#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Packages a user.bootfs for a Fuchsia boot image, pulling in the runtime dependencies of a binary, and then uses either QEMU from the Fuchsia SDK to run, or starts the bootserver to allow running on a hardware device.""" import argparse import os import platform import re import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys import tarfile import time import uuid DIR_SOURCE_ROOT = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)) SDK_ROOT = os.path.join(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'fuchsia-sdk') QEMU_ROOT = os.path.join(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'qemu-' + platform.machine()) # The guest will get from DHCP, while the host will be # accessible as . GUEST_NET = '' GUEST_IP_ADDRESS = '' HOST_IP_ADDRESS = '' GUEST_MAC_ADDRESS = '52:54:00:63:5e:7b' # A string used to uniquely identify this invocation of Fuchsia. INSTANCE_ID = str(uuid.uuid1()) # Signals to the host that the the remote binary has finished executing. # The UUID reduces the likelihood of the remote end generating the signal # by coincidence. ALL_DONE_MESSAGE = '*** RUN FINISHED: %s' % INSTANCE_ID def _RunAndCheck(dry_run, args): if dry_run: print 'Run:', ' '.join(args) return 0 try: subprocess.check_call(args) return 0 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return e.returncode finally: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() def _IsRunningOnBot(): return int(os.environ.get('CHROME_HEADLESS', 0)) != 0 def _DumpFile(dry_run, name, description): """Prints out the contents of |name| if |dry_run|.""" if not dry_run: return print print 'Contents of %s (for %s)' % (name, description) print '-' * 80 with open(name) as f: sys.stdout.write(f.read()) print '-' * 80 def _MakeTargetImageName(common_prefix, output_directory, location): """Generates the relative path name to be used in the file system image. common_prefix: a prefix of both output_directory and location that be removed. output_directory: an optional prefix on location that will also be removed. location: the file path to relativize. .so files will be stored into the lib subdirectory to be able to be found by default by the loader. Examples: >>> _MakeTargetImageName(common_prefix='/work/cr/src', ... output_directory='/work/cr/src/out/fuch', ... location='/work/cr/src/base/test/data/xyz.json') 'base/test/data/xyz.json' >>> _MakeTargetImageName(common_prefix='/work/cr/src', ... output_directory='/work/cr/src/out/fuch', ... location='/work/cr/src/out/fuch/icudtl.dat') 'icudtl.dat' >>> _MakeTargetImageName(common_prefix='/work/cr/src', ... output_directory='/work/cr/src/out/fuch', ... location='/work/cr/src/out/fuch/libbase.so') 'lib/libbase.so' """ if not common_prefix.endswith(os.sep): common_prefix += os.sep assert output_directory.startswith(common_prefix) output_dir_no_common_prefix = output_directory[len(common_prefix):] assert location.startswith(common_prefix) loc = location[len(common_prefix):] if loc.startswith(output_dir_no_common_prefix): loc = loc[len(output_dir_no_common_prefix)+1:] # TODO(fuchsia): The requirements for finding/loading .so are in flux, so this # ought to be reconsidered at some point. See https://crbug.com/732897. if location.endswith('.so'): loc = 'lib/' + loc return loc def _ExpandDirectories(file_mapping, mapper): """Walks directories listed in |file_mapping| and adds their contents to |file_mapping|, using |mapper| to determine the target filename. """ expanded = {} for target, source in file_mapping.items(): if os.path.isdir(source): files = [os.path.join(dir_path, filename) for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(source) for filename in file_names] for f in files: expanded[mapper(f)] = f elif os.path.exists(source): expanded[target] = source else: raise Exception('%s does not exist' % source) return expanded def _GetSymbolsMapping(dry_run, file_mapping, output_directory): """For each stripped executable or dynamic library in |file_mapping|, looks for an unstripped version in [exe|lib].unstripped under |output_directory|. Returns a map from target filenames to un-stripped binary, if available, or to the run-time binary otherwise.""" symbols_mapping = {} for target, source in