# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/compiled_action.gni") if (!is_ios && !is_android) { executable("make_top_domain_skeletons") { sources = [ "make_top_domain_skeletons.cc", ] deps = [ "//base", "//base:i18n", "//third_party/icu", ] } } executable("top_domain_generator") { sources = [ "top_domain_generator.cc", "top_domain_state_generator.cc", "top_domain_state_generator.h", "trie_entry.cc", "trie_entry.h", ] deps = [ "//base", "//net/tools/huffman_trie:huffman_trie_generator_sources", ] if (is_ios) { libs = [ "UIKit.framework" ] } } compiled_action("generate_top_domains_trie") { tool = ":top_domain_generator" # Inputs in order expected by the command line of the tool. inputs = [ "//components/url_formatter/top_domains/alexa_domains.skeletons", "//components/url_formatter/top_domains/top_domains_trie.template", ] outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/alexa_domains-trie-inc.cc", ] args = rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) } # TODO: Combine this and the previous one into a compiled_action_foreach target. compiled_action("generate_top_domains_test_trie") { tool = ":top_domain_generator" # Inputs in order expected by the command line of the tool. inputs = [ "//components/url_formatter/top_domains/test_domains.skeletons", "//components/url_formatter/top_domains/top_domains_trie.template", ] outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/test_domains-trie-inc.cc", ] args = rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) }