// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_TOOLS_QUIC_QUIC_SIMPLE_SERVER_PACKET_WRITER_H_ #define NET_TOOLS_QUIC_QUIC_SIMPLE_SERVER_PACKET_WRITER_H_ #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "net/third_party/quic/core/quic_connection.h" #include "net/third_party/quic/core/quic_packet_writer.h" #include "net/third_party/quic/core/quic_packets.h" namespace net { class QuicDispatcher; class UDPServerSocket; struct WriteResult; // Chrome specific packet writer which uses a UDPServerSocket for writing // data. class QuicSimpleServerPacketWriter : public QuicPacketWriter { public: typedef base::Callback WriteCallback; QuicSimpleServerPacketWriter(UDPServerSocket* socket, QuicDispatcher* dispatcher); ~QuicSimpleServerPacketWriter() override; // Wraps WritePacket, and ensures that |callback| is run on successful write. WriteResult WritePacketWithCallback(const char* buffer, size_t buf_len, const QuicIpAddress& self_address, const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address, PerPacketOptions* options, WriteCallback callback); WriteResult WritePacket(const char* buffer, size_t buf_len, const QuicIpAddress& self_address, const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address, PerPacketOptions* options) override; void OnWriteComplete(int rv); // QuicPacketWriter implementation: bool IsWriteBlockedDataBuffered() const override; bool IsWriteBlocked() const override; void SetWritable() override; QuicByteCount GetMaxPacketSize( const QuicSocketAddress& peer_address) const override; private: UDPServerSocket* socket_; // To be notified after every successful asynchronous write. QuicDispatcher* dispatcher_; // To call once the write completes. WriteCallback callback_; // Whether a write is currently in flight. bool write_blocked_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuicSimpleServerPacketWriter); }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_TOOLS_QUIC_QUIC_SIMPLE_SERVER_PACKET_WRITER_H_