# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//ios/build/config.gni") import("//build/config/ios/rules.gni") import("//testing/test.gni") group("all_tests") { testonly = true deps = [ ":ios_web_view_inttests", ] } test("ios_web_view_inttests") { testonly = true sources = [ "web_view_int_test.h", "web_view_int_test.mm", "web_view_kvo_inttest.mm", "web_view_restorable_state_inttest.mm", ] deps = [ ":test_support", "//base", "//base/test:run_all_unittests", "//ios/testing:ios_test_support", "//ios/web_view:web_view+link", "//net", "//net:test_support", "//testing/gtest", ] bundle_deps = [ "//ios/web_view:web_view+bundle" ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ] assert_no_deps = ios_assert_no_deps } source_set("test_support") { testonly = true sources = [ # Explicitly reference imported headers from web_view library to avoid # depending on the framework (as it is statically linked). "//ios/web_view/public/cwv_web_view.h", "//ios/web_view/public/cwv_web_view_configuration.h", "observer.h", "observer.mm", "web_view_test_util.h", "web_view_test_util.mm", ] deps = [ "//base:base", "//ios/testing:ios_test_support", ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ] }