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2019-01-14 03:36:38 -05:00
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "url/origin.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_canon.h"
#include "url/url_canon_stdstring.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
namespace url {
Origin::Origin() : nonce_(Nonce()) {}
Origin Origin::Create(const GURL& url) {
if (!url.is_valid())
return Origin();
SchemeHostPort tuple;
if (url.SchemeIsFileSystem()) {
tuple = SchemeHostPort(*url.inner_url());
} else if (url.SchemeIsBlob()) {
// If we're dealing with a 'blob:' URL,
// defines the origin as the origin of the URL which results from parsing
// the "path", which boils down to everything after the scheme. GURL's
// 'GetContent()' gives us exactly that.
tuple = SchemeHostPort(GURL(url.GetContent()));
} else {
tuple = SchemeHostPort(url);
// It's SchemeHostPort's responsibility to filter out unrecognized schemes;
// sanity check that this is happening.
DCHECK(tuple.IsInvalid() || url.IsStandard() ||
base::ContainsValue(GetLocalSchemes(), url.scheme_piece()) ||
if (tuple.IsInvalid())
return Origin();
return Origin(std::move(tuple));
Origin Origin::Resolve(const GURL& url, const Origin& base_origin) {
if (url.IsAboutBlank())
return base_origin;
Origin result = Origin::Create(url);
if (!result.opaque())
return result;
return base_origin.DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin();
Origin::Origin(const Origin& other) = default;
Origin& Origin::operator=(const Origin& other) = default;
Origin::Origin(Origin&& other) = default;
Origin& Origin::operator=(Origin&& other) = default;
Origin::~Origin() = default;
// static
base::Optional<Origin> Origin::UnsafelyCreateTupleOriginWithoutNormalization(
base::StringPiece scheme,
base::StringPiece host,
uint16_t port) {
SchemeHostPort tuple(scheme.as_string(), host.as_string(), port,
if (tuple.IsInvalid())
return base::nullopt;
return Origin(std::move(tuple));
// static
base::Optional<Origin> Origin::UnsafelyCreateOpaqueOriginWithoutNormalization(
base::StringPiece precursor_scheme,
base::StringPiece precursor_host,
uint16_t precursor_port,
const Origin::Nonce& nonce) {
SchemeHostPort precursor(precursor_scheme.as_string(),
precursor_host.as_string(), precursor_port,
// For opaque origins, it is okay for the SchemeHostPort to be invalid;
// however, this should only arise when the arguments indicate the
// canonical representation of the invalid SchemeHostPort.
if (precursor.IsInvalid() &&
!(precursor_scheme.empty() && precursor_host.empty() &&
precursor_port == 0)) {
return base::nullopt;
return Origin(std::move(nonce), std::move(precursor));
// static
Origin Origin::CreateFromNormalizedTuple(std::string scheme,
std::string host,
uint16_t port) {
SchemeHostPort tuple(std::move(scheme), std::move(host), port,
if (tuple.IsInvalid())
return Origin();
return Origin(std::move(tuple));
// static
Origin Origin::CreateOpaqueFromNormalizedPrecursorTuple(
std::string precursor_scheme,
std::string precursor_host,
uint16_t precursor_port,
const Origin::Nonce& nonce) {
SchemeHostPort precursor(std::move(precursor_scheme),
std::move(precursor_host), precursor_port,
// For opaque origins, it is okay for the SchemeHostPort to be invalid.
return Origin(std::move(nonce), std::move(precursor));
std::string Origin::Serialize() const {
if (opaque())
return "null";
if (scheme() == kFileScheme)
return "file://";
return tuple_.Serialize();
GURL Origin::GetURL() const {
if (opaque())
return GURL();
if (scheme() == kFileScheme)
return GURL("file:///");
return tuple_.GetURL();
base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken> Origin::GetNonceForSerialization()
const {
// TODO(nasko): Consider not making a copy here, but return a reference to
// the nonce.
