# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/util/process_version.gni") import("//build/util/version.gni") import("//testing/test.gni") process_version("cronet_version_header") { template_file = "//components/cronet/version.h.in" sources = [ "//chrome/VERSION", ] output = "$target_gen_dir/version.h" extra_args = [ "-e", "VERSION_FULL=\"%s.%s.%s.%s\" % (MAJOR,MINOR,BUILD,PATCH)", ] } # Cronet common implementation. source_set("cronet_common") { sources = [ "cronet_global_state.h", "cronet_prefs_manager.cc", "cronet_prefs_manager.h", "cronet_upload_data_stream.cc", "cronet_upload_data_stream.h", "cronet_url_request.cc", "cronet_url_request.h", "cronet_url_request_context.cc", "cronet_url_request_context.h", "histogram_manager.cc", "histogram_manager.h", "host_cache_persistence_manager.cc", "host_cache_persistence_manager.h", "stale_host_resolver.cc", "stale_host_resolver.h", "url_request_context_config.cc", "url_request_context_config.h", ] deps = [ ":cronet_version_header", "//base", "//components/metrics:metrics", "//components/prefs:prefs", "//net", "//third_party/metrics_proto", ] } # Unit tests for Cronet common implementation. source_set("cronet_common_unittests") { testonly = true deps = [ ":cronet_common", "//components/prefs:test_support", "//net:test_support", ] sources = [ "histogram_manager_unittest.cc", "host_cache_persistence_manager_unittest.cc", "run_all_unittests.cc", "stale_host_resolver_unittest.cc", "url_request_context_config_unittest.cc", ] } # For platforms on which the native Cronet library is used, build the library, # a cronet_tests binary that exercises it, and a unit-tests binary. # Android and iOS have their own platform-specific rules to build Cronet. if (!is_ios && !is_android) { config("shared_library_public_config") { if (is_mac && !is_component_build) { # Executable targets that depend on the shared libraries below need to have # the rpath setup in non-component build configurations. ldflags = [ "-rpath", "@executable_path/", ] } } shared_library("cronet") { deps = [ "//base", "//components/cronet:cronet_common", "//components/cronet/native:cronet_native_impl", "//net", ] sources = [ "cronet_global_state_stubs.cc", ] if (is_mac && !is_component_build) { ldflags = [ "-install_name", "@rpath/lib${target_name}.dylib", ] public_configs = [ ":shared_library_public_config" ] } } test("cronet_tests") { deps = [ ":cronet", "//base", "//base/test:test_support", "//components/cronet/native/test:cronet_native_tests", ] sources = [ "run_all_unittests.cc", ] if (is_linux && !is_component_build) { public_configs = [ "//build/config/gcc:rpath_for_built_shared_libraries" ] } } test("cronet_unittests") { deps = [ ":cronet_common", ":cronet_common_unittests", "//base", "//components/cronet/native:cronet_native_unittests", "//net", ] sources = [ "cronet_global_state_stubs.cc", ] } }