssh/authorized_keys', id_pubkey_path)) ) def _MakeQcowDisk(output_dir, disk_path): """Creates a QEMU copy-on-write version of |disk_path| in the output directory.""" qimg_path = os.path.join(common.SDK_ROOT, 'qemu', 'bin', 'qemu-img') output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(disk_path) + '.qcow2') subprocess.check_call([qimg_path, 'create', '-q', '-f', 'qcow2', '-b', disk_path, output_path]) return output_path def GetTargetFile(target_arch, filename): """Computes a path to |filename| in the Fuchsia target directory specific to |target_arch|.""" return os.path.join(_TargetCpuToSdkBinPath(target_arch), filename) def GetSSHConfigPath(output_dir): return output_dir + '/ssh_config' def ConfigureDataFVM(output_dir, output_type): """Builds the FVM image for the /data volume and prepopulates it with SSH keys. output_dir: Path to the output directory which will contain the FVM file. output_type: If FVM_TYPE_QCOW, then returns a path to the qcow2 FVM file, used for QEMU. If FVM_TYPE_SPARSE, then returns a path to the sparse/compressed FVM file.""" logging.debug('Building /data partition FVM file.') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as data_file: # Build up the minfs partition data and install keys into it. ssh_config, ssh_data = _ProvisionSSH(output_dir) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as manifest: for dest, src in ssh_data: manifest.write('%s=%s\n' % (dest, src)) manifest.flush() minfs_path = os.path.join(common.SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'minfs') subprocess.check_call([minfs_path, '%s@1G' % data_file.name, 'create']) subprocess.check_call([minfs_path, data_file.name, 'manifest', manifest.name]) # Wrap the minfs partition in a FVM container. fvm_path = os.path.join(common.SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'fvm') fvm_output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'fvm.data.blk') if os.path.exists(fvm_output_path): os.remove(fvm_output_path) if output_type == FVM_TYPE_SPARSE: cmd = [fvm_path, fvm_output_path, 'sparse', '--compress', 'lz4', '--data', data_file.name] else: cmd = [fvm_path, fvm_output_path, 'create', '--data', data_file.name] logging.debug(' '.join(cmd)) subprocess.check_call(cmd) if output_type == FVM_TYPE_SPARSE: return fvm_output_path elif output_type == FVM_TYPE_QCOW: return _MakeQcowDisk(output_dir, fvm_output_path) else: raise Exception('Unknown output_type: %r' % output_type) def GetNodeName(output_dir): """Returns the cached Zircon node name, or generates one if it doesn't already exist. The node name is used by Discover to find the prior deployment on the LAN.""" nodename_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'nodename') if not os.path.exists(nodename_file): nodename = uuid.uuid4() f = open(nodename_file, 'w') f.write(str(nodename)) f.flush() f.close() return str(nodename) else: f = open(nodename_file, 'r') return f.readline() def GetKernelArgs(output_dir): return ['devmgr.epoch=%d' % time.time(), 'zircon.nodename=' + GetNodeName(output_dir)]