file_mapping.iteritems(): with open(source, 'rb') as f: file_tag = f.read(4) if file_tag != '\x7fELF': continue # TODO(wez): Rather than bake-in assumptions about the naming of unstripped # binaries, once we have ELF Build-Id values in the stack printout we should # just scan the two directories to populate an Id->path mapping. binary_name = os.path.basename(source) exe_unstripped_path = os.path.join( output_directory, 'exe.unstripped', binary_name) lib_unstripped_path = os.path.join( output_directory, 'lib.unstripped', binary_name) if os.path.exists(exe_unstripped_path): symbols_mapping[target] = exe_unstripped_path elif os.path.exists(lib_unstripped_path): symbols_mapping[target] = lib_unstripped_path else: symbols_mapping[target] = source if dry_run: print 'Symbols:', binary_name, '->', symbols_mapping[target] return symbols_mapping def _WriteManifest(manifest_file, file_mapping): """Writes |file_mapping| to the given |manifest_file| (a file object) in a form suitable for consumption by mkbootfs.""" for target, source in file_mapping.viewitems(): manifest_file.write('%s=%s\n' % (target, source)) def ReadRuntimeDeps(deps_path, output_directory): result = [] for f in open(deps_path): abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_directory, f.strip())); target_path = \ _MakeTargetImageName(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, output_directory, abs_path) result.append((target_path, abs_path)) return result def _TargetCpuToArch(target_cpu): """Returns the Fuchsia SDK architecture name for the |target_cpu|.""" if target_cpu == 'arm64': return 'aarch64' elif target_cpu == 'x64': return 'x86_64' raise Exception('Unknown target_cpu:' + target_cpu) def _TargetCpuToSdkBinPath(target_cpu): """Returns the path to the kernel & bootfs .bin files for |target_cpu|.""" return os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'target', _TargetCpuToArch(target_cpu)) def AddCommonCommandLineArguments(parser): """Adds command line arguments used by all the helper scripts to an argparse.ArgumentParser object.""" parser.add_argument('--exe-name', type=os.path.realpath, help='Name of the the binary executable.') parser.add_argument('--output-directory', type=os.path.realpath, help=('Path to the directory in which build files are' ' located (must include build type).')) parser.add_argument('--runtime-deps-path', type=os.path.realpath, help='Runtime data dependency file from GN.') parser.add_argument('--target-cpu', help='GN target_cpu setting for the build.') def AddRunnerCommandLineArguments(parser): """Adds command line arguments used by the runner scripts to an argparse.ArgumentParser object. Includes all the arguments added by AddCommonCommandLineArguments().""" AddCommonCommandLineArguments(parser) parser.add_argument('--bootdata', type=os.path.realpath, help='Path to a bootdata to use instead of the default ' 'one from the SDK') parser.add_argument('--device', '-d', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run on hardware device instead of QEMU.') parser.add_argument('--dry-run', '-n', action='store_true', default=False, help='Just print commands, don\'t execute them.') parser.add_argument('--kernel', type=os.path.realpath, help='Path to a kernel to use instead of the default ' 'one from the SDK') parser.add_argument('--wait-for-network', action='store_true', default=False, help='Wait for network connectivity before executing ' 'the test binary.') class ImageCreationData(object): """Grabbag of data needed to build bootfs or archive of binary's dependencies. output_directory: Path to the directory in which the build files are located. exe_name: The name of the binary executable. runtime_deps: A list of file paths on which the given binary depends. This is generated by GN, and that file can be read by ReadRuntimeDeps(). target_cpu: 'arm64' or 'x64'. dry_run: Print the commands that would be run, but don't execute them. child_args: Arguments to pass to the child process when run on the target by the autorun script. use_device: Run on device if true, otherwise on QEMU. Also affects timeouts. bootdata: Path to a custom bootdata to use, rather than the default one from the SDK. summary_output: Use --test-launcher-summary-output when running to extra test