# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/ios/rules.gni") import("//ios/features.gni") template("cronet_consumer_template") { _target_name = target_name ios_app_bundle(_target_name) { info_plist = "cronet-consumer-Info.plist" deps = [ "//base:base", ] deps += invoker.deps sources = [ "cronet_consumer_app_delegate.h", "cronet_consumer_app_delegate.mm", "cronet_consumer_view_controller.h", "cronet_consumer_view_controller.m", "main.mm", ] forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "bundle_deps", "cflags", "ldflags", ]) configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ] } } cronet_consumer_template("cronet_consumer") { deps = [ "//components/cronet/ios:cronet_framework+link", ] bundle_deps = [ "//components/cronet/ios:cronet_framework+bundle" ] } # TODO(mef): Building "cronet_consumer_static" app with additional_target_cpus # causes "cronet_static_framework" to build lipo_binary("libcronet") for # duplicate architecture (e.g. arm64+arm64) and breaks the build. if (!defined(additional_target_cpus)) { cronet_consumer_template("cronet_consumer_static") { deps = [ "//components/cronet/ios:cronet_static_framework", ] cflags = [ "-F", "Static", ] ldflags = [ "-F", "Static", ] } }