# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Methods for converting model objects to human-readable formats.""" import abc import cStringIO import collections import csv import datetime import itertools import math import time import models def _PrettySize(size): # Arbitrarily chosen cut-off. if abs(size) < 2000: return '%d bytes' % size # Always show 3 digits. size /= 1024.0 if abs(size) < 10: return '%.2fkb' % size elif abs(size) < 100: return '%.1fkb' % size elif abs(size) < 1024: return '%dkb' % size size /= 1024.0 if abs(size) < 10: return '%.2fmb' % size # We shouldn't be seeing sizes > 100mb. return '%.1fmb' % size def _FormatPss(pss, force_sign=False): # Shows a decimal for small numbers to make it clear that a shared symbol has # a non-zero pss. if abs(pss) > 10: return str(int(pss)) near_int = abs(pss) % 1 < 0.05 if near_int and abs(pss) < 1 and pss: return '~0' if force_sign: return ('%+.0f' if near_int else '%+.1f') % pss return ('%.0f' if near_int else '%.1f') % pss def _Divide(a, b): return float(a) / b if b else 0 def _IncludeInTotals(section_name): return section_name != models.SECTION_BSS and '(' not in section_name def _GetSectionSizeInfo(section_sizes): total_bytes = sum(v for k, v in section_sizes.iteritems() if _IncludeInTotals(k)) max_bytes = max(abs(v) for k, v in section_sizes.iteritems() if _IncludeInTotals(k)) def is_relevant_section(name, size): # Show all sections containing symbols, plus relocations. # As a catch-all, also include any section that comprises > 4% of the # largest section. Use largest section rather than total so that it still # works out when showing a diff containing +100, -100 (total=0). return (name in models.SECTION_TO_SECTION_NAME.values() or name in ('.rela.dyn', '.rel.dyn') or _IncludeInTotals(name) and abs(_Divide(size, max_bytes)) > .04) section_names = sorted(k for k, v in section_sizes.iteritems() if is_relevant_section(k, v)) return (total_bytes, section_names) class Histogram(object): BUCKET_NAMES_FOR_SMALL_VALUES = {-1: '(-1,0)', 0: '{0}', 1: '(0,1)'} def __init__(self): self.data = collections.defaultdict(int) # Input: (-8,-4], (-4,-2], (-2,-1], (-1,0), {0}, (0,1), [1,2), [2,4), [4,8). # Output: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. @staticmethod def _Bucket(v): absv = abs(v) if absv < 1: return 0 if v == 0 else (-1 if v < 0 else 1) mag = int(math.log(absv, 2.0)) + 2 return mag if v > 0 else -mag @staticmethod def _BucketName(k): if abs(k) <= 1: return Histogram.BUCKET_NAMES_FOR_SMALL_VALUES[k] if k < 0: return '(-{},-{}]'.format(1 << (-k - 1), 1 << (-k - 2)) return '[{},{})'.format(1 << (k - 2), 1 << (k - 1)) def Add(self, v): self.data[self._Bucket(v)] += 1 def Generate(self): keys = sorted(self.data.keys()) bucket_names = [self._BucketName(k) for k in keys] bucket_values = [str(self.data[k]) for k in keys] num_items = len(keys) num_cols = 6 num_rows = (num_items + num_cols - 1) / num_cols # Divide and round up. # Needed for xrange to not throw due to step by 0. if num_rows == 0: return # Spaces needed by items in each column, to align on ':'. name_col_widths = [] value_col_widths = [] for i in xrange(0, num_items, num_rows): name_col_widths.append(max(len(s) for s in bucket_names[i:][:num_rows])) value_col_widths.append(max(len(s) for s in bucket_values[i:][:num_rows])) yield 'Histogram of symbols based on PSS:' for r in xrange(num_rows): row = zip(bucket_names[r::num_rows], name_col_widths, bucket_values[r::num_rows], value_col_widths) line = ' ' + ' '.join('{:>{}}: {:<{}}'.format(*t) for t in row) yield line.rstrip() class Describer(object): def __init__(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _DescribeDeltaSizeInfo(self, diff): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _DescribeSizeInfo(self, size_info): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _DescribeDeltaSymbolGroup(self, delta_group): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _DescribeSymbolGroup(self, group): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _DescribeSymbol(self, sym, single_line=False): pass def _DescribeIterable(self, obj): for i, x in enumerate(obj): yield '{}: {!r}'.format(i, x) def GenerateLines(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, models.DeltaSizeInfo): return self._DescribeDeltaSizeInfo(obj) if isinstance(obj, models.SizeInfo): return self._DescribeSizeInfo(obj) if isinstance(obj, models.DeltaSymbolGroup): return self._DescribeDeltaSymbolGroup(obj) if isinstance(obj, models.SymbolGroup): return self._DescribeSymbolGroup(obj) if isinstance(obj, (models.Symbol, models.DeltaSymbol)): return self._DescribeSymbol(obj) if hasattr(obj, '__iter__'): return self._DescribeIterable(obj) return iter((repr(obj),)) class DescriberText(Describer): def __init__(self, verbose=False, recursive=False, summarize=True): super(DescriberText, self).__init__() self.verbose = verbose self.recursive = recursive self.summarize = summarize def _DescribeSectionSizes(self, section_sizes): total_bytes, section_names = _GetSectionSizeInfo(section_sizes) yield '' yield 'Section Sizes (Total={} ({} bytes)):'.format( _PrettySize(total_bytes), total_bytes) for name in section_names: size = section_sizes[name] if not _IncludeInTotals(name): yield ' {}: {} ({} bytes) (not included in totals)'.format( name, _PrettySize(size), size) else: percent = _Divide(size, total_bytes) yield ' {}: {} ({} bytes) ({:.1%})'.format( name, _PrettySize(size), size, percent) if self.verbose: yield '' yield 'Other section sizes:' section_names = sorted(k for k in section_sizes.iterkeys() if k not in section_names) for name in section_names: not_included_part = '' if not _IncludeInTotals(name): not_included_part = ' (not included in totals)' yield ' {}: {} ({} bytes){}'.format( name, _PrettySize(section_sizes[name]), section_sizes[name], not_included_part) def _DescribeSymbol(self, sym, single_line=False): address = 'Group' if sym.IsGroup() else hex(sym.address) last_field = '' if sym.IsGroup(): last_field = 'count=%d' % len(sym) else: syms = [sym.before_symbol, sym.after_symbol] if sym.IsDelta() else [sym] num_aliases = [s.num_aliases for s in syms if not s is None] if num_aliases[0] != num_aliases[-1]: # If 2 distinct values. last_field = 'num_aliases=%d->%d' % tuple(num_aliases) elif num_aliases[0] > 1 or self.verbose: last_field = 'num_aliases=%d' % num_aliases[0] pss_field = _FormatPss(sym.pss, sym.IsDelta()) if sym.IsDelta(): b = sum(s.before_symbol.pss_without_padding if s.before_symbol else 0 for s in sym.IterLeafSymbols()) a = sum(s.after_symbol.pss_without_padding if s.after_symbol else 0 for s in sym.IterLeafSymbols()) pss_field = '{} ({}->{})'.format(pss_field, _FormatPss(b), _FormatPss(a)) elif sym.num_aliases > 1: pss_field = '{} (size={})'.format(pss_field, sym.size) if self.verbose: if last_field: last_field = ' ' + last_field if sym.IsDelta(): yield '{}@{:<9s} {}{}'.format( sym.section, address, pss_field, last_field) else: l = '{}@{:<9s} pss={} padding={}{}'.format( sym.section, address, pss_field, sym.padding, last_field) yield l yield ' source_path={} \tobject_path={}'.format( sym.source_path, sym.object_path) if sym.name: yield ' flags={} name={}'.format(sym.FlagsString(), sym.name) if sym.full_name is not sym.name: yield ' full_name={}'.format(sym.full_name) elif sym.full_name: yield ' flags={} full_name={}'.format( sym.FlagsString(), sym.full_name) else: