// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. module ash.mojom; import "mojo/common/string16.mojom"; import "ui/events/mojo/event.mojom"; import "ui/gfx/image/mojo/image.mojom"; // The types of menu items shown in shelf context and application list menus. // These values roughly match ui::MenuModel::ItemType (sans TYPE_BUTTON_ITEM). enum MenuItemType { COMMAND, // An item that performs an action when selected. CHECK, // An item that can be selected/checked to toggle a boolean state. RADIO, // An item that can be selected/checked among a group of choices. SEPARATOR, // An item that shows a horizontal line separator. SUBMENU, // An item that presents a submenu within another menu. }; // The actions that may be performed when a shelf item is selected. // These values match ash::ShelfAction. enum ShelfAction { NONE, // No action was taken. WINDOW_CREATED, // A new window was created. WINDOW_ACTIVATED, // An existing inactive window was activated. WINDOW_MINIMIZED, // The currently active window was minimized. APP_LIST_SHOWN, // The app list launcher menu was shown. }; // Represents the status of items in the shelf. // These values match ash::ShelfItemStatus. enum ShelfItemStatus { CLOSED, // A closed shelf item, i.e. has no live instance. RUNNING, // A shelf item that has live instance. ACTIVE, // An active shelf item that has focus. ATTENTION, // A shelf item that needs user's attention. }; // The type of a shelf item. // These values match ash::ShelfItemType. enum ShelfItemType { PANEL, // A running app panel. PINNED_APP, // A pinned app, which may be running or not. APP_LIST, // An item that toggles visiblity of the app list. BROWSER, // The browser shortcut, the browser may be running or not. APP, // An unpinned running app window. Supports these app types: // - Extension "V1" (legacy packaged and hosted) apps, // - Extension "V2" (platform) apps, // - ARC (App Runtime for Chrome - Android Play Store) apps. DIALOG, // An open dialog. UNDEFINED, // Default value. }; // Source of the launch or activation request, for tracking. // These values match ash::ShelfLaunchSource. enum ShelfLaunchSource { UNKNOWN, // The item was launched from outside the app list. APP_LIST, // The item was launched from a generic app list view. APP_LIST_SEARCH, // The item was launched from an app list search view. }; // The Shelf controller allows clients (eg. Chrome) to control the ash shelf. interface ShelfController { // Observers are immediately notified of the current shelf states when added. AddObserver(associated ShelfObserver observer); // Note: ShelfObservers are not notified of ShelfModel changes made by the // ShelfItem functions below. Chrome is the solitary ShelfObserver and client // of these functions, so notifications would be cyclical and problematic. // Add |item| at |index|, which is clamped to be greater than 0 (AppList's // index) and not exceeding the item count. Use a negative |index| to append. AddShelfItem(int32 index, ShelfItem item); // Remove the item with |id|. Bails if |id| is unknown or for the AppList. RemoveShelfItem(ShelfID id); // Moves item with |id| to |index|, which is in terms of the model after the // item is removed, and is clamped to be greater than 0 (AppList's index) and // not exceeding the item count. Bails if |id| is unknown or for the AppList. MoveShelfItem(ShelfID id, int32 target_index); // Updates |item| via ShelfID. Bails if the id is unknown or for the AppList. // Clients may pass null images to signal no change and avoid transport costs. UpdateShelfItem(ShelfItem item); // Sets the |delegate| for the item with |id|. SetShelfItemDelegate(ShelfID id, ShelfItemDelegate delegate); }; // A Shelf observer, used to persist profile settings and cache a ShelfModel. interface ShelfObserver { // Called when the |item| has been added at |index|. // This passes null images to avoid transport costs; clients don't use images. OnShelfItemAdded(int32 index, ShelfItem item); // Called when the item with |id| has been removed. OnShelfItemRemoved(ShelfID id); // Called when the item with |id| has been moved to |index|. OnShelfItemMoved(ShelfID id, int32 index); // Called when the |item| with matching ShelfID has been updated. // This passes null images to avoid transport costs; clients don't use images. OnShelfItemUpdated(ShelfItem item); // Called when |delegate| for the item with |id| has been changed. OnShelfItemDelegateChanged(ShelfID id, ShelfItemDelegate delegate); }; // ShelfItemDelegate handles shelf item selection, menu command execution, etc. interface ShelfItemDelegate { // Called when the user selects a shelf item. The event, display, and source // info should be provided if known; some implementations use these arguments. // Defaults: (nullptr, kInvalidDisplayId, LAUNCH_FROM_UNKNOWN) // The callback reports the action taken and any app menu items to show. // // NOTE: This codepath is not currently used for context menu triggering. // TODO(crbug.com/691099): Remove |display_id| once panels are removed. ItemSelected(ui.mojom.Event event, int64 display_id, ShelfLaunchSource source) => (ShelfAction action, array? menu_items); // Called when spawning a shelf item context menu, returns custom menu items. // TODO(mash): Clients should push context menu items to Ash's shelf model. GetContextMenuItems(int64 display_id) => (array items); // Called on invocation of a shelf item's context or application menu command. // |from_context_menu| is true if the command came from a context menu, or // false if the command came from an application menu. If the |display_id| is // unknown or irrelevant, callers may pass |display::kInvalidDisplayId|. ExecuteCommand(bool from_context_menu, int64 command_id, int32 event_flags, int64 display_id); // Closes all windows associated with this shelf item. Close(); }; // MenuItems are used to populate application menus for shelf items. // Note: Some menus only support a subset of these item features (eg. no icons). struct MenuItem { MenuItemType type; // The type of the menu item. int64 command_id; // The client's arbitrary item command id. mojo.common.mojom.String16 label; // The string label, may be empty. gfx.mojom.ImageSkia? image; // The image icon, may be null. array? submenu; // The optional nested submenu item list. bool enabled; // The enabled state. bool checked; // The checked state. int64 radio_group_id; // The radio group id. }; // Identifier for shelf items and their windows. // This structure matches ash::ShelfID. struct ShelfID { string app_id; // An app id string, used to match app windows. // (eg. extension ids, arc ids, "AppList", etc.) string launch_id; // A string used to support multiple items per app. // (eg. Citrix may use 'Word' or 'Excel' launch ids) }; // ShelfItems are used to populate the shelf. // This structure matches ash::ShelfItem. struct ShelfItem { ShelfItemType type; // The type of the shelf item. gfx.mojom.ImageSkia? image; // The icon shown on the shelf; null for updates // with no icon change, null for ShelfObservers. ShelfItemStatus status; // The running/closed/etc. status of the item. ShelfID shelf_id; // The id for the shelf item and its windows. mojo.common.mojom.String16 title; // The title to display for tooltips, etc. bool shows_tooltip; // Whether the tooltip should be shown on hover. bool pinned_by_policy; // Whether the item is pinned by policy prefs, // the user cannot un-pin these items. };