// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/proxy/polling_proxy_config_service.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/task_scheduler/post_task.h" #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_config.h" namespace net { // Reference-counted wrapper that does all the work (needs to be // reference-counted since we post tasks between threads; may outlive // the parent PollingProxyConfigService). class PollingProxyConfigService::Core : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: Core(base::TimeDelta poll_interval, GetConfigFunction get_config_func) : get_config_func_(get_config_func), poll_interval_(poll_interval), have_initialized_origin_runner_(false), has_config_(false), poll_task_outstanding_(false), poll_task_queued_(false) {} // Called when the parent PollingProxyConfigService is destroyed // (observers should not be called past this point). void Orphan() { base::AutoLock lock(lock_); origin_task_runner_ = NULL; } bool GetLatestProxyConfig(ProxyConfig* config) { LazyInitializeOriginLoop(); DCHECK(origin_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); OnLazyPoll(); // If we have already retrieved the proxy settings (on worker thread) // then return what we last saw. if (has_config_) { *config = last_config_; return true; } return false; } void AddObserver(Observer* observer) { LazyInitializeOriginLoop(); DCHECK(origin_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { DCHECK(origin_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } // Check for a new configuration if enough time has elapsed. void OnLazyPoll() { LazyInitializeOriginLoop(); DCHECK(origin_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (last_poll_time_.is_null() || (base::TimeTicks::Now() - last_poll_time_) > poll_interval_) { CheckForChangesNow(); } } void CheckForChangesNow() { LazyInitializeOriginLoop(); DCHECK(origin_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (poll_task_outstanding_) { // Only allow one task to be outstanding at a time. If we get a poll // request while we are busy, we will defer it until the current poll // completes. poll_task_queued_ = true; return; } last_poll_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); poll_task_outstanding_ = true; poll_task_queued_ = false; base::PostTaskWithTraits( FROM_HERE, {base::MayBlock(), base::TaskShutdownBehavior::CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN}, base::Bind(&Core::PollAsync, this, get_config_func_)); } private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; ~Core() {} void PollAsync(GetConfigFunction func) { ProxyConfig config; func(&config); base::AutoLock lock(lock_); if (origin_task_runner_.get()) { origin_task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Core::GetConfigCompleted, this, config)); } } // Called after the worker thread has finished retrieving a configuration. void GetConfigCompleted(const ProxyConfig& config) { DCHECK(poll_task_outstanding_); poll_task_outstanding_ = false; if (!origin_task_runner_.get()) return; // Was orphaned (parent has already been destroyed). DCHECK(origin_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (!has_config_ || !last_config_.Equals(config)) { // If the configuration has changed, notify the observers. has_config_ = true; last_config_ = config; for (auto& observer : observers_) observer.OnProxyConfigChanged(config, ProxyConfigService::CONFIG_VALID); } if (poll_task_queued_) CheckForChangesNow(); } void LazyInitializeOriginLoop() { // TODO(eroman): Really this should be done in the constructor, but some // consumers constructing the ProxyConfigService on threads // other than the ProxyConfigService's main thread, so we // can't cache the main thread for the purpose of DCHECKs // until the first call is made. if (!have_initialized_origin_runner_) { origin_task_runner_ = base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(); have_initialized_origin_runner_ = true; } } GetConfigFunction get_config_func_; base::ObserverList observers_; ProxyConfig last_config_; base::TimeTicks last_poll_time_; base::TimeDelta poll_interval_; base::Lock lock_; scoped_refptr origin_task_runner_; bool have_initialized_origin_runner_; bool has_config_; bool poll_task_outstanding_; bool poll_task_queued_; }; void PollingProxyConfigService::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { core_->AddObserver(observer); } void PollingProxyConfigService::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { core_->RemoveObserver(observer); } ProxyConfigService::ConfigAvailability PollingProxyConfigService::GetLatestProxyConfig(ProxyConfig* config) { return core_->GetLatestProxyConfig(config) ? CONFIG_VALID : CONFIG_PENDING; } void PollingProxyConfigService::OnLazyPoll() { core_->OnLazyPoll(); } PollingProxyConfigService::PollingProxyConfigService( base::TimeDelta poll_interval, GetConfigFunction get_config_func) : core_(new Core(poll_interval, get_config_func)) { } PollingProxyConfigService::~PollingProxyConfigService() { core_->Orphan(); } void PollingProxyConfigService::CheckForChangesNow() { core_->CheckForChangesNow(); } } // namespace net