# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/features.gni") import("//build/util/version.gni") import("//remoting/remoting_options.gni") # TODO(nicholss): Move this and other defines to version.h.in. # Various remoting targets need this version definition. config("version") { defines = [ "VERSION=$chrome_version_full" ] } config("enable_webrtc_remoting_client") { if (!is_official_build && !is_nacl) { defines = [ "ENABLE_WEBRTC_REMOTING_CLIENT=1" ] } } config("remoting_me2me_host") { defines = [] if (is_win && remoting_multi_process != 0 && remoting_rdp_session != 0) { defines += [ "REMOTING_RDP_SESSION" ] } if (remoting_multi_process != 0) { defines += [ "REMOTING_MULTI_PROCESS" ] } }