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// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module drivefs.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
// This file tracks platform/drivefs/mojom/drivefs.mojom. Changes should be made
// there first and then replicated here.
// Implemented by DriveFS, used from Chrome.
interface DriveFsBootstrap {
// Initialize a DriveFS instance with its configuration and mojo connections
// to the browser.
Init(DriveFsConfiguration config, DriveFs& drive_fs,
DriveFsDelegate delegate);
// Implemented by DriveFS, used from Chrome.
interface DriveFs {
// Returns the metadata for |path|. Thumbnail requests may require requesting
// a thumbnail from the server so thumbnails are only populated for requests
// where |want_thumbnail| is true.
GetMetadata(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path, bool want_thumbnail) => (
FileError error, FileMetadata? metadata);
// Sets the file at |path| to pinned or unpinned depending on the value of
// |pinned|.
SetPinned(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path, bool pinned) => (FileError error);
// Update DriveFS with the current network state, including whether the
// network is available and whether syncing should be paused.
UpdateNetworkState(bool pause_syncing, bool is_offline);
// Reset DriveFS cache.
ResetCache() => (FileError error);
// Implemented by Chrome, used from DriveFS.
interface DriveFsDelegate {
// Get an access token for |client_id| and |app_id| with access to |scopes|.
// |access_token| is only valid if |status| is kSuccess.
GetAccessToken(string client_id, string app_id, array<string> scopes) => (
AccessTokenStatus status, string access_token);
// Invoked when the mount is ready for use.
// Invoked if mounting has failed. If retry_delay is present the
// browser should try to mount again after the specified interval.
OnMountFailed(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? retry_delay);
// Invoked when the mount is going away. If retry_delay is present the
// browser should try to mount again after the specified interval.
OnUnmounted(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? retry_delay);
// Invoked when the syncing status changes.
OnSyncingStatusUpdate(SyncingStatus status);
// Invoked when server-side file changes are received.
OnFilesChanged(array<FileChange> changes);
struct DriveFsConfiguration {
string user_email;
enum AccessTokenStatus {
// Getting an access token succeeded.
// Getting an access token failed due to a transient error (e.g. network
// access is unavailable).
// Getting an access token failed due to an auth error.
enum FileError {
// These match the values of drive::FileError in
// //components/drive/file_errors.h
kOk = 0,
kFailed = -1,
kInUse = -2,
kExists = -3,
kNotFound = -4,
kAccessDenied = -5,
kTooManyOpened = -6,
kNoMemory = -7,
kNoServerSpace = -8,
kNotADirectory = -9,
kInvalidOperation = -10,
kSecurity = -11,
kAbort = -12,
kNotAFile = -13,
kNotEmpty = -14,
kInvalidUrl = -15,
kNoConnection = -16,
kNoLocalSpace = -17,
kServiceUnavailable = -18,
struct FileMetadata {
enum Type {
// A regular file.
// A hosted document (e.g. a gdoc).
// A directory.
Type type;
int64 size;
string content_mime_type;
string custom_icon_url;
// A URL to open the file in the Drive website.
string alternate_url;
// A URL to download the file.
string download_url;
mojo_base.mojom.Time modification_time;
mojo_base.mojom.Time modification_by_me_time;
bool available_offline;
bool dirty;
bool pinned;
bool shared;
bool starred;
// May be present if the file is an image.
ImageMetadata? image_metadata;
// The thumbnail as a PNG. It is only set if |want_thumbnail| is true in the
// request and the file has a thumbnail available.
array<uint8>? thumbnail;
Capabilities capabilities;
struct ImageMetadata {
// In pixels.
int32 height = 0;
int32 width = 0;
// Rotation in clockwise degrees.
int32 rotation = 0;
// Drive capabilities:
struct Capabilities {
bool can_share = true;
bool can_copy = true;
bool can_delete = true;
bool can_rename = true;
bool can_add_children = true;
struct ItemEvent {
enum State {
// The stable ID used by DriveFS.
int64 stable_id;
// A unique ID corresponding to a particular sync action.
int64 group_id;
string path;
State state;
// The following are valid only if |state| is kInProgress or kQueued. -1 acts
// as the sentinel value for unset.
int64 bytes_transferred = -1;
int64 bytes_to_transfer = -1;
struct SyncingStatus {
array<ItemEvent> item_events;
// A report of a server-side change to a file.
struct FileChange {
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path;
enum Type {
Type type;