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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/linked_list.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
namespace net {
class NetLog;
namespace disk_cache {
class MemBackendImpl;
// This class implements the Entry interface for the memory-only cache. An
// object of this class represents a single entry on the cache. We use two types
// of entries, parent and child to support sparse caching.
// A parent entry is non-sparse until a sparse method is invoked (i.e.
// ReadSparseData, WriteSparseData, GetAvailableRange) when sparse information
// is initialized. It then manages a list of child entries and delegates the
// sparse API calls to the child entries. It creates and deletes child entries
// and updates the list when needed.
// A child entry is used to carry partial cache content, non-sparse methods like
// ReadData and WriteData cannot be applied to them. The lifetime of a child
// entry is managed by the parent entry that created it except that the entry
// can be evicted independently. A child entry does not have a key and it is not
// registered in the backend's entry map.
// A sparse child entry has a fixed maximum size and can be partially
// filled. There can only be one continous filled region in a sparse entry, as
// illustrated by the following example:
// | xxx ooooo |
// x = unfilled region
// o = filled region
// It is guaranteed that there is at most one unfilled region and one filled
// region, and the unfilled region (if there is one) is always before the filled
// region. The book keeping for filled region in a sparse entry is done by using
// the variable |child_first_pos_|.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE MemEntryImpl final
: public Entry,
public base::LinkNode<MemEntryImpl> {
enum EntryType {
// Provided to better document calls to |UpdateStateOnUse()|.
enum EntryModified {
// Constructor for parent entries.
MemEntryImpl(MemBackendImpl* backend,
const std::string& key,
net::NetLog* net_log);
// Constructor for child entries.
MemEntryImpl(MemBackendImpl* backend,
int child_id,
MemEntryImpl* parent,
net::NetLog* net_log);
void Open();
bool InUse() const;
EntryType type() const { return parent_ ? CHILD_ENTRY : PARENT_ENTRY; }
const std::string& key() const { return key_; }
const MemEntryImpl* parent() const { return parent_; }
int child_id() const { return child_id_; }
base::Time last_used() const { return last_used_; }
// The in-memory size of this entry to use for the purposes of eviction.
int GetStorageSize() const;
// Update an entry's position in the backend LRU list and set |last_used_|. If
// the entry was modified, also update |last_modified_|.
void UpdateStateOnUse(EntryModified modified_enum);
// From disk_cache::Entry:
void Doom() override;
void Close() override;
std::string GetKey() const override;
base::Time GetLastUsed() const override;
base::Time GetLastModified() const override;
int32_t GetDataSize(int index) const override;
int ReadData(int index,
int offset,
IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
int WriteData(int index,
int offset,
IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback,
bool truncate) override;
int ReadSparseData(int64_t offset,
IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
int WriteSparseData(int64_t offset,
IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
int GetAvailableRange(int64_t offset,
int len,
int64_t* start,
const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
bool CouldBeSparse() const override;
void CancelSparseIO() override {}
int ReadyForSparseIO(const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
MemEntryImpl(MemBackendImpl* backend,
const std::string& key,
int child_id,
MemEntryImpl* parent,
net::NetLog* net_log);
using EntryMap = std::unordered_map<int, MemEntryImpl*>;
static const int kNumStreams = 3;
~MemEntryImpl() override;
// Do all the work for corresponding public functions. Implemented as
// separate functions to make logging of results simpler.
int InternalReadData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len);
int InternalWriteData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
bool truncate);
int InternalReadSparseData(int64_t offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len);
int InternalWriteSparseData(int64_t offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len);
int InternalGetAvailableRange(int64_t offset, int len, int64_t* start);
// Initializes the children map and sparse info. This method is only called
// on a parent entry.
bool InitSparseInfo();
// Returns an entry responsible for |offset|. The returned entry can be a
// child entry or this entry itself if |offset| points to the first range.
// If such entry does not exist and |create| is true, a new child entry is
// created.
MemEntryImpl* GetChild(int64_t offset, bool create);
// Finds the first child located within the range [|offset|, |offset + len|).
// Returns the number of bytes ahead of |offset| to reach the first available
// bytes in the entry. The first child found is output to |child|.
int FindNextChild(int64_t offset, int len, MemEntryImpl** child);
std::string key_;
std::vector<char> data_[kNumStreams]; // User data.
int ref_count_;
int child_id_; // The ID of a child entry.
int child_first_pos_; // The position of the first byte in a child
// entry.
// Pointer to the parent entry, or nullptr if this entry is a parent entry.
MemEntryImpl* parent_;
std::unique_ptr<EntryMap> children_;
base::Time last_modified_;
base::Time last_used_;
MemBackendImpl* backend_; // Back pointer to the cache.
bool doomed_; // True if this entry was removed from the cache.
net::NetLogWithSource net_log_;
} // namespace disk_cache