# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni") static_library("utility") { sources = [ "fingerprint_parser.cc", "fingerprint_parser.h", "payment_manifest_parser.cc", "payment_manifest_parser.h", ] deps = [ "//base", "//components/payments/content:content_common", "//content/public/common", "//net", "//services/data_decoder/public/cpp", "//url", ] } source_set("unit_tests") { testonly = true sources = [ "fingerprint_parser_unittest.cc", "payment_manifest_parser_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":utility", "//base", "//skia", "//testing/gtest", "//url", ] } fuzzer_test("payment_method_manifest_fuzzer") { sources = [ "payment_method_manifest_parser_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":utility", "//base", "//base:i18n", "//skia", "//url", ] dict = "payment_manifest_json.dict" seed_corpus = "payment_method_manifest_fuzzer_corpus" } fuzzer_test("payment_web_app_manifest_fuzzer") { sources = [ "payment_web_app_manifest_parser_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":utility", "//base", "//components/payments/content:content_common", "//skia", ] dict = "payment_manifest_json.dict" seed_corpus = "payment_web_app_manifest_fuzzer_corpus" } fuzzer_test("fingerprint_fuzzer") { sources = [ "fingerprint_parser_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":utility", "//base", ] dict = "fingerprint_fuzzer.dict" seed_corpus = "fingerprint_fuzzer_corpus" }