# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/ui.gni") # This is the public target. It contains only the public headers. The # implementation (and private headers) are in 'internal'. source_set("cpp") { sources = [ "property_type_converters.h", "raster_thread_helper.h", ] public_deps = [ "//base", "//cc", "//components/viz/common", "//mojo/public/cpp/bindings", "//services/service_manager/public/mojom", "//services/ws/common", "//services/ws/public/cpp/gpu", "//services/ws/public/mojom", ] deps = [ ":internal", "//gpu/command_buffer/client:gles2_cmd_helper", "//gpu/command_buffer/client:gles2_interface", "//services/service_manager/public/cpp", "//services/ws/public/mojom", "//ui/display", "//ui/events", "//ui/gfx/geometry", ] defines = [ "GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES" ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":internal" ] } source_set("internal") { # This target is an implementation detail and is intended only to be used by # the 'cpp' target. visibility = [ ":cpp" ] sources = [ "property_type_converters.cc", "raster_thread_helper.cc", ] deps = [ "//base", "//cc", "//components/viz/common", "//mojo/public/cpp/bindings", "//services/service_manager/public/cpp", "//services/service_manager/public/mojom", "//services/ws/common", "//services/ws/public/cpp/gpu", "//services/ws/public/mojom", "//skia/public/interfaces", "//ui/display", "//ui/events", "//ui/gfx/geometry", ] defines = [ "GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES" ] if (use_ozone) { deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ] } }