# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Signs and aligns an APK.""" import argparse import shutil import subprocess import tempfile def FinalizeApk(apksigner_path, zipalign_path, unsigned_apk_path, final_apk_path, key_path, key_passwd, key_name): # Use a tempfile so that Ctrl-C does not leave the file with a fresh mtime # and a corrupted state. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as staging_file: # v2 signing requires that zipalign happen first. subprocess.check_output([ zipalign_path, '-p', '-f', '4', unsigned_apk_path, staging_file.name]) subprocess.check_output([ apksigner_path, 'sign', '--in', staging_file.name, '--out', staging_file.name, '--ks', key_path, '--ks-key-alias', key_name, '--ks-pass', 'pass:' + key_passwd, # Force SHA-1 (makes signing faster; insecure is fine for local builds). '--min-sdk-version', '1', ]) shutil.move(staging_file.name, final_apk_path) staging_file.delete = False