# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//chrome/browser/vr/features.gni") assert(is_android) group("vr_perf_tests") { testonly = true data = [ "./data/", "./__init__.py", "./shared_android_vr_page_state.py", "./vr_benchmarks.py", "./vr_browsing_mode_pages.py", "./vr_sample_page.py", "./vr_story_set.py", "./webvr_sample_pages.py", "./webvr_wpr_pages.py", "./webxr_sample_pages.py", "//chrome/android/shared_preference_files/test/", "//third_party/gvr-android-sdk/test-apks/vr_services/vr_services_current.apk", "//third_party/gvr-android-sdk/test-apks/vr_keyboard/vr_keyboard_current.apk", "//chrome/test/data/vr/webvr_info/samples/", "//chrome/test/data/vr/webxr_samples/", # Necessary for running on bots "//testing/scripts/common.py", "//testing/xvfb.py", "//testing/scripts/run_telemetry_benchmark_as_googletest.py", ] data_deps = [ "//chrome/android:vr_nfc_simulator_apk", ] # We'll only ever use the assets if it's a Chrome-branded build. We don't have # a way of checking whether the files are actually present to copy, but the # script will deal with that. if (use_vr_assets_component) { data_deps += [ ":generate_vr_assets_profile" ] } deps = [ "//tools/perf:perf", ] } # Copies files to the gen/ directory and creates a manifest so that the VR # assets component can be used during Telemetry tests. action("generate_vr_assets_profile") { script = "generate_vr_assets_profile.py" # We should re-run anytime the version or any related files change. inputs = [ "//chrome/browser/resources/vr/assets/google_chrome", "//chrome/browser/resources/vr/assets/VERSION", "//chrome/browser/resources/vr/assets/vr_assets_component_files.json", ] outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/vr_assets_profile/", ] args = [ "--output", rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir), "--asset-dir", rebase_path("//chrome/browser/resources/vr/assets", root_build_dir), ] }