if last_field: last_field = ' ({})'.format(last_field) if sym.IsDelta(): pss_field = '{:<18}'.format(pss_field) else: pss_field = '{:<14}'.format(pss_field) if single_line: yield '{}@{:<9s} {} {}{}'.format( sym.section, address, pss_field, sym.name, last_field) else: path = sym.source_path or sym.object_path or '{no path}' if sym.generated_source: path = '$root_gen_dir/' + path yield '{}@{:<9s} {} {}'.format( sym.section, address, pss_field, path) if sym.name: yield ' {}{}'.format(sym.name, last_field) def _DescribeSymbolGroupChildren(self, group, indent=0): running_total = 0 running_percent = 0 is_delta = group.IsDelta() all_groups = all(s.IsGroup() for s in group) indent_prefix = '> ' * indent diff_prefix = '' total = group.pss # is_default_sorted ==> sorted by abs(PSS) from largest to smallest. if group.is_default_sorted: # Skip long tail of small symbols (useful for diffs where aliases change). # Long tail is defined as: # * Accounts for < .5% of PSS # * Symbols are smaller than 1.0 byte (by PSS) # * Always show at least 50 symbols. min_remaining_pss_to_show = max(1024, total / 1000 * 5) min_symbol_pss_to_show = 1.0 min_symbols_to_show = 50 for index, s in enumerate(group): if group.is_default_sorted and not self.verbose: remaining_pss = total - running_total if (index >= min_symbols_to_show and abs(remaining_pss) < min_remaining_pss_to_show and abs(s.pss) < min_symbol_pss_to_show): remaining_count = len(group) - index yield '{}Skipping {} tiny symbols comprising {} bytes.'.format( indent_prefix, remaining_count, _FormatPss(remaining_pss)) break if group.IsBss() or not s.IsBss(): running_total += s.pss running_percent = _Divide(running_total, total) for l in self._DescribeSymbol(s, single_line=all_groups): if l[:4].isspace(): indent_size = 8 + len(indent_prefix) + len(diff_prefix) yield '{} {}'.format(' ' * indent_size, l) else: if is_delta: diff_prefix = models.DIFF_PREFIX_BY_STATUS[s.diff_status] yield '{}{}{:<4} {:>8} {:7} {}'.format( indent_prefix, diff_prefix, str(index) + ')', _FormatPss(running_total), '({:.1%})'.format(running_percent), l) if self.recursive and s.IsGroup(): for l in self._DescribeSymbolGroupChildren(s, indent=indent + 1): yield l def _DescribeSymbolGroup(self, group): if self.summarize: total_size = group.pss section_sizes = collections.defaultdict(float) for s in group.IterLeafSymbols(): section_sizes[s.section_name] += s.pss # Apply this filter after calcualating size since an alias being removed # causes some symbols to be UNCHANGED, yet have pss != 0. if group.IsDelta(): group = group.WhereDiffStatusIs(models.DIFF_STATUS_UNCHANGED).Inverted() if self.summarize: histogram = Histogram() for s in group: histogram.Add(s.pss) unique_paths = set() for s in group.IterLeafSymbols(): # Ignore paths like foo/{shared}/2 if '{' not in s.object_path: unique_paths.add(s.object_path) if group.IsDelta(): before_unique, after_unique = group.CountUniqueSymbols() unique_part = '{:,} -> {:,} unique'.format(before_unique, after_unique) else: unique_part = '{:,} unique'.format(group.CountUniqueSymbols()) relevant_sections = [ s for s in models.SECTION_TO_SECTION_NAME.itervalues() if s in section_sizes] if models.SECTION_MULTIPLE in relevant_sections: relevant_sections.remove(models.SECTION_MULTIPLE) size_summary = ' '.join( '{}={:<10}'.format(k, _PrettySize(int(section_sizes[k]))) for k in relevant_sections) size_summary += ' total={:<10}'.format(_PrettySize(int(total_size))) section_legend = ', '.join( '{}={}'.format(models.SECTION_NAME_TO_SECTION[k], k) for k in relevant_sections if k in models.SECTION_NAME_TO_SECTION) summary_desc = itertools.chain( ['Showing {:,} symbols ({}) with total