// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/debug/alias.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/log/net_log.h" #include "net/log/net_log_capture_mode.h" namespace net { namespace { // Returns parameters for logging data transferred events. At a minimum includes // the number of bytes transferred. If the capture mode allows logging byte // contents and |byte_count| > 0, then will include the actual bytes. The // bytes are hex-encoded, since base::Value only supports UTF-8. std::unique_ptr BytesTransferredCallback( int byte_count, const char* bytes, NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode) { std::unique_ptr dict(new base::DictionaryValue()); dict->SetInteger("byte_count", byte_count); if (capture_mode.include_socket_bytes() && byte_count > 0) dict->SetString("hex_encoded_bytes", base::HexEncode(bytes, byte_count)); return std::move(dict); } } // namespace NetLogWithSource::~NetLogWithSource() { liveness_ = DEAD; } void NetLogWithSource::AddEntry(NetLogEventType type, NetLogEventPhase phase) const { CrashIfInvalid(); if (!net_log_) return; net_log_->AddEntry(type, source_, phase, NULL); } void NetLogWithSource::AddEntry( NetLogEventType type, NetLogEventPhase phase, const NetLogParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { CrashIfInvalid(); if (!net_log_) return; net_log_->AddEntry(type, source_, phase, &get_parameters); } void NetLogWithSource::AddEvent(NetLogEventType type) const { AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::NONE); } void NetLogWithSource::AddEvent( NetLogEventType type, const NetLogParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::NONE, get_parameters); } void NetLogWithSource::BeginEvent(NetLogEventType type) const { AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::BEGIN); } void NetLogWithSource::BeginEvent( NetLogEventType type, const NetLogParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::BEGIN, get_parameters); } void NetLogWithSource::EndEvent(NetLogEventType type) const { AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::END); } void NetLogWithSource::EndEvent( NetLogEventType type, const NetLogParametersCallback& get_parameters) const { AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::END, get_parameters); } void NetLogWithSource::AddEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLogEventType event_type, int net_error) const { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, net_error); if (net_error >= 0) { AddEvent(event_type); } else { AddEvent(event_type, NetLog::IntCallback("net_error", net_error)); } } void NetLogWithSource::EndEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLogEventType event_type, int net_error) const { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, net_error); if (net_error >= 0) { EndEvent(event_type); } else { EndEvent(event_type, NetLog::IntCallback("net_error", net_error)); } } void NetLogWithSource::AddByteTransferEvent(NetLogEventType event_type, int byte_count, const char* bytes) const { AddEvent(event_type, base::Bind(BytesTransferredCallback, byte_count, bytes)); } bool NetLogWithSource::IsCapturing() const { CrashIfInvalid(); return net_log_ && net_log_->IsCapturing(); } // static NetLogWithSource NetLogWithSource::Make(NetLog* net_log, NetLogSourceType source_type) { if (!net_log) return NetLogWithSource(); NetLogSource source(source_type, net_log->NextID()); return NetLogWithSource(source, net_log); } void NetLogWithSource::CrashIfInvalid() const { Liveness liveness = liveness_; if (liveness == ALIVE) return; base::debug::Alias(&liveness); CHECK_EQ(ALIVE, liveness); } } // namespace net