# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Fuzzers for content/ components. import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni") import("//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni") # Empty group for package discovery. group("fuzzer") { } source_set("fuzzer_support") { sources = [ "fuzzer_support.cc", "fuzzer_support.h", ] public_deps = [ "//base", "//content/renderer:for_content_tests", "//content/shell:content_shell_lib", "//content/test:test_support", "//gin", ] testonly = true } fuzzer_test("origin_trial_token_fuzzer") { sources = [ "origin_trial_token_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":fuzzer_support", ] dict = "//content/test/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/origin_trial_token_fuzzer.dict" seed_corpus = "//content/test/data/fuzzer_corpus/origin_trial_token_data/" } fuzzer_test("origin_manifest_parser_fuzzer") { sources = [ "origin_manifest_parser_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":fuzzer_support", "//content/browser:for_content_tests", ] dict = "//content/test/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/origin_manifest_parser_fuzzer.dict" seed_corpus = "//content/test/data/fuzzer_corpus/origin_manifest_parser_data/" } fuzzer_test("renderer_fuzzer") { sources = [ "renderer_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":fuzzer_support", ] } fuzzer_test("renderer_tree_fuzzer") { sources = [ "renderer_tree_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":fuzzer_support", ] additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } fuzzer_test("clear_site_data_fuzzer") { sources = [ "clear_site_data_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":fuzzer_support", "//base", "//content/browser:for_content_tests", ] seed_corpus = "//content/test/data/fuzzer_corpus/clear_site_data/" } fuzzer_test("renderer_proto_tree_fuzzer") { sources = [ "renderer_proto_tree_fuzzer.cc", ] deps = [ ":fuzzer_support", ":html_tree_proto", "//third_party/libprotobuf-mutator", ] additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ] } proto_library("html_tree_proto") { sources = [ "html_tree.proto", ] testonly = true }