results to this file. shutdown_machine: Reboot or shutdown the machine on completion when using autorun. wait_for_network: Block at startup until a successful ping to google.com before running the target binary. use_autorun: Create and set up an autorun script that runs the target binary. """ def __init__(self, output_directory, exe_name, runtime_deps, target_cpu, dry_run=False, child_args=[], use_device=False, bootdata=None, summary_output=None, shutdown_machine=False, wait_for_network=False, use_autorun=False): self.output_directory = output_directory self.exe_name = exe_name self.runtime_deps = runtime_deps self.target_cpu = target_cpu self.dry_run = dry_run self.child_args = child_args self.use_device = use_device self.bootdata = bootdata self.summary_output = summary_output self.shutdown_machine = shutdown_machine self.wait_for_network = wait_for_network self.use_autorun = use_autorun class BootfsData(object): """Results from BuildBootfs(). bootfs: Local path to .bootfs image file. symbols_mapping: A dict mapping executables to their unstripped originals. target_cpu: GN's target_cpu setting for the image. has_autorun: Whether an autorun file was written for /system/cr_autorun. """ def __init__(self, bootfs_name, symbols_mapping, target_cpu, has_autorun): self.bootfs = bootfs_name self.symbols_mapping = symbols_mapping self.target_cpu = target_cpu self.has_autorun = has_autorun def WriteAutorun(bin_name, child_args, summary_output, shutdown_machine, wait_for_network, dry_run, use_device, file_mapping): # Generate a script that runs the binaries and shuts down QEMU (if used). autorun_file = open(bin_name + '.bootfs_autorun', 'w') autorun_file.write('#!/boot/bin/sh\n') if _IsRunningOnBot(): # TODO(scottmg): Passed through for https://crbug.com/755282. autorun_file.write('export CHROME_HEADLESS=1\n') if wait_for_network: # Quietly block until `ping google.com` succeeds. autorun_file.write("""echo "Waiting for network connectivity..." until ping -c 1 google.com >/dev/null 2>/dev/null do : done """) if summary_output: # Unfortunately, devmgr races with this autorun script. This delays long # enough so that the block device is discovered before we try to mount it. # See https://crbug.com/789473. autorun_file.write('msleep 5000\n') autorun_file.write('mkdir /volume/results\n') autorun_file.write('mount /dev/class/block/000 /volume/results\n') child_args.append('--test-launcher-summary-output=' '/volume/results/output.json') autorun_file.write('echo Executing ' + os.path.basename(bin_name) + ' ' + ' '.join(child_args) + '\n') # Due to Fuchsia's object name length limit being small, we cd into /system # and set PATH to "." to reduce the length of the main executable path. autorun_file.write('cd /system\n') autorun_file.write('PATH=. ' + os.path.basename(bin_name)) for arg in child_args: autorun_file.write(' "%s"' % arg); autorun_file.write('\n') autorun_file.write('echo \"%s\"\n' % ALL_DONE_MESSAGE) if shutdown_machine: autorun_file.write('echo Sleeping and shutting down...\n') # A delay is required to give the guest OS or remote device a chance to # flush its output before it terminates. if use_device: autorun_file.write('msleep 8000\n') autorun_file.write('dm reboot\n') else: autorun_file.write('msleep 3000\n') autorun_file.write('dm poweroff\n') autorun_file.flush() os.chmod(autorun_file.name, 0750) _DumpFile(dry_run, autorun_file.name, 'cr_autorun') # Add the autorun file, logger file, and target binary to |file_mapping|. file_mapping['cr_autorun'] = autorun_file.name file_mapping[os.path.basename(bin_name)] = bin_name def _ConfigureSSH(output_dir): """Gets the public/private keypair to use for connecting to Fuchsia's SSH services. Generates a new keypair if one doesn't already exist. output_dir: The build directory which will contain the generated keys. Returns: a tuple (private_key_path, public_key_path).""" if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) host_key_path = output_dir + '/ssh_key' host_pubkey_path = host_key_path + '.pub' id_key_path = output_dir + '/id_ed25519' id_pubkey_path = id_key_path + '.pub' if not os.path.isfile(host_key_path): subprocess.check_call(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-h', '-f', host_key_path, '-P', '', '-N', ''], stdout=open(os.devnull)) if