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2018-08-14 22:19:20 +00:00
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_allocator_dump.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_provider_info.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_request_args.h"
#include "base/trace_event/process_memory_dump.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
class Thread;
namespace trace_event {
class MemoryDumpProvider;
// This is the interface exposed to the rest of the codebase to deal with
// memory tracing. The main entry point for clients is represented by
// RequestDumpPoint(). The extension by Un(RegisterDumpProvider).
class BASE_EXPORT MemoryDumpManager {
using RequestGlobalDumpFunction =
RepeatingCallback<void(MemoryDumpType, MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail)>;
static const char* const kTraceCategory;
// This value is returned as the tracing id of the child processes by
// GetTracingProcessId() when tracing is not enabled.
static const uint64_t kInvalidTracingProcessId;
static MemoryDumpManager* GetInstance();
static std::unique_ptr<MemoryDumpManager> CreateInstanceForTesting();
// Invoked once per process to listen to trace begin / end events.
// Initialization can happen after (Un)RegisterMemoryDumpProvider() calls
// and the MemoryDumpManager guarantees to support this.
// On the other side, the MemoryDumpManager will not be fully operational
// (any CreateProcessDump() will return a failure) until initialized.
// Arguments:
// is_coordinator: True when current process coordinates the periodic dump
// triggering.
// request_dump_function: Function to invoke a global dump. Global dump
// involves embedder-specific behaviors like multiprocess handshaking.
// TODO(primiano): this is only required to trigger global dumps from
// the scheduler. Should be removed once they are both moved out of base.
void Initialize(RequestGlobalDumpFunction request_dump_function,
bool is_coordinator);
// (Un)Registers a MemoryDumpProvider instance.
// Args:
// - mdp: the MemoryDumpProvider instance to be registered. MemoryDumpManager
// does NOT take memory ownership of |mdp|, which is expected to either
// be a singleton or unregister itself.
// - name: a friendly name (duplicates allowed). Used for debugging and
// run-time profiling of memory-infra internals. Must be a long-lived
// C string.
// - task_runner: either a SingleThreadTaskRunner or SequencedTaskRunner. All
// the calls to |mdp| will be run on the given |task_runner|. If passed
// null |mdp| should be able to handle calls on arbitrary threads.
// - options: extra optional arguments. See memory_dump_provider.h.
void RegisterDumpProvider(MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
const char* name,
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
void RegisterDumpProvider(MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
const char* name,
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner,
MemoryDumpProvider::Options options);
void RegisterDumpProviderWithSequencedTaskRunner(
MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
const char* name,
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
MemoryDumpProvider::Options options);
void UnregisterDumpProvider(MemoryDumpProvider* mdp);
// Unregisters an unbound dump provider and takes care about its deletion
// asynchronously. Can be used only for for dump providers with no
// task-runner affinity.
// This method takes ownership of the dump provider and guarantees that:
// - The |mdp| will be deleted at some point in the near future.
// - Its deletion will not happen concurrently with the OnMemoryDump() call.
// Note that OnMemoryDump() calls can still happen after this method returns.
void UnregisterAndDeleteDumpProviderSoon(
std::unique_ptr<MemoryDumpProvider> mdp);
// Prepare MemoryDumpManager for CreateProcessDump() calls for tracing-related
// modes (i.e. |level_of_detail| != SUMMARY_ONLY).
// Also initializes the scheduler with the given config.
void SetupForTracing(const TraceConfig::MemoryDumpConfig&);
// Tear-down tracing related state.
// Non-tracing modes (e.g. SUMMARY_ONLY) will continue to work.
void TeardownForTracing();
// Creates a memory dump for the current process and appends it to the trace.
// |callback| will be invoked asynchronously upon completion on the same
// thread on which CreateProcessDump() was called. This method should only be
// used by the memory-infra service while creating a global memory dump.
void CreateProcessDump(const MemoryDumpRequestArgs& args,
const ProcessMemoryDumpCallback& callback);
// Lets tests see if a dump provider is registered.
bool IsDumpProviderRegisteredForTesting(MemoryDumpProvider*);
// Returns a unique id for identifying the processes. The id can be
// retrieved by child processes only when tracing is enabled. This is
// intended to express cross-process sharing of memory dumps on the
// child-process side, without having to know its own child process id.
uint64_t GetTracingProcessId() const { return tracing_process_id_; }
void set_tracing_process_id(uint64_t tracing_process_id) {
tracing_process_id_ = tracing_process_id;
// Returns the name for a the allocated_objects dump. Use this to declare
// suballocator dumps from other dump providers.
