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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 8
module arc.mojom;
// Represents a document in Android DocumentsProvider.
// See Android docs of DocumentsContract.Document for details.
struct Document {
// Opaque ID of the document.
string document_id;
// Display name of the document.
string display_name;
// MIME type of the document.
// A directory is represented by a document having MIME_TYPE_DIR MIME type.
string mime_type;
// Size of the document in bytes. If the size is unknown, -1 is set.
int64 size;
// Timestamp when the document was modified last time, in milliseconds
// since UNIX epoch.
// TODO(crbug.com/672737): Use mojo.common.mojom.Time once the type is
// converted to a non-native type so that it can be used from Java.
uint64 last_modified;
// Path to a real file on the Android VFS corresponding to this document,
// e.g. "/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/kitten.jpg".
// This value is available in limited DocumentsProviders only. If the
// provider does not expose real VFS paths, this field is always set to null.
[MinVersion=5] string? android_file_system_path;
// Describes the type of a change made to a document.
enum ChangeType {
// Indicates that the child document list of the watched directory was
// changed. Note that a watcher can be installed only on directory for now.
// Indicates that the watched document itself was deleted.
// Even if OnDocumentChanged() is called with this change type, the
// corresponding watcher is not uninstalled automatically. The host must
// call RemoveWatcher() to clean up an orphaned watcher.
// Next method ID: 5
interface FileSystemHost {
// Returns the name of the file specified by the URL.
// When an error occurs, returns null value.
[MinVersion=6] GetFileName@1(string url) => (string? name);
// Returns the size of the file specified by the URL.
// If the file does not exist or the size is unknown (e.g. directories and
// streams), -1 is returned.
[MinVersion=6] GetFileSize@2(string url) => (int64 size);
// Returns the MIME type of the file specified by the URL.
// When an error occurs, returns null value.
[MinVersion=6] GetFileType@3(string url) => (string? mime_type);
// Called when a watched document was changed.
// |type| describes the type of change made to the document.
[MinVersion=3] OnDocumentChanged@0(int64 watcher_id, ChangeType type);
// Returns an FD for reading the file specified by the URL.
[MinVersion=6] OpenFileToRead@4(string url) => (handle? fd);
// Next method ID: 11
interface FileSystemInstance {
// Notes about Android Documents Provider:
// In Android Storage Access Framework, a document is uniquely identified by
// a pair of "authority" and "document ID".
// - An authority specifies a Documents Provider that serves a document.
// It is the origin part of a content:// URI used to access the Documents
// Provider via Content Resolver protocol.
// Example: "com.android.providers.media.documents"
// - A documents provider may provide one or more roots. Each root is identified
// by a root ID.
// - A document ID is an opaque string that specifies a particular document
// in a documents provider. Its format varies by providers. Roots also have
// associated document IDs.
// See the following documents for details about Documents Provider:
// https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider.html
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/DocumentsContract.html
// Installs a document watcher to watch updates of a document.
// Currently, watchers can be installed only on directories, and only
// directory content changes are notified.
// On success, a positive unique integer is returned as a watcher ID.
// FileSystemHost.OnDocumentChanged() will be called with the watcher ID
// on directory content changes.
// On failure, -1 is returned.
// It is allowed to install multiple watchers to the same directory. In that
// case, different watcher IDs are returned.
// Watchers are not persistent. When the Mojo connection is lost, all
// watchers are cleared. Also, after reconnecting, watcher IDs can be reused.
[MinVersion=3] AddWatcher@6(string authority, string document_id) =>
(int64 watcher_id);
// Queries child documents of the directory specified by |authority| and
// |parent_document_id| in Documents Provider.
// If such a directory does not exist, null is returned.
[MinVersion=2] GetChildDocuments@4(string authority,
string parent_document_id) =>
(array<Document>? documents);
// Queries the document specified by |authority| and |document_id| in
// Documents Provider.
// If such a document does not exist, null is returned.
[MinVersion=2] GetDocument@3(string authority, string document_id) =>
(Document? document);
// Asks the ContentResolver for the size of the file specified by the URL.
// If the file does not exist or the size is unknown (e.g. directories and
// streams), -1 is returned.
[MinVersion=1] GetFileSize@1(string url) => (int64 size);
// Asks the ContentResolver to get the MIME type of the file specified by the
// URL. When an error occurs, returns null value.
[MinVersion=4] GetMimeType@8(string url) => (string? mime_type);
// Queries recent documents of a root specified by |authority| and |root_id|.
// If the root exists and it supports recent document queries, a (possibly
// empty) list of documents is returned. Otherwise, null is returned.
[MinVersion=5] GetRecentDocuments@9(string authority, string root_id) =>
(array<Document>? documents);
// DEPRECATED: Please use Init@10 instead.
[MinVersion=3] InitDeprecated@5(FileSystemHost host_ptr);
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
[MinVersion=7] Init@10(FileSystemHost host_ptr) => ();
// Asks the ContentResolver to get a FD to read the file specified by the
// URL.
[MinVersion=1] OpenFileToRead@2(string url) => (handle? fd);
// Uninstalls a document watcher.
// After this method call returns, OnDocumentChanged() will never be called
// with the watcher ID. Whether OnDocumentChanged() is called or not after
// this method is called and before this method returns is undefined.
// It fails if the specified watcher does not exist.
[MinVersion=3] RemoveWatcher@7(int64 watcher_id) => (bool success);
// Requests MediaProvider to scan specified files.
// When the specified file does not exist, the corresponding entry in
// MediaProvider is removed.
RequestMediaScan@0(array<string> paths);