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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ui.mojom;
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/cursor/cursor.mojom";
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/event_matcher.mojom";
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/window_manager_constants.mojom";
import "services/ui/public/interfaces/window_tree_constants.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/frame_sink_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/local_surface_id.mojom";
import "skia/public/interfaces/bitmap.mojom";
import "ui/base/mojo/ui_base_types.mojom";
import "ui/display/mojo/display.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojo/event.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojo/event_constants.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/display/mojo/display.mojom";
// WindowManager is used when a WindowTreeClient attempts to modify
// a property of the embed root. When this happens WindowTree calls the
// appropriate function on WindowManager. For example, if a
// WindowTreeClient calls SetWindowBounds() on its embed root, WindowTree
// calls WmSetBounds(). WindowManager can then decide if it wants to
// change the bounds or not.
// This interface is only used as an associated interface and is associated
// with WindowTreeClient, further WindowTree requests this interface from
// WindowTreeClient supplied at the time the WindowTreeHost is created.
interface WindowManager {
// WindowManager defines two sets of distinct properties.
// . Properties that are used at creation time only and not persisted.
// . Long lived properties. These properties may be changed at any time and
// are mapped to aura::Window properties. aura::PropertyConverter defines
// the mapping between the property defined here and the corresonding
// aura property. For properties defined in PropertyConverter any change to
// to the aura property is mapped to the property defined here and sent to
// all clients that know about the window (which is generally just the owner
// and the window-manager).
// Properties used only during creation time. --------------------------------
// Whether the window should be initially focusable or not. Type: bool.
const string kFocusable_InitProperty = "init:focusable";
// Whether the window should be opaque.
const string kTranslucent_InitProperty = "init:translucent";
// Initial bounds to create the window at. If empty the WindowManager decides
// the initial bounds. Type: gfx::Rect.
const string kBounds_InitProperty = "init:bounds";
// The window manager will place the window in this container when the window
// is created. If not set a container is selected based on the window type.
// Type: int32_t.
const string kContainerId_InitProperty = "init:container_id";
// Disables the window manager from handling immersive fullscreen for the
// window. This is typically done if the client wants to handle immersive
// themselves. Type: bool.
const string kDisableImmersive_InitProperty = "init:disable_immersive";
// The id of the display (display::Display::id()) to create the window on.
// Type: int64.
const string kDisplayId_InitProperty = "init:display_id";
// Specifies that the system default caption and icon should not be rendered,
// and the client area should be equivalent to the window area. Type: bool
const string kRemoveStandardFrame_InitProperty = "init:remove-standard-frame";
// A flag controlling the window's presence on the mash shelf. Type: bool
const string kWindowIgnoredByShelf_InitProperty =
// The window type. This maps to aura::client::kWindowTypeKey as well as
// Window::type(). This mapping is only done for top-level windows that are
// created by the window manager at the request of a client.
// Type: mojom::WindowType (int32_t).
const string kWindowType_InitProperty = "init:window-type";
// End properties used only during creation time. ----------------------------
// Long lived properties. ----------------------------------------------------
// All primitive properties are transported as
// aura::PropertyConverter::PrimitiveType.
// Whether the window is always on top. Maps to aura::client::kAlwaysOnTopKey.
// Type: bool.
const string kAlwaysOnTop_Property = "prop:always_on_top";
// The application icon; typically larger for shelf icons, etc. Type: SkBitmap
const string kAppIcon_Property = "prop:app-icon";
// Used to explicitly control whether a window appears in the most recently
// used list of windows. Maps to aura::client::kExcludeFromMruKey. Type: bool.
const string kExcludeFromMru_Property = "prop:exclude_from_mru";
// If true, when a window is in in fullscreen mode, the user cannot reveal
// the top portion of the window through a touch / mouse gesture.
// Type: bool.
const string kImmersiveFullscreen_Property = "prop:immersive-fullscreen";
// The window's minimum size as defined by its content. Maps to
// aura::client::kMinimumSize_Property. Type: gfx::Size.
const string kMinimumSize_Property = "prop:minimum-size";
// Internal window name. Useful for debugging. Maps to aura::client::kNameKey.
// Type: mojom::String
const string kName_Property = "prop:name";
// If true (and the window is a panel), it's attached to its shelf item.
const string kPanelAttached_Property = "prop:panel-attached";
// The window's preferred size as defined by its content. Maps to
// aura::client::kPreferredSize_Property. Type: gfx::Size.
const string kPreferredSize_Property = "prop:preferred-size";
// If true the window manager renders the title area (including frame
// decorations) of the parent window in this window. This is only checked
// at the time the window is added to its parent, which must be a top level
// window (created by way of WindowTree::NewTopLevelWindow()). This is not
// mapped by default, it's up to the window manager (such as ash) to decide
// how to handle this. Type: bool.
const string kRenderParentTitleArea_Property =
// The window's resize behavior. Maps to aura::client::kResizeBehaviorKey.
