# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//chrome/process_version_rc_template.gni") import("//testing/test.gni") source_set("client") { sources = [ "chrome_watcher_main_api.cc", "chrome_watcher_main_api.h", ] deps = [ "//base", ] } source_set("hang_util") { sources = [ "system_load_estimator.cc", "system_load_estimator.h", ] deps = [ "//base", ] libs = [ "pdh.lib" ] # Used by system_load_estimator.h. ldflags = [ "/DELAYLOAD:pdh.dll" ] # Only used on report capture. } test("system_load_estimator_unittests") { sources = [ "system_load_estimator_unittest.cc", ] deps = [ ":client", ":hang_util", "//base/test:run_all_unittests", "//base/test:test_support", "//testing/gtest", ] } process_version_rc_template("chrome_watcher_resources") { sources = [ "chrome_watcher.ver", ] output = "$target_gen_dir/chrome_watcher_version.rc" } shared_library("chrome_watcher") { sources = [ "chrome_watcher_main.cc", ] inputs = [ "chrome_watcher.def", ] deps = [ ":chrome_watcher_resources", ":client", "//base", "//base:base_static", "//build/config:exe_and_shlib_deps", "//chrome/common:non_code_constants", "//chrome/install_static:secondary_module", "//chrome_elf", "//components/browser_watcher", "//content/public/common:static_switches", ] ldflags = [ "/DEF:" + rebase_path("chrome_watcher.def", root_build_dir) ] configs -= [ "//build/config/win:console" ] configs += [ "//build/config/win:windowed" ] }