return nonce_ ? base::make_optional(nonce_->token()) : base::nullopt;
bool Origin::IsSameOriginWith(const Origin& other) const {
// scheme/host/port must match, even for opaque origins where |tuple_| holds
// the precursor origin.
return std::tie(tuple_, nonce_) == std::tie(other.tuple_, other.nonce_);
bool Origin::DomainIs(base::StringPiece canonical_domain) const {
return !opaque() && url::DomainIs(, canonical_domain);
bool Origin::operator<(const Origin& other) const {
return std::tie(tuple_, nonce_) < std::tie(other.tuple_, other.nonce_);
Origin Origin::DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin() const {
return Origin(Nonce(), tuple_);
Origin::Origin(SchemeHostPort tuple) : tuple_(std::move(tuple)) {
// Constructs an opaque origin derived from |precursor|.
Origin::Origin(const Nonce& nonce, SchemeHostPort precursor)
: tuple_(std::move(precursor)), nonce_(std::move(nonce)) {
// |precursor| is retained, but not accessible via scheme()/host()/port().
DCHECK_EQ("", scheme());
DCHECK_EQ("", host());
DCHECK_EQ(0U, port());
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const url::Origin& origin) {
out << origin.Serialize();
if (origin.opaque()) {
// For opaque origins, log the nonce and precursor as well. Without this,
// EXPECT_EQ failures between opaque origins are nearly impossible to
// understand.
out << " [internally: " << *origin.nonce_;
if (origin.tuple_.IsInvalid())
out << " anonymous";
out << " derived from " << origin.tuple_;
out << "]";
} else if (origin.scheme() == kFileScheme) {
out << " [internally: " << origin.tuple_ << "]";
return out;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const url::Origin::Nonce& nonce) {
// Subtle: don't let logging trigger lazy-generation of the token value.
if (nonce.raw_token().is_empty())
return (out << "(nonce TBD)");
return (out << nonce.raw_token());
bool IsSameOriginWith(const GURL& a, const GURL& b) {
return Origin::Create(a).IsSameOriginWith(Origin::Create(b));
Origin::Nonce::Nonce() {}
Origin::Nonce::Nonce(const base::UnguessableToken& token) : token_(token) {
const base::UnguessableToken& Origin::Nonce::token() const {
// Inspecting the value of a nonce triggers lazy-generation.
// TODO(dcheng): UnguessableToken::is_empty should go away -- what sentinel
// value to use instead?
if (token_.is_empty())
token_ = base::UnguessableToken::Create();
return token_;
const base::UnguessableToken& Origin::Nonce::raw_token() const {
return token_;
// Copying a Nonce triggers lazy-generation of the token.
Origin::Nonce::Nonce(const Origin::Nonce& other) : token_(other.token()) {}
Origin::Nonce& Origin::Nonce::operator=(const Origin::Nonce& other) {
// Copying a Nonce triggers lazy-generation of the token.
token_ = other.token();
return *this;
// Moving a nonce does NOT trigger lazy-generation of the token.
Origin::Nonce::Nonce(Origin::Nonce&& other) : token_(other.token_) {
other.token_ = base::UnguessableToken(); // Reset |other|.
Origin::Nonce& Origin::Nonce::operator=(Origin::Nonce&& other) {
token_ = other.token_;
other.token_ = base::UnguessableToken(); // Reset |other|.
return *this;
bool Origin::Nonce::operator<(const Origin::Nonce& other) const {
// When comparing, lazy-generation is required of both tokens, so that an
// ordering is established.
return token() < other.token();
bool Origin::Nonce::operator==(const Origin::Nonce& other) const {
// Equality testing doesn't actually require that the tokens be generated.
// If the tokens are both zero, equality only holds if they're the same
// object.
return (other.token_ == token_) && !(token_.is_empty() && (&other != this));
bool Origin::Nonce::operator!=(const Origin::Nonce& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
} // namespace url