pss: {} bytes'.format( len(group), unique_part, int(total_size))], histogram.Generate(), [size_summary.rstrip()], ['Number of unique paths: {}'.format(len(unique_paths))], [''], ['Section Legend: {}'.format(section_legend)], ) else: summary_desc = () if self.verbose: titles = 'Index | Running Total | Section@Address | ...' elif group.IsDelta(): titles = (u'Index | Running Total | Section@Address | \u0394 PSS ' u'(\u0394 size_without_padding) | Path').encode('utf-8') else: titles = ('Index | Running Total | Section@Address | PSS | Path') header_desc = (titles, '-' * 60) children_desc = self._DescribeSymbolGroupChildren(group) return itertools.chain(summary_desc, header_desc, children_desc) def _DescribeDiffObjectPaths(self, delta_group): paths_by_status = [set(), set(), set(), set()] for s in delta_group.IterLeafSymbols(): path = s.source_path or s.object_path # Ignore paths like foo/{shared}/2 if '{' not in path: paths_by_status[s.diff_status].add(path) # Initial paths sets are those where *any* symbol is # unchanged/changed/added/removed. unchanged, changed, added, removed = paths_by_status # Consider a path with both adds & removes as "changed". changed.update(added.intersection(removed)) # Consider a path added / removed only when all symbols are new/removed. added.difference_update(unchanged) added.difference_update(changed) added.difference_update(removed) removed.difference_update(unchanged) removed.difference_update(changed) removed.difference_update(added) yield '{} paths added, {} removed, {} changed'.format( len(added), len(removed), len(changed)) if self.verbose and len(added): yield 'Added files:' for p in sorted(added): yield ' ' + p if self.verbose and len(removed): yield 'Removed files:' for p in sorted(removed): yield ' ' + p if self.verbose and len(changed): yield 'Changed files:' for p in sorted(changed): yield ' ' + p def _DescribeDeltaSymbolGroup(self, delta_group): if self.summarize: header_template = ('{} symbols added (+), {} changed (~), ' '{} removed (-), {} unchanged (not shown)') # Apply this filter since an alias being removed causes some symbols to be # UNCHANGED, yet have pss != 0. changed_delta_group = delta_group.WhereDiffStatusIs( models.DIFF_STATUS_UNCHANGED).Inverted() num_inc = sum(1 for s in changed_delta_group if s.pss > 0) num_dec = sum(1 for s in changed_delta_group if s.pss < 0) counts = delta_group.CountsByDiffStatus() num_unique_before_symbols, num_unique_after_symbols = ( delta_group.CountUniqueSymbols()) diff_summary_desc = [ header_template.format( counts[models.DIFF_STATUS_ADDED], counts[models.DIFF_STATUS_CHANGED], counts[models.DIFF_STATUS_REMOVED], counts[models.DIFF_STATUS_UNCHANGED]), 'Of changed symbols, {} grew, {} shrank'.format(num_inc, num_dec), 'Number of unique symbols {} -> {} ({:+})'.format( num_unique_before_symbols, num_unique_after_symbols, num_unique_after_symbols - num_unique_before_symbols), ] path_delta_desc = itertools.chain( self._DescribeDiffObjectPaths(delta_group), ('',)) else: diff_summary_desc = () path_delta_desc = () group_desc = self._DescribeSymbolGroup(delta_group) return itertools.chain(diff_summary_desc, path_delta_desc, group_desc) def _DescribeDeltaSizeInfo(self, diff): common_metadata = {k: v for k, v in diff.before.metadata.iteritems() if diff.after.metadata[k] == v} before_metadata = {k: v for k, v in diff.before.metadata.iteritems() if k not in common_metadata} after_metadata = {k: v for k, v in diff.after.metadata.iteritems() if k not in common_metadata} metadata_desc = itertools.chain( ('Common Metadata:',), (' %s' % line for line in DescribeMetadata(common_metadata)), ('Old Metadata:',), (' %s' % line for line in