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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module content.mojom;
import "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_event_dispatcher.mojom";
import "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_installed_scripts_manager.mojom";
import "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_provider.mojom";
import "mojo/common/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/common/time.mojom";
import "services/service_manager/public/interfaces/interface_provider.mojom";
import "third_party/WebKit/public/web/console_message.mojom";
import "third_party/WebKit/public/web/worker_content_settings_proxy.mojom";
import "url/mojo/url.mojom";
struct EmbeddedWorkerStartParams;
// Holds timing information about the start worker sequence for UMA.
struct EmbeddedWorkerStartTiming {
// When this Blink instance finished initializing.
mojo.common.mojom.TimeTicks blink_initialized_time;
// When the start worker message was received by the renderer.
mojo.common.mojom.TimeTicks start_worker_received_time;
// EmbeddedWorkerInstanceClient is the renderer-side ("Client") of
// EmbeddedWorkerInstanceHost. It allows control of a renderer-side
// embedded worker. The browser uses this interface to start, stop, and
// issue commands to the worker.
interface EmbeddedWorkerInstanceClient {
// Called back as various functions in EmbeddedWorkerInstanceHost, such
// as OnThreadStarted(), OnStarted().
StartWorker(EmbeddedWorkerStartParams params,
ServiceWorkerEventDispