// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/base/network_throttle_manager_impl.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h" namespace net { const size_t NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::kActiveRequestThrottlingLimit = 2; const int NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::kMedianLifetimeMultiple = 5; // Initial estimate based on the median in the // Net.RequestTime2.Success histogram, excluding cached results by eye. const int NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::kInitialMedianInMs = 400; // Set timers slightly further into the future than they need to be set, so // that the algorithm isn't vulnerable to timer round off errors triggering // the callback before the throttle would be considered aged out of the set. // Set to 17 to hanlde systems with |!base::TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|. // Note that even if the timer goes off before it should, all that should cost // is a second task; this class does not rely on timer accuracy for its // correctness. const int kTimerFudgeInMs = 17; class NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl : public NetworkThrottleManager::Throttle { public: // Allowed state transitions are BLOCKED -> OUTSTANDING -> AGED. // Throttles may be created in the BLOCKED or OUTSTANDING states. enum class State { // Not allowed to proceed by manager. BLOCKED, // Allowed to proceed, counts as an "outstanding" request for // manager accounting purposes. OUTSTANDING, // Old enough to not count as "outstanding" anymore for // manager accounting purposes. AGED }; using ThrottleListQueuePointer = NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleList::iterator; // Caller must arrange that |*delegate| and |*manager| outlive // the ThrottleImpl class. ThrottleImpl(bool blocked, RequestPriority priority, ThrottleDelegate* delegate, NetworkThrottleManagerImpl* manager, ThrottleListQueuePointer queue_pointer); ~ThrottleImpl() override; // Throttle: bool IsBlocked() const override; RequestPriority Priority() const override; void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority) override; State state() const { return state_; } ThrottleListQueuePointer queue_pointer() const { return queue_pointer_; } void set_queue_pointer(const ThrottleListQueuePointer& pointer) { if (state_ != State::AGED) DCHECK_EQ(this, *pointer); queue_pointer_ = pointer; } void set_start_time(base::TimeTicks start_time) { start_time_ = start_time; } base::TimeTicks start_time() const { return start_time_; } // Change the throttle's state to AGED. The previous // state must be OUTSTANDING. void SetAged(); // Note that this call calls the delegate, and hence may result in // re-entrant calls into the manager or ThrottleImpl. The manager should // not rely on any state other than its own existence being persistent // across this call. void NotifyUnblocked(); private: State state_; RequestPriority priority_; ThrottleDelegate* const delegate_; NetworkThrottleManagerImpl* const manager_; base::TimeTicks start_time_; // To allow deletion from the blocked queue (when the throttle is in the // blocked queue). ThrottleListQueuePointer queue_pointer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ThrottleImpl); }; NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl::ThrottleImpl( bool blocked, RequestPriority priority, NetworkThrottleManager::ThrottleDelegate* delegate, NetworkThrottleManagerImpl* manager, ThrottleListQueuePointer queue_pointer) : state_(blocked ? State::BLOCKED : State::OUTSTANDING), priority_(priority), delegate_(delegate), manager_(manager), queue_pointer_(queue_pointer) { DCHECK(delegate); if (!blocked) start_time_ = manager->tick_clock_->NowTicks(); } NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl::~ThrottleImpl() { manager_->OnThrottleDestroyed(this); } bool NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl::IsBlocked() const { return state_ == State::BLOCKED; } RequestPriority NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl::Priority() const { return priority_; } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl::SetPriority( RequestPriority new_priority) { RequestPriority old_priority(priority_); if (old_priority == new_priority) return; priority_ = new_priority; manager_->OnThrottlePriorityChanged(this, old_priority, new_priority); } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl::SetAged() { DCHECK_EQ(State::OUTSTANDING, state_); state_ = State::AGED; } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl::NotifyUnblocked() { // This method should only be called once, and only if the // current state is blocked. DCHECK_EQ(State::BLOCKED, state_); state_ = State::OUTSTANDING; delegate_->OnThrottleUnblocked(this); } NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::NetworkThrottleManagerImpl() : lifetime_median_estimate_(PercentileEstimator::kMedianPercentile, kInitialMedianInMs), outstanding_recomputation_timer_( std::make_unique(false /* retain_user_task */, false /* is_repeating */)), tick_clock_(base::DefaultTickClock::GetInstance()), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {} NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::~NetworkThrottleManagerImpl() = default; std::unique_ptr NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::CreateThrottle( NetworkThrottleManager::ThrottleDelegate* delegate, RequestPriority priority, bool ignore_limits) { bool blocked = (!ignore_limits && priority == THROTTLED && outstanding_throttles_.size() >= kActiveRequestThrottlingLimit); std::unique_ptr throttle( new ThrottleImpl(blocked, priority, delegate, this, blocked_throttles_.end())); ThrottleList& insert_list(blocked ? blocked_throttles_ : outstanding_throttles_); throttle->set_queue_pointer( insert_list.insert(insert_list.end(), throttle.get())); // In case oustanding_throttles_ was empty, set up timer. if (!blocked) RecomputeOutstanding(); return std::move(throttle); } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::SetTickClockForTesting( const base::TickClock* tick_clock) { tick_clock_ = tick_clock; DCHECK(!outstanding_recomputation_timer_->IsRunning()); outstanding_recomputation_timer_ = std::make_unique( false /* retain_user_task */, false /* is_repeating */, tick_clock_); } bool NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ConditionallyTriggerTimerForTesting() { if (!outstanding_recomputation_timer_->IsRunning() || (tick_clock_->NowTicks() < outstanding_recomputation_timer_->desired_run_time())) { return false; } base::Closure timer_callback(outstanding_recomputation_timer_->user_task()); outstanding_recomputation_timer_->Stop(); timer_callback.Run(); return true; } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::OnThrottlePriorityChanged( NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::ThrottleImpl* throttle, RequestPriority old_priority, RequestPriority new_priority) { // The only case requiring a state change is if the priority change // implies unblocking, which can only happen on a transition from blocked // (implies THROTTLED) to non-THROTTLED. if (throttle->IsBlocked() && new_priority != THROTTLED) { // May result in re-entrant calls into this class. UnblockThrottle(throttle); } } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::OnThrottleDestroyed(ThrottleImpl* throttle) { switch (throttle->state()) { case ThrottleImpl::State::BLOCKED: DCHECK(throttle->queue_pointer() != blocked_throttles_.end()); DCHECK_EQ(throttle, *(throttle->queue_pointer())); blocked_throttles_.erase(throttle->queue_pointer()); break; case ThrottleImpl::State::OUTSTANDING: DCHECK(throttle->queue_pointer() != outstanding_throttles_.end()); DCHECK_EQ(throttle, *(throttle->queue_pointer())); outstanding_throttles_.erase(throttle->queue_pointer()); FALLTHROUGH; case ThrottleImpl::State::AGED: DCHECK(!throttle->start_time().is_null()); lifetime_median_estimate_.AddSample( (tick_clock_->NowTicks() - throttle->start_time()) .InMillisecondsRoundedUp()); break; } DCHECK(!base::ContainsValue(blocked_throttles_, throttle)); DCHECK(!base::ContainsValue(outstanding_throttles_, throttle)); // Unblock the throttles if there's some chance there's a throttle to // unblock. if (outstanding_throttles_.size() < kActiveRequestThrottlingLimit && !blocked_throttles_.empty()) { // Via PostTask so there aren't upcalls from within destructors. base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::MaybeUnblockThrottles, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::RecomputeOutstanding() { // Remove all throttles that have aged out of the outstanding set. base::TimeTicks now(tick_clock_->NowTicks()); base::TimeDelta age_horizon(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(( kMedianLifetimeMultiple * lifetime_median_estimate_.current_estimate()))); while (!outstanding_throttles_.empty()) { ThrottleImpl* throttle = *outstanding_throttles_.begin(); if (throttle->start_time() + age_horizon >= now) break; outstanding_throttles_.erase(outstanding_throttles_.begin()); throttle->SetAged(); throttle->set_queue_pointer(outstanding_throttles_.end()); } if (outstanding_throttles_.empty()) return; // If the timer is already running, be conservative and leave it alone; // the time for which it would be set will only be later than when it's // currently set. // This addresses, e.g., situations where a RecomputeOutstanding() races // with a running timer which would unblock blocked throttles. if (outstanding_recomputation_timer_->IsRunning()) return; ThrottleImpl* first_throttle(*outstanding_throttles_.begin()); DCHECK_GE(first_throttle->start_time() + age_horizon, now); outstanding_recomputation_timer_->Start( FROM_HERE, ((first_throttle->start_time() + age_horizon) - now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTimerFudgeInMs)), // Unretained use of |this| is safe because the timer is // owned by this object, and will be torn down if this object // is destroyed. base::Bind(&NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::MaybeUnblockThrottles, base::Unretained(this))); } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::UnblockThrottle(ThrottleImpl* throttle) { DCHECK(throttle->IsBlocked()); blocked_throttles_.erase(throttle->queue_pointer()); throttle->set_start_time(tick_clock_->NowTicks()); throttle->set_queue_pointer( outstanding_throttles_.insert(outstanding_throttles_.end(), throttle)); // Called in case |*throttle| was added to a null set. RecomputeOutstanding(); // May result in re-entrant calls into this class. throttle->NotifyUnblocked(); } void NetworkThrottleManagerImpl::MaybeUnblockThrottles() { RecomputeOutstanding(); while (outstanding_throttles_.size() < kActiveRequestThrottlingLimit && !blocked_throttles_.empty()) { // NOTE: This call may result in reentrant calls into // NetworkThrottleManagerImpl; no state should be assumed to be // persistent across this call. UnblockThrottle(blocked_throttles_.front()); } } } // namespace net