// Type: ResizeBehavior.
const string kResizeBehavior_Property = "prop:resize-behavior";
// Bounds the window is restored to. Maps to client::kRestoreBoundsKey.
// Type: gfx::Rect.
const string kRestoreBounds_Property = "prop:restore-bounds";
// See ShadowElevation for details. Type: wm::ShadowElevation.
const string kShadowElevation_Property = "prop:shadow-elevation";
// The serialized shelf id. Maps to ash::kShelfIDKey. Type: mojom::String.
const string kShelfID_Property = "prop:shelf-id";
// The type of item to be shown on the shelf for this window. Type: int
// A few ash::ShelfItemType values are supported; TYPE_UNKNOWN means no item.
const string kShelfItemType_Property = "prop:shelf-item-type";
// The window's show state. Maps to aura::client::kShowStateKey.
// Type: ShowState.
const string kShowState_Property = "prop:show-state";
// The window icon; typically 16x16 for titlebars. Type: SkBitmap
const string kWindowIcon_Property = "prop:window-icon";
// The window's title. Maps to aura::client::kTitleKey. Type: mojom::String
const string kWindowTitle_Property = "prop:window-title";
// End long lived properties. ------------------------------------------------
// Called immediately when the WindowManager is obtained.
// Called when a new display is added. |root| gives the root window specific
// to this WindowManager for |display|. |local_surface_id| identifies the ID
// to use to submit CompositorFrames.
WmNewDisplayAdded(display.mojom.Display display,
WindowData root,
bool parent_drawn,
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id);
// Called when a display is removed. The root of the specified display is
// still valid. It is expected the client calls DeleteWindow() shortly after
// this with the root.
WmDisplayRemoved(int64 display_id);
// Called when a display is modified. The root of the specified display will
// be resized by the WindowServer after this.
WmDisplayModified(display.mojom.Display display);
// When the WindowManager completes a request it must call back to
// WindowManagerClient::WmResponse().
WmSetBounds(uint32 change_id, uint32 window_id, gfx.mojom.Rect bounds);
WmSetProperty(uint32 change_id,
uint32 window_id,
string name,
array<uint8>? value);
WmSetModalType(uint32 window_id, ModalType type);
WmSetCanFocus(uint32 window_id, bool can_focus);
// Asks the WindowManager to create a new window.
// |requesting_client_id| is the id of the client issuing the request. This
// allows the window manager to track top level windows by client.
WmCreateTopLevelWindow(uint32 change_id,
uint16 requesting_client_id,
map<string, array<uint8>> properties);
// A WindowTreeClient is considered "janky" by Mus when it stops ACK'ing input
// events within a reasonable timeframe. When a client enters or exits this
// state, Mus will tell the window manager about it so that the window manager
// can update the UI for the janky windows.
WmClientJankinessChanged(uint16 client_id, bool janky);
// Asks the WindowManager to create a drag representation window: a window
// which contains a single image representation.
// TODO(erg): SkBitmap is the wrong data type for the drag image; we should
// be passing ImageSkias once http://crbug.com/655874 is implemented.
WmBuildDragImage(gfx.mojom.Point screen_location,
skia.mojom.Bitmap? drag_image,
gfx.mojom.Vector2d drag_image_offset,
PointerKind source);
// Moves the drag representation image to |screen_location|. The window server
// queues further drags locally until they receive the callback.
WmMoveDragImage(gfx.mojom.Point screen_location) => ();
// Called when the drag image is no longer needed.
// Asks the WindowManager to interactively move the window. This will return
// whether this completed successfully or not through the client's
// OnWmMoveLoopCompleted().
WmPerformMoveLoop(uint32 change_id, uint32 window_id,
MoveLoopSource source,
gfx.mojom.Point cursor_location);
// Asks the WindowManager to cancel any outstanding move loop on |change_id|.
WmCancelMoveLoop(uint32 change_id);
// Asks the WindowManager to change the activation from the current window
// to the next. The window manager may completely ignore this message.
WmDeactivateWindow(uint32 window_id);
// Asks the WindowMangaer to stack |above_id| in front of |below_id|.
WmStackAbove(uint32 change_id, uint32 above_id, uint32 below_id);
// Asks the WindowManager to stack |window_id| as the first child of its
// window manager owned parent.
WmStackAtTop(uint32 change_id, uint32 window_id);
// An accelerator registered via AddAccelerator() has been triggered. If
// |ack_id| is non-zero the accelerator matches a PRE_TARGET and must be
// acknowledged by WindowManagerClient::OnAcceleratorAck().
OnAccelerator(uint32 ack_id, uint32 accelerator_id, ui.mojom.Event event);
// Whenever the visibility of the mouse cursor changes due to touch on the
// server, the window manager gets notified of the change.
OnCursorTouchVisibleChanged(bool enabled);
// Called when a pointer down event occurs on a window and the event is
// blocked by a modal window.
OnEventBlockedByModalWindow(uint32 window_id);
struct WmAccelerator {
uint32 id;
EventMatcher event_matcher;
// This interface is only used as an associated interface and is associated
// with WindowTree.
interface WindowManagerClient {
// Enables (or disables) child windows of |window_id| to be activated.
