# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Implements commands for running and interacting with Fuchsia on devices.""" import boot_data import logging import os import subprocess import target import time import uuid from common import SDK_ROOT, EnsurePathExists CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT = 20 CONNECT_RETRY_WAIT_SECS = 1 class DeviceTarget(target.Target): def __init__(self, output_dir, target_cpu, host=None, port=None, ssh_config=None): """output_dir: The directory which will contain the files that are generated to support the deployment. target_cpu: The CPU architecture of the deployment target. Can be "x64" or "arm64". host: The address of the deployment target device. port: The port of the SSH service on the deployment target device. ssh_config: The path to SSH configuration data.""" super(DeviceTarget, self).__init__(output_dir, target_cpu) self._port = 22 self._auto = not host or not ssh_config self._new_instance = True if self._auto: self._ssh_config_path = EnsurePathExists( boot_data.GetSSHConfigPath(output_dir)) else: self._ssh_config_path = os.path.expanduser(ssh_config) self._host = host if port: self._port = port self._new_instance = False def __Discover(self, node_name): """Returns the IP address and port of a Fuchsia instance discovered on the local area network.""" netaddr_path = os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'netaddr') command = [netaddr_path, '--fuchsia', '--nowait', node_name] logging.debug(' '.join(command)) proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) proc.wait() if proc.returncode == 0: return proc.stdout.readlines()[0].strip() return None def Start(self): if self._auto: logging.debug('Starting automatic device deployment.') node_name = boot_data.GetNodeName(self._output_dir) self._host = self.__Discover(node_name) if self._host and self._WaitUntilReady(retries=0): logging.info('Connected to an already booted device.') self._new_instance = False return logging.info('Netbooting Fuchsia. ' + 'Please ensure that your device is in bootloader mode.') bootserver_path = os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'bootserver') bootserver_command = [ bootserver_path, '-1', '--efi', EnsurePathExists(boot_data.GetTargetFile(self._GetTargetSdkArch(), 'local.esp.blk')), '--fvm', EnsurePathExists(boot_data.GetTargetFile(self._GetTargetSdkArch(), 'fvm.sparse.blk')), '--fvm', EnsurePathExists( boot_data.ConfigureDataFVM(self._output_dir, boot_data.FVM_TYPE_SPARSE)), EnsurePathExists(boot_data.GetTargetFile(self._GetTargetSdkArch(), 'zircon.bin')), EnsurePathExists(boot_data.GetTargetFile(self._GetTargetSdkArch(), 'bootdata-blob.bin')), '--'] + boot_data.GetKernelArgs(self._output_dir) logging.debug(' '.join(bootserver_command)) subprocess.check_call(bootserver_command) logging.debug('Waiting for device to join network.') for _ in xrange(CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT): self._host = self.__Discover(node_name) if self._host: break time.sleep(CONNECT_RETRY_WAIT_SECS) if not self._host: raise Exception('Couldn\'t connect to device.') logging.debug('host=%s, port=%d' % (self._host, self._port)) self._WaitUntilReady(); def IsNewInstance(self): return self._new_instance def _GetEndpoint(self): return (self._host, self._port) def _GetSshConfigPath(self): return self._ssh_config_path