# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. if (is_android) { import("//build/config/android/config.gni") import("//build/config/android/rules.gni") } source_set("public") { sources = [ "client.h", "clients.h", "download_metadata.cc", "download_metadata.h", "download_params.cc", "download_params.h", "download_service.h", "download_task_types.h", "features.cc", "features.h", "logger.h", "navigation_monitor.h", "service_config.h", "task_scheduler.h", ] deps = [ "//components/keyed_service/core", ] # TODO(xingliu): Create blob target that doesn't need to depend on blink. # Currently gn header check will fail even if the code is not built into any targets. if (!is_ios) { deps += [ "//storage/browser" ] } public_deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//url", ] } if (is_android) { android_library("public_java") { srcjar_deps = [ ":jni_enums" ] deps = [ "//base:base_java", "//third_party/android_tools:android_support_annotations_java", ] } java_cpp_enum("jni_enums") { visibility = [ "*" ] sources = [ "download_task_types.h", ] } }