not os.path.isfile(id_key_path): subprocess.check_call(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-f', id_key_path, '-P', '', '-N', ''], stdout=open(os.devnull)) print 'SSH private key location: ' + id_key_path return [ ('data/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key', host_key_path), ('data/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub', host_pubkey_path), ('data/ssh/authorized_keys', id_pubkey_path) ] def _BuildBootfsManifest(image_creation_data): icd = image_creation_data icd.runtime_deps.extend(_ConfigureSSH(icd.output_directory + '/gen')) # |runtime_deps| already contains (target, source) pairs for the runtime deps, # so we can initialize |file_mapping| from it directly. file_mapping = dict(icd.runtime_deps) if icd.use_autorun: WriteAutorun(icd.exe_name, icd.child_args, icd.summary_output, icd.shutdown_machine, icd.wait_for_network, icd.dry_run, icd.use_device, file_mapping) # Find the full list of files to add to the bootfs. file_mapping = _ExpandDirectories( file_mapping, lambda x: _MakeTargetImageName(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, icd.output_directory, x)) # Determine the locations of unstripped versions of each binary, if any. symbols_mapping = _GetSymbolsMapping( icd.dry_run, file_mapping, icd.output_directory) return file_mapping, symbols_mapping def BuildBootfs(image_creation_data): file_mapping, symbols_mapping = _BuildBootfsManifest(image_creation_data) # Write the target, source mappings to a file suitable for bootfs. manifest_file = open(image_creation_data.exe_name + '.bootfs_manifest', 'w') _WriteManifest(manifest_file, file_mapping) manifest_file.flush() _DumpFile(image_creation_data.dry_run, manifest_file.name, 'manifest') # Run mkbootfs with the manifest to copy the necessary files into the bootfs. mkbootfs_path = os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'mkbootfs') bootfs_name = image_creation_data.exe_name + '.bootfs' bootdata = image_creation_data.bootdata if not bootdata: bootdata = os.path.join( _TargetCpuToSdkBinPath(image_creation_data.target_cpu), 'bootdata.bin') args = [mkbootfs_path, '-o', bootfs_name, '--target=boot', bootdata, '--target=system', manifest_file.name] if _RunAndCheck(image_creation_data.dry_run, args) != 0: return None return BootfsData(bootfs_name, symbols_mapping, image_creation_data.target_cpu, image_creation_data.use_autorun) def BuildArchive(image_creation_data, output_name): """Creates an archive (.tar.gz) of the given binary and its dependencies, storing them into output_name.""" file_mapping, symbols_mapping = _BuildBootfsManifest(image_creation_data) print 'Archiving to', output_name tar = tarfile.open(output_name, 'w:gz') for archive_name, source_name in file_mapping.iteritems(): tar.add(source_name, '/system/' + archive_name, recursive=False) def _SymbolizeEntries(entries): filename_re = re.compile(r'at ([-._a-zA-Z0-9/+]+):(\d+)') # Use addr2line to symbolize all the |pc_offset|s in |entries| in one go. # Entries with no |debug_binary| are also processed here, so that we get # consistent output in that case, with the cannot-symbolize case. addr2line_output = None if entries[0].has_key('debug_binary'): addr2line_args = (['addr2line', '-Cipf', '-p', '--exe=' + entries[0]['debug_binary']] + map(lambda entry: entry['pc_offset'], entries)) addr2line_output = subprocess.check_output(addr2line_args).splitlines() assert addr2line_output # Collate a set of |(frame_id, result)| pairs from the output lines. results = {} for entry in entries: raw, frame_id = entry['raw'], entry['frame_id'] prefix = '#%s: ' % frame_id if not addr2line_output: # Either there was no addr2line output, or too little of it. filtered_line = raw else: output_line = addr2line_output.pop(0) # Relativize path to DIR_SOURCE_ROOT if we see a filename. def RelativizePath(m): relpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(m.group(1)), DIR_SOURCE_ROOT) return 'at ' + relpath + ':' + m.group(2) filtered_line = filename_re.sub(RelativizePath, output_line) if '??' in filtered_line.split(): # If symbolization fails just output the raw backtrace. filtered_line = raw else: # Release builds may inline things, resulting in "(inlined by)" lines. inlined_by_prefix = " (inlined by)" while (addr2line_output and addr2line_output[0].startswith(inlined_by_prefix)): inlined_by_line = '\n' + (' ' * len(prefix)) + addr2line_output.pop(0) filtered_line += filename_re.sub(RelativizePath, inlined_by_line) results[entry['frame_id']] = prefix + filtered_line return results def _LookupDebugBinary(entry, file_mapping): """Looks up the binary listed in |entry| in the |file_mapping|, and returns the corresponding host-side binary's filename, or None.""" binary = entry['binary'] if not binary: return None app_prefix = 'app:' if binary.startswith(app_prefix): binary = binary[len(app_prefix):] # We change directory into /system/ before running the target executable, so # all paths are relative to "/system/", and will typically start with "./". # Some crashes still uses the full filesystem path, so cope with that as well. system_prefix = '/system/' cwd_prefix = './' if binary.startswith(cwd_prefix): binary = binary[len(cwd_prefix):] elif binary.startswith(system_prefix): binary = binary[len(system_prefix):] # Allow any other paths to pass-through; sometimes neither prefix is present. if binary in file_mapping: return file_mapping[binary] # |binary| may be truncated by the crashlogger, so if there is a unique # match for the truncated name in |file_mapping|, use that instead. matches = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(binary), file_mapping.keys()) if len(matches) == 1: return file_mapping[matches[0]] return None def _SymbolizeBacktrace(backtrace, file_mapping): # Group |backtrace| entries according to the associated binary, and locate # the path to the debug symbols for that binary, if any. batches = {} for entry in backtrace: debug_binary = _LookupDebugBinary(entry, file_mapping) if debug_binary: entry['debug_binary'] = debug_binary batches.setdefault(debug_binary, []).append(entry) # Run _SymbolizeEntries on each batch and collate the results. symbolized = {} for batch in batches.itervalues(): symbolized.update(_SymbolizeEntries(batch)) # Map each backtrace to its symbolized form, by frame-id, and return the list. return map(lambda entry: symbolized[entry['frame_id']], backtrace) def _GetResultsFromImg(dry_run, test_launcher_summary_output): """Extract the results .json out of the .minfs image.""" if os.path.exists(test_launcher_summary_output): os.unlink(test_launcher_summary_output) img_filename = test_launcher_summary_output + '.minfs' _RunAndCheck(dry_run, [os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'minfs'), img_filename, 'cp', '::/output.json', test_launcher_summary_output]) def _HandleOutputFromProcess(process, symbols_mapping): # Set up backtrace-parsing regexps. fuch_prefix = re.compile(r'^.*> ') backtrace_prefix = re.compile(r'bt#(?P\d+): ') # Back-trace line matcher/parser assumes that 'pc' is always present, and # expects that 'sp' and ('binary','pc_offset') may also be provided. backtrace_entry = re.compile( r'pc 0(?:x[0-9a-f]+)? ' + r'(?:sp 0x[0-9a-f]+ )?' + r'(?:\((?P\S+),(?P0x[0-9a-f]+)\))?$') # A buffer of backtrace entries awaiting symbolization, stored as dicts: # raw: The original back-trace line that followed the prefix. # frame_id: backtrace frame number (starting at 0). # binary: path to executable code corresponding to the current frame. # pc_offset: memory offset within the executable. backtrace_entries = [] # Continue processing until we receive the ALL_DONE_MESSAGE or we read EOF, # whichever happens first. success = False while True: line = process.stdout.readline().strip() if not line: break if 'SUCCESS: all tests passed.' in line: success = True elif ALL_DONE_MESSAGE in line: break # If the line is not from Fuchsia then don't try to process it. matched = fuch_prefix.match(line) if not matched: print line continue guest_line = line[matched.end():] # Look for the back-trace prefix, otherwise just print the line. matched = backtrace_prefix.match(guest_line) if not matched: print line continue backtrace_line = guest_line[matched.end():] # If this was the end of a back-trace then symbolize and print it. frame_id = matched.group('frame_id') if backtrace_line == 'end': if backtrace_entries: for processed in _SymbolizeBacktrace(backtrace_entries, symbols_mapping): print processed backtrace_entries = [] continue # Otherwise, parse the program-counter offset, etc into |backtrace_entries|. matched = backtrace_entry.match(backtrace_line) if matched: # |binary| and |pc_offset| will be None if not present. backtrace_entries.append( {'raw': backtrace_line, 'frame_id': frame_id, 'binary': matched.group('binary'), 'pc_offset': matched.group('pc_offset')}) else: backtrace_entries.append( {'raw': backtrace_line, 'frame_id': frame_id, 'binary': None, 'pc_offset': None}) return success def RunFuchsia(bootfs_data, use_device, kernel_path, dry_run, test_launcher_summary_output): if not kernel_path: # TODO(wez): Parameterize this on the |target_cpu| from GN. kernel_path = os.path.join(_TargetCpuToSdkBinPath(bootfs_data.target_cpu), 'zircon.bin') kernel_args = ['devmgr.epoch=%d' % time.time(), 'zircon.nodename=' + INSTANCE_ID] if bootfs_data.has_autorun: # See https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/zircon/+/master/docs/kernel_cmdline.md#zircon_autorun_system_command. kernel_args.append('zircon.autorun.system=/boot/bin/sh+/system/cr_autorun') if use_device: # Deploy the boot image to the device. bootserver_path = os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'bootserver') bootserver_command = [bootserver_path, '-1', kernel_path, bootfs_data.bootfs, '--'] + kernel_args _RunAndCheck(dry_run, bootserver_command) # Start listening for logging lines. process = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'loglistener'), INSTANCE_ID], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=open(os.devnull)) else: qemu_path = os.path.join( QEMU_ROOT,'bin', 'qemu-system-' + _TargetCpuToArch(bootfs_data.target_cpu)) qemu_command = [qemu_path, '-m', '2048', '-nographic', '-kernel', kernel_path, '-initrd', bootfs_data.bootfs, '-smp', '4', # Configure virtual network. It is used in the tests to connect to # testserver running on the host. '-netdev', 'user,id=net0,net=%s,dhcpstart=%s,host=%s' % (GUEST_NET, GUEST_IP_ADDRESS, HOST_IP_ADDRESS), # Use stdio for the guest OS only; don't attach the QEMU interactive # monitor. '-serial', 'stdio', '-monitor', 'none', # TERM=dumb tells the guest OS to not emit ANSI commands that trigger # noisy ANSI spew from the user's terminal emulator. '-append', 'TERM=dumb ' + ' '.join(kernel_args) ] # Configure the machine & CPU to emulate, based on the target architecture. # Enable lightweight virtualization (KVM) if the host and guest OS run on # the same architecture. if bootfs_data.target_cpu == 'arm64': qemu_command.extend([ '-machine','virt', '-cpu', 'cortex-a53', '-device', 'virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0,mac=' + GUEST_MAC_ADDRESS, ]) if platform.machine() == 'aarch64': qemu_command.append('-enable-kvm') else: qemu_command.extend([ '-machine', 'q35', '-cpu', 'host,migratable=no', '-device', 'e1000,netdev=net0,mac=' + GUEST_MAC_ADDRESS, ]) if platform.machine() == 'x86_64': qemu_command.append('-enable-kvm') if test_launcher_summary_output: # Make and mount a 100M minfs formatted image that is used to copy the # results json to, for extraction from the target. img_filename = test_launcher_summary_output + '.minfs' _RunAndCheck(dry_run, ['truncate', '-s100M', img_filename,]) _RunAndCheck(dry_run, [os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'minfs'), img_filename, 'mkfs']) # Specifically set an AHCI drive, otherwise the drive won't be mountable # on ARM64. qemu_command.extend(['-drive', 'file=' + img_filename + ',if=none,format=raw,id=resultsdisk', '-device', 'ahci,id=ahci', '-device', 'ide-drive,drive=resultsdisk,bus=ahci.0']) if dry_run: print 'Run:', ' '.join(qemu_command) return 0 # We pass a separate stdin stream to qemu. Sharing stdin across processes # leads to flakiness due to the OS prematurely killing the stream and the # Python script panicking and aborting. # The precise root cause is still nebulous, but this fix works. # See crbug.com/741194. process = subprocess.Popen( qemu_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=open(os.devnull)) success = _HandleOutputFromProcess(process, bootfs_data.symbols_mapping) if not use_device: process.wait() sys.stdout.flush() if test_launcher_summary_output: _GetResultsFromImg(dry_run, test_launcher_summary_output) return 0 if success else 1