DescribeMetadata(before_metadata)), ('New Metadata:',), (' %s' % line for line in DescribeMetadata(after_metadata))) section_desc = self._DescribeSectionSizes(diff.section_sizes) group_desc = self.GenerateLines(diff.symbols) return itertools.chain(metadata_desc, section_desc, ('',), group_desc) def _DescribeSizeInfo(self, size_info): metadata_desc = itertools.chain( ('Metadata:',), (' %s' % line for line in DescribeMetadata(size_info.metadata))) section_desc = self._DescribeSectionSizes(size_info.section_sizes) coverage_desc = () if self.verbose: coverage_desc = itertools.chain( ('',), DescribeSizeInfoCoverage(size_info)) group_desc = self.GenerateLines(size_info.symbols) return itertools.chain(metadata_desc, section_desc, coverage_desc, ('',), group_desc) def DescribeSizeInfoCoverage(size_info): """Yields lines describing how accurate |size_info| is.""" for section, section_name in models.SECTION_TO_SECTION_NAME.iteritems(): if section_name not in size_info.section_sizes: continue expected_size = size_info.section_sizes[section_name] in_section = size_info.raw_symbols.WhereInSection(section_name) actual_size = in_section.size size_percent = _Divide(actual_size, expected_size) yield ('Section {}: has {:.1%} of {} bytes accounted for from ' '{} symbols. {} bytes are unaccounted for.').format( section_name, size_percent, actual_size, len(in_section), expected_size - actual_size) sources_count = sum(1 for s in in_section if s.source_path) sources_fraction = _Divide(sources_count, len(in_section)) yield '* {} have source paths assigned ({:.1%})'.format( sources_count, sources_fraction) star_syms = in_section.WhereNameMatches(r'^\*') padding = in_section.padding - star_syms.padding anonymous_syms = star_syms.Inverted().WhereHasAnyAttribution().Inverted() yield '* Padding accounts for {} bytes ({:.1%})'.format( padding, _Divide(padding, in_section.size)) if len(star_syms): yield ('* {} placeholders (symbols that start with **) account for ' '{} bytes ({:.1%})').format( len(star_syms), star_syms.size, _Divide(star_syms.size, in_section.size)) if anonymous_syms: yield '* {} anonymous symbols account for {} bytes ({:.1%})'.format( len(anonymous_syms), int(anonymous_syms.pss), _Divide(star_syms.size, in_section.size)) if section == 'r': string_literals = in_section.Filter(lambda s: s.IsStringLiteral()) yield '* Contains {} string literals. Total size={}, padding={}'.format( len(string_literals), string_literals.size_without_padding, string_literals.padding) aliased_symbols = in_section.Filter(lambda s: s.aliases) if len(aliased_symbols): uniques = sum(1 for s in aliased_symbols.IterUniqueSymbols()) saved = sum(s.size_without_padding * (s.num_aliases - 1) for s in aliased_symbols.IterUniqueSymbols()) yield ('* Contains {} aliases, mapped to {} unique addresses ' '({} bytes saved)').format( len(aliased_symbols), uniques, saved) else: yield '* Contains 0 aliases' inlined_symbols = in_section.WhereObjectPathMatches('{shared}') if len(inlined_symbols): yield '* {} symbols have shared ownership ({} bytes)'.format( len(inlined_symbols), inlined_symbols.size) else: yield '* 0 symbols have shared ownership' class DescriberCsv(Describer): def __init__(self, verbose=False): super(DescriberCsv, self).