// It will return nullptr if there is no dump provider for the system
// allocator registered (which is currently the case for Mac OS).
const char* system_allocator_pool_name() const {
return kSystemAllocatorPoolName;
// When set to true, calling |RegisterMemoryDumpProvider| is a no-op.
void set_dumper_registrations_ignored_for_testing(bool ignored) {
dumper_registrations_ignored_for_testing_ = ignored;
friend std::default_delete<MemoryDumpManager>; // For the testing instance.
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<MemoryDumpManager>;
friend class MemoryDumpManagerTest;
// Holds the state of a process memory dump that needs to be carried over
// across task runners in order to fulfill an asynchronous CreateProcessDump()
// request. At any time exactly one task runner owns a
// ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState.
struct ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState {
MemoryDumpRequestArgs req_args,
const MemoryDumpProviderInfo::OrderedSet& dump_providers,
ProcessMemoryDumpCallback callback,
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> dump_thread_task_runner);
// A ProcessMemoryDump to collect data from MemoryDumpProviders.
std::unique_ptr<ProcessMemoryDump> process_memory_dump;
// The arguments passed to the initial CreateProcessDump() request.
const MemoryDumpRequestArgs req_args;
// An ordered sequence of dump providers that have to be invoked to complete
// the dump. This is a copy of |dump_providers_| at the beginning of a dump
// and becomes empty at the end, when all dump providers have been invoked.
std::vector<scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpProviderInfo>> pending_dump_providers;
// Callback passed to the initial call to CreateProcessDump().
ProcessMemoryDumpCallback callback;
// The thread on which FinishAsyncProcessDump() (and hence |callback|)
// should be invoked. This is the thread on which the initial
// CreateProcessDump() request was called.
const scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> callback_task_runner;
// The thread on which unbound dump providers should be invoked.
// This is essentially |dump_thread_|.task_runner() but needs to be kept
// as a separate variable as it needs to be accessed by arbitrary dumpers'
// threads outside of the lock_ to avoid races when disabling tracing.
// It is immutable for all the duration of a tracing session.
const scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> dump_thread_task_runner;
static const int kMaxConsecutiveFailuresCount;
static const char* const kSystemAllocatorPoolName;
virtual ~MemoryDumpManager();
static void SetInstanceForTesting(MemoryDumpManager* instance);
// Lazily initializes dump_thread_ and returns its TaskRunner.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetOrCreateBgTaskRunnerLocked();
// Calls InvokeOnMemoryDump() for the each MDP that belongs to the current
// task runner and switches to the task runner of the next MDP. Handles
// failures in MDP and thread hops, and always calls FinishAsyncProcessDump()
// at the end.
void ContinueAsyncProcessDump(
ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState* owned_pmd_async_state);
// Invokes OnMemoryDump() of the given MDP. Should be called on the MDP task
// runner.
void InvokeOnMemoryDump(MemoryDumpProviderInfo* mdpinfo,
ProcessMemoryDump* pmd);
void FinishAsyncProcessDump(
std::unique_ptr<ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState> pmd_async_state);
// Helper for RegierDumpProvider* functions.
void RegisterDumpProviderInternal(
MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
const char* name,
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
const MemoryDumpProvider::Options& options);
// Helper for the public UnregisterDumpProvider* functions.
void UnregisterDumpProviderInternal(MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
bool take_mdp_ownership_and_delete_async);
bool can_request_global_dumps() const {
return !request_dump_function_.is_null();
// An ordered set of registered MemoryDumpProviderInfo(s), sorted by task
// runner affinity (MDPs belonging to the same task runners are adjacent).
MemoryDumpProviderInfo::OrderedSet dump_providers_;
// Function provided by the embedder to handle global dump requests.
RequestGlobalDumpFunction request_dump_function_;
// True when current process coordinates the periodic dump triggering.
bool is_coordinator_;
// Protects from concurrent accesses to the local state, eg: to guard against
// disabling logging while dumping on another thread.
Lock lock_;
// Thread used for MemoryDumpProviders which don't specify a task runner
// affinity.
std::unique_ptr<Thread> dump_thread_;
// The unique id of the child process. This is created only for tracing and is
// expected to be valid only when tracing is enabled.
uint64_t tracing_process_id_;
// When true, calling |RegisterMemoryDumpProvider| is a no-op.
bool dumper_registrations_ignored_for_testing_;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base