# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/buildflag_header.gni") import("//build/config/ios/rules.gni") import("//build/config/mac/symbols.gni") import("//build/mac/tweak_info_plist.gni") import("//build/util/lastchange.gni") import("//components/cronet/native/include/headers.gni") import("//components/grpc_support/include/headers.gni") import("//testing/test.gni") import("//url/features.gni") assert(!is_component_build, "Cronet requires static library build.") group("cronet_consumer_group") { deps = [ "//components/cronet/ios/cronet_consumer", ] } config("cronet_include_config") { include_dirs = [ "//components/grpc_support/include" ] } config("cronet_static_config") { libs = [ "Cronet.framework", "UIKit.Framework", "CFNetwork.framework", "MobileCoreServices.framework", "Security.framework", "SystemConfiguration.framework", "resolv", ] configs = [ ":cronet_include_config" ] } _cronet_deps = [ ":generate_accept_languages", "//base:base", "//components/cronet:cronet_common", "//components/cronet:cronet_version_header", "//components/cronet/native:cronet_native_impl", "//components/grpc_support", "//components/prefs:prefs", "//ios/net:net", "//ios/web/public:user_agent", "//ios/web/public/global_state", "//net", "//url", ] _cronet_sources = [ "Cronet.h", "Cronet.mm", "cronet_environment.h", "cronet_environment.mm", "cronet_global_state_ios.mm", "cronet_metrics.h", "cronet_metrics.mm", ] _cronet_public_headers = [ "Cronet.h" ] _cronet_public_headers += grpc_public_headers _cronet_public_headers += cronet_native_public_headers source_set("cronet_sources") { deps = _cronet_deps sources = _cronet_sources include_dirs = [ "//components/grpc_support/include" ] if (!use_platform_icu_alternatives) { deps += [ "//base:i18n" ] } configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ] } source_set("cronet_sources_with_global_state") { deps = [ "//base", "//ios/web/public/global_state", ] public_deps = [ ":cronet_sources", ] sources = [ "ios_global_state_configuration.cc", ] } # Tweak |info_plist| with current version and revision. tweak_info_plist("tweak_cronet_plist") { info_plist = "Info.plist" } ios_framework_bundle("cronet_framework") { output_name = "Cronet" info_plist_target = ":tweak_cronet_plist" deps = [ ":cronet_sources_with_global_state", "//base", "//net:net", ] libs = [ "UIKit.Framework" ] public_deps = [ "//components/grpc_support", ] public_headers = _cronet_public_headers sources = [ "Cronet.h", ] configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:symbols" ] public_configs = [ ":cronet_include_config" ] } test("cronet_unittests_ios") { testonly = true sources = [ "../run_all_unittests.cc", ] deps = [ ":cronet_sources_with_global_state", "//base", "//base/test:test_support", "//components/cronet:cronet_common_unittests", "//components/cronet/native:cronet_native_unittests", "//components/metrics", "//net", "//testing/gtest", ] bundle_deps = [ "//components/cronet/ios/test:cronet_test" ] } action("generate_accept_languages") { script = "//components/cronet/tools/generate_accept_languages.py" args = [ rebase_path("$target_gen_dir"), rebase_path("//"), ] outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/accept_languages_table.h", ] } # A static library which contains just _cronet_sources. static_library("cronet_static") { visibility = [ ":*" ] deps = _cronet_deps sources = _cronet_sources + [ "ios_global_state_configuration.cc" ] public_configs = [ ":cronet_include_config" ] public_deps = [ "//components/grpc_support", ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ] } # A static library which contains all dependencies of :cronet_static. static_library("cronet_deps_complete") { visibility = [ ":*" ] complete_static_lib = true configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:thin_archive" ] deps = [ ":cronet_static", ] } # A static library which contains cronet and all dependendencies hidden inside. action("cronet_static_complete") { visibility = [ ":*" ] script = "//components/cronet/tools/hide_symbols.py" deps = [ ":cronet_deps_complete", ":cronet_static", ] outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/$current_cpu/cronet_static_complete.a", ] args = [ "--input_libs", rebase_path("$target_out_dir/libcronet_static.a", root_build_dir), "--deps_lib", rebase_path("$target_out_dir/libcronet_deps_complete.a", root_build_dir), "--output_obj", rebase_path("$target_out_dir/$current_cpu/cronet_static_complete.o", root_build_dir), "--output_lib", rebase_path("$target_out_dir/$current_cpu/cronet_static_complete.a", root_build_dir), "--current_cpu", current_cpu, ] if (!use_system_xcode) { args += [ "--developer_dir", hermetic_xcode_path, ] } public_configs = [ ":cronet_static_config" ] } # A fat static library which exports cronet public symbols and hides all dependendencies. lipo_binary("libcronet") { arch_binary_target = ":cronet_static_complete" arch_binary_output = "cronet_static_complete.a" output_name = "libcronet.a" enable_stripping = false enable_dsyms = false } template("ios_static_framework") { _target_name = target_name _output_name = target_name if (defined(invoker.output_name)) { _output_name = invoker.output_name } _framework_name = target_name if (defined(invoker.framework_name)) { _framework_name = invoker.framework_name } _framework_headers_target = _target_name + "_framework_headers" bundle_data(_framework_headers_target) { visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ] sources = invoker.public_headers outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Headers/{{source_file_part}}", ] } _framework_binary_target = _target_name + "_framework_binary" _static_library_target = invoker.static_library_target bundle_data(_framework_binary_target) { visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ] sources = get_target_outputs(_static_library_target) outputs = [ "{{bundle_executable_dir}}/$_framework_name", ] public_deps = [ _static_library_target, ] } create_bundle(_target_name) { product_type = "com.apple.product-type.framework" bundle_root_dir = "$root_out_dir/Static/${_output_name}" bundle_contents_dir = bundle_root_dir bundle_executable_dir = bundle_contents_dir bundle_resources_dir = bundle_contents_dir bundle_plugins_dir = bundle_contents_dir deps = [ ":$_framework_binary_target", ":$_framework_headers_target", ] public_configs = invoker.public_configs } } ios_static_framework("cronet_static_framework") { output_name = "Cronet.framework" framework_name = "Cronet" public_headers = _cronet_public_headers static_library_target = ":libcronet" public_configs = [ ":cronet_static_config" ] } if (additional_toolchains == [] || current_toolchain == default_toolchain) { _package_dir = "$root_out_dir/cronet" action("generate_license") { _license_path = "$_package_dir/LICENSE" script = "//tools/licenses.py" inputs = [ lastchange_file, ] outputs = [ _license_path, ] args = [ "license_file", rebase_path(_license_path, root_build_dir), "--gn-target", "//components/cronet/ios:cronet_framework", "--gn-out-dir", ".", ] } copy("cronet_static_copy") { sources = [ "$root_out_dir/Static/Cronet.framework", ] outputs = [ "$_package_dir/Static/Cronet.framework", ] deps = [ ":cronet_static_framework", ] } copy("cronet_package_copy") { sources = [ "$root_out_dir/Cronet.framework", "//AUTHORS", "//chrome/VERSION", ] outputs = [ "$_package_dir/{{source_file_part}}", ] deps = [ ":cronet_framework", ":cronet_static_copy", ] } if (enable_dsyms) { action("cronet_dsym_archive") { script = "//chrome/tools/build/mac/archive_symbols.py" # These are the dSYMs that will be archived. The sources list must be # the target outputs that correspond to the dSYMs (since a dSYM is a # directory it cannot be listed as a source file). The targets that # generate both the dSYM and binary image are listed in deps. _dsyms = [ "$root_out_dir/Cronet.dSYM" ] sources = [ "$root_out_dir/Cronet.framework", ] _output = "$_package_dir/Cronet.dSYM.tar.bz2" outputs = [ _output, ] args = [ rebase_path(_output, root_out_dir) ] + rebase_path(_dsyms, root_out_dir) deps = [ ":cronet_framework", ] } } else { group("cronet_dsym_archive") { } } group("cronet_package") { deps = [ ":cronet_dsym_archive", ":cronet_package_copy", ":generate_license", ] } }