# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//base/android/linker/config.gni") import("//build/config/android/rules.gni") import("//build/config/locales.gni") import("//build/config/android/extract_unwind_tables.gni") import("//build/config/compiler/compiler.gni") import("//chrome/common/features.gni") import("//device/vr/buildflags/buildflags.gni") import("//third_party/leakcanary/config.gni") import("channel.gni") declare_args() { # Enables ProGuard obfuscation of Chromium packages. enable_proguard_obfuscation = true # Enable multidex in release builds. multidex_in_release = false } default_chrome_public_jinja_variables = [ "channel=$android_channel", "enable_arcore=$enable_arcore", "enable_leakcanary=$enable_leakcanary", "enable_vr=$enable_vr", ] template("chrome_public_apk_tmpl") { # Adds unwind table asset to the chrome apk for the given library target. This # is not part of generic apk assets target since it depends on the main shared # library of the apk, to extract unwind tables. if (defined(invoker.add_unwind_tables_in_apk) && invoker.add_unwind_tables_in_apk) { _unwind_asset = "${target_name}_unwind_assets" unwind_table_asset(_unwind_asset) { if (defined(invoker.testonly)) { testonly = invoker.testonly } library_target = invoker.shared_library_for_unwind_asset deps = invoker.shared_libraries } } android_apk(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") exclude_xxxhdpi = true # Use zh-TW strings for zh-HK (https://crbug.com/780847). support_zh_hk = true # Whitelist rationale in https://crbug.com/691733. xxxhdpi_whitelist = [ "*shadow*", # Combination of gradient & transparency cause pixelation. "*.9.*", # Most nine-patches contain shadows. "*ic_file_download_white*", # Bottom edge seems misaligned. "*ic_lock.*", # Bottom edge seems misaligned. ] if (defined(shared_libraries) && shared_libraries != []) { _native_lib_file = rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/CHROME_VERSION.json", root_out_dir) native_lib_version_arg = "@FileArg($_native_lib_file:full-quoted)" native_lib_version_rule = "//build/util:chrome_version_json" } if (!defined(aapt_locale_whitelist)) { aapt_locale_whitelist = locales - android_chrome_omitted_locales } if (is_java_debug || multidex_in_release) { enable_multidex = true if (!defined(negative_main_dex_globs)) { negative_main_dex_globs = [ "*ApplicationStatus*", # Doesn't work in non-browser process. "*ChromeActivity*", # Pulls in the world, so ensure it doesn't slip in. "*GoogleApiAvailability*", # Play Services only in browser process. "*R\$*", # Should not use resources from non-browser process. ] } } if (!is_java_debug) { proguard_enabled = true if (!defined(proguard_configs)) { proguard_configs = [] } proguard_configs += [ "//chrome/android/java/proguard.flags", "//base/android/proguard/chromium_apk.flags", "//base/android/proguard/chromium_code.flags", ] if (enable_proguard_obfuscation) { proguard_configs += [ "//base/android/proguard/enable_obfuscation.flags" ] } else { proguard_configs += [ "//base/android/proguard/disable_chromium_obfuscation.flags" ] } } if (!defined(use_chromium_linker)) { use_chromium_linker = chromium_linker_supported } if (use_chromium_linker) { if (!defined(load_library_from_apk)) { # Whether native libraries should be loaded from within the apk. # Only attempt loading the library from the APK for 64 bit devices # until the number of 32 bit devices which don't support this # approach falls to a minimal level - http://crbug.com/390618. load_library_from_apk = chromium_linker_supported && (current_cpu == "arm64" || current_cpu == "x64") } } if (!defined(pack_relocations)) { if (!defined(requires_sdk_api_level_23)) { requires_sdk_api_level_23 = false } pack_relocations = !use_lld && (use_chromium_linker || requires_sdk_api_level_23) } command_line_flags_file = "chrome-command-line" product_version_resources_dep = "//chrome/android:product_version_resources" if (defined(invoker.add_unwind_tables_in_apk) && invoker.add_unwind_tables_in_apk) { deps += [ ":$_unwind_asset" ] } } } template("monochrome_public_apk_tmpl") { chrome_public_apk_tmpl(target_name) { # Always build 64-bit //android_webview:monochrome because Chrome runs # in 32-bit mode. if (android_64bit_target_cpu) { shared_libraries = [ "//android_webview:monochrome" ] } else { shared_libraries = [ "//chrome/android:monochrome" ] } if (android_64bit_target_cpu && build_apk_secondary_abi) { secondary_abi_shared_libraries = [ "//chrome/android:monochrome_secondary_abi_lib" ] } alternative_android_sdk_dep = webview_framework_dep app_as_shared_lib = true use_chromium_linker = false requires_sdk_api_level_23 = true # Webview supports all locales (has no omitted ones). aapt_locale_whitelist = locales # Incremental install doesn't work for monochrome. See crbug.com/663492. never_incremental = true # Strip xml namespaces for monochrome. This should only be done for apks # targeting API > 21 which for chrome is only Monochrome. This is due to # how android public and private resource ids are namespaced. no_xml_namespaces = true # Configrations to make android load shared library from APK. uncompress_shared_libraries = true forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") # Android N+ better supports multiple locales (https://crbug.com/780847). support_zh_hk = false if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } deps += [ "//android_webview:monochrome_webview_assets", "//android_webview/apk:webview_license_activity_java", "//android_webview/glue", "//chrome/android:chrome_public_non_pak_assets", "//chrome/android:monochrome_pak_assets", "//chrome/android/monochrome:monochrome_license_provider_java", ] if ((is_java_debug || multidex_in_release) && !defined(invoker.negative_main_dex_globs)) { # WebView pulls play services into the main dex. negative_main_dex_globs = [ # TODO(agrieve): Add ApplicationStatus to this list. It's currently # included because of ActivityWindowAndroid, but is never used at # runtime by webview. "*ChromeActivity*", # Pulls in the world, so ensure it doesn't slip in. ] } if (!is_java_debug) { if (!defined(proguard_configs)) { proguard_configs = [] } proguard_configs += [ "//android_webview/apk/java/proguard.flags" ] png_to_webp = true } if (enable_arcore) { deps += [ "//third_party/arcore-android-sdk:libdynamite_client_java" ] } if (package_arcore) { deps += [ "//third_party/arcore-android-sdk:libarcore_library" ] # We store this as a separate .so in the APK and only load as needed. loadable_modules = [ "${root_out_dir}/libarcore_sdk_c_minimal.so" ] } } }