# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/compiler/compiler.gni") if (is_android) { import("//build/config/android/config.gni") # For public_android_sdk } if (is_chromeos) { import("//build/config/chromeos/rules.gni") } group("telemetry_chrome_test") { testonly = true if (is_android) { data_deps = [ "//chrome/android:chrome_public_apk", ] if (public_android_sdk) { data_deps += [ "//android_webview:system_webview_apk", "//android_webview/tools/system_webview_shell:system_webview_shell_apk", "//chrome/android:monochrome_public_apk", ] } } else { data_deps = [ "//third_party/catapult/telemetry:bitmaptools", ] data_deps += [ "//chrome" ] } data = [ "//tools/perf/core/", # chrome_telemetry_build/ depends on core/ "//tools/perf/chrome_telemetry_build/", "//third_party/catapult/", "//components/crash/content/tools/generate_breakpad_symbols.py", ] if (is_win) { data_deps += [ "//chrome:reorder_imports" ] } if (is_linux) { data_deps += [ "//third_party/breakpad:dump_syms($host_toolchain)" ] } if (is_mac) { data_deps += [ "//chrome:chrome_framework", "//chrome:chrome_helper_app", "//third_party/breakpad:dump_syms", "//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/tools:crashpad_database_util", ] } if (is_chromeos && cros_board != "") { data_deps += [ "//chromeos:cros_vm_launcher" ] } if (is_win && (symbol_level == 1 || symbol_level == 2)) { data_deps += [ "//build/win:copy_cdb_to_output", "//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/tools:crashpad_database_util", ] # TODO(GYP): These should be provided automatically through data_deps. data += [ "$root_out_dir/chrome.exe.pdb" ] if (is_component_build) { data += [ "$root_out_dir/base.dll.pdb", "$root_out_dir/blink_platform.dll.pdb", "$root_out_dir/content.dll.pdb", ] } else { data += [ "$root_out_dir/chrome_child.dll.pdb" ] } } } group("telemetry_chrome_test_without_chrome") { testonly = true if (is_android) { data_deps = [ "//chrome/android:chrome_public_apk", ] if (public_android_sdk) { data_deps += [ "//android_webview:system_webview_apk", "//android_webview/tools/system_webview_shell:system_webview_shell_apk", ] } } else { data_deps = [ "//third_party/catapult/telemetry:bitmaptools", ] } data = [ "//tools/perf/core/", # chrome_telemetry_build/ depends on core/ "//tools/perf/chrome_telemetry_build/", "//third_party/catapult/", "//components/crash/content/tools/generate_breakpad_symbols.py", ] if (is_win) { data_deps += [ "//chrome:reorder_imports" ] } if (is_linux) { data_deps += [ "//third_party/breakpad:dump_syms($host_toolchain)" ] } if (is_mac) { data_deps += [ "//chrome:chrome_framework", "//chrome:chrome_helper_app", "//third_party/breakpad:dump_syms", "//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/tools:crashpad_database_util", ] } if (is_win && (symbol_level == 1 || symbol_level == 2)) { data_deps += [ "//build/win:copy_cdb_to_output", "//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/tools:crashpad_database_util", ] # TODO(GYP): These should be provided automatically through data_deps. data += [ "$root_out_dir/chrome.exe.pdb" ] if (is_component_build) { data += [ "$root_out_dir/base.dll.pdb", "$root_out_dir/blink_platform.dll.pdb", "$root_out_dir/content.dll.pdb", ] } else { data += [ "$root_out_dir/chrome_child.dll.pdb" ] } } }