__init__() self.verbose = verbose self.stringio = cStringIO.StringIO() self.csv_writer = csv.writer(self.stringio) def _RenderCsv(self, data): self.stringio.truncate(0) self.csv_writer.writerow(data) return self.stringio.getvalue().rstrip() def _DescribeSectionSizes(self, section_sizes): relevant_section_names = _GetSectionSizeInfo(section_sizes)[1] if self.verbose: relevant_set = set(relevant_section_names) section_names = sorted(section_sizes.iterkeys()) yield self._RenderCsv(['Name', 'Size', 'IsRelevant']) for name in section_names: size = section_sizes[name] yield self._RenderCsv([name, size, int(name in relevant_set)]) else: yield self._RenderCsv(['Name', 'Size']) for name in relevant_section_names: size = section_sizes[name] yield self._RenderCsv([name, size]) def _DescribeDeltaSizeInfo(self, diff): section_desc = self._DescribeSectionSizes(diff.section_sizes) group_desc = self.GenerateLines(diff.symbols) return itertools.chain(section_desc, ('',), group_desc) def _DescribeSizeInfo(self, size_info): section_desc = self._DescribeSectionSizes(size_info.section_sizes) group_desc = self.GenerateLines(size_info.symbols) return itertools.chain(section_desc, ('',), group_desc) def _DescribeDeltaSymbolGroup(self, delta_group): yield self._RenderSymbolHeader(True); # Apply filter to remove UNCHANGED groups. delta_group = delta_group.WhereDiffStatusIs( models.DIFF_STATUS_UNCHANGED).Inverted() for sym in delta_group: yield self._RenderSymbolData(sym) def _DescribeSymbolGroup(self, group): yield self._RenderSymbolHeader(False); for sym in group: yield self._RenderSymbolData(sym) def _DescribeSymbol(self, sym, single_line=False): yield self._RenderSymbolHeader(sym.IsDelta()); yield self._RenderSymbolData(sym) def _RenderSymbolHeader(self, isDelta): fields = [] fields.append('GroupCount') fields.append('Address') fields.append('SizeWithoutPadding') fields.append('Padding') if isDelta: fields += ['BeforeNumAliases', 'AfterNumAliases'] else: fields.append('NumAliases') fields.append('PSS') fields.append('Section') if self.verbose: fields.append('Flags') fields.append('SourcePath') fields.append('ObjectPath') fields.append('Name') if self.verbose: fields.append('FullName') return self._RenderCsv(fields) def _RenderSymbolData(self, sym): data = [] data.append(len(sym) if sym.IsGroup() else None) data.append(None if sym.IsGroup() else hex(sym.address)) data.append(sym.size_without_padding) data.append(sym.padding) if sym.IsDelta(): b, a = (None, None) if sym.IsGroup() else (sym.before_symbol, sym.after_symbol) data.append(b.num_aliases if b else None) data.append(a.num_aliases if a else None) else: data.append(sym.num_aliases) data.append(round(sym.pss, 3)) data.append(sym.section) if self.verbose: data.append(sym.FlagsString()) data.append(sym.source_path); data.append(sym.object_path); data.append(sym.name) if self.verbose: data.append(sym.full_name) return self._RenderCsv(data) def _UtcToLocal(utc): epoch = time.mktime(utc.timetuple()) offset = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch) - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch)) return utc + offset def DescribeMetadata(metadata): display_dict = metadata.copy() timestamp = display_dict.get(models.METADATA_ELF_MTIME) if timestamp: timestamp_obj = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) display_dict[models.METADATA_ELF_MTIME] = ( _UtcToLocal(timestamp_obj).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) gn_args = display_dict.get(models.METADATA_GN_ARGS) if gn_args: display_dict[models.METADATA_GN_ARGS] = ' '.join(gn_args) return sorted('%s=%s' % t for t in display_dict.iteritems()) def GenerateLines(obj, verbose=False, recursive=False, summarize=True, format_name='text'): """Returns an iterable of lines (without \n) that describes |obj|.""" if format_name == 'text': d = DescriberText(verbose=verbose, recursive=recursive, summarize=summarize) elif format_name == 'csv': d = DescriberCsv(verbose=verbose) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format_name \'{}\''.format(format_name)); return d.GenerateLines(obj) def WriteLines(lines, func): for l in lines: func(l) func('\n')