AddActivationParent(uint32 window_id);
RemoveActivationParent(uint32 window_id);
// Extends the hit area for children of |window_id| by the specified amount.
// |mouse_insets| is used for mouse events, and |touch_insets| for touch
// events. NOTE: the insets are expected to be negative (or zero). If one
// of the sizes of an inset is a positive value the call is ignored.
SetExtendedHitRegionForChildren(uint32 window_id,
gfx.mojom.Insets mouse_insets,
gfx.mojom.Insets touch_insets);
// Add and remove accelerators. When accelerators are registered the
// WindowManager receives the event via OnAccelerator() rather than the
// target window. The id is defined by the client and can be used to more
// easily identify the accelerator's action.
// Accelerator ids 1 << 31 and above are reserved for internal use.
// See WindowTree for details on event dispatch.
// This ignores any accelerators already defined with the same id or matcher.
// Returns true if all accelerators were added successfully.
AddAccelerators(array<WmAccelerator> accelerators) => (bool success);
RemoveAccelerator(uint32 id);
// Some platforms want to hide the cursor when the user presses a key, but
// only on certain keys. When |dont_hide_cursor_list| is non-empty, the window
// server will attempt to match all keys being dispatched to windows to this
// list. If there is no match, the window server will hide the cursor. (The
// list of keys to *not* hide on is much shorter than the list of all keys.)
// The cursor will automatically be unhidden on the next mouse event.
SetKeyEventsThatDontHideCursor(array<EventMatcher> dont_hide_cursor_list);
// Sets the root of a particular display. This is only applicable when the
// WindowTree was created with a value of false for
// |automatically_create_display_roots| (see
// WindowManagerWindowTreeFactory::CreateWindowTree() for details).
// |local_surface_id| identifies the ID to use to submit CompositorFrames.
// base::nullopt indicates failure.
// This function may also be used to move an existing display root to a new
// display.
SetDisplayRoot(display.mojom.Display display,
WmViewportMetrics viewport_metrics,
bool is_primary_display,
uint32 window_id) => (bool success);
// Configures the metrics for the displays and notifies observers. This is
// only applicable when WindowTree was created with a value of false for
// |automatically_create_display_roots|. This *must* be called after any
// display related changes to inform observers, for example, after calling
// SetDisplayRoot() this must be called to inform observers of the display
// changes.
SetDisplayConfiguration(array<display.mojom.Display> displays,
array<WmViewportMetrics> viewport_metrics,
int64 primary_display_id,
int64 internal_display_id) => (bool success);
// Swaps the display roots of the two displays.
SwapDisplayRoots(int64 display_id1, int64 display_id2) => (bool success);
// Sets the BlockingContainers; one per display. This should be called any
// time displays are added or removed. See description of BlockingContainers
// for details on what this does.
SetBlockingContainers(array<BlockingContainers> blocking_containers) =>
(bool success);
// The window manager has completed a request with the specific change id.
WmResponse(uint32 change_id, bool response);
// The window manager has completed a SetBounds request with the specified
// change id
WmSetBoundsResponse(uint32 change_id);
// Calls WindowTreeClient::RequestClose() on the embedded app at the
// specified window.
WmRequestClose(uint32 window_id);
// Sets the frame decoration constants of the display the window manager is
// associated with.
WmSetFrameDecorationValues(FrameDecorationValues values);
// Sets the cursor that the non-client areas of the window should use.
WmSetNonClientCursor(uint32 window_id, CursorData cursor);
// Locks and unlocks the cursor globally. Used during window management tasks
// where the cursor shouldn't change.
// Shows and hides the cursor globally. Used during window management tasks.
WmSetCursorVisible(bool visible);
// Sets whether we're using normal or large cursors.
WmSetCursorSize(CursorSize cursor_size);
// Sets a global cursor which overrides per-window cursors. Pass null to
// clear.
WmSetGlobalOverrideCursor(CursorData? cursor);
// Moves the cursor to the given location on the given display.
WmMoveCursorToDisplayLocation(gfx.mojom.Point display_pixels,
int64 display_id);
// Confines the cursor to a rectangle in pixels on |display_id|.
WmConfineCursorToBounds(gfx.mojom.Rect bounds_in_pixels,
int64 display_id);
// The cursor is hidden and shown by touch events naturally, but the
// window manager also can manually show/hide it for features.
WmSetCursorTouchVisible(bool enabled);
// Response from WmCreateTopLevelWindow() informing the client of the id for
// the new window.
OnWmCreatedTopLevelWindow(uint32 change_id, uint32 window_id);
// See description in WindowManager::OnAccelerator(). |ack_id| is the value
// that was passed to OnAccelerator(). If the accelerator is a pre-target
// handler and |event_result| is UNHANDLED, then |properties| is added to
// the KeyEvent that is dispatched to the client with the focused window.
OnAcceleratorAck(uint32 ack_id,
EventResult event_result,
map<string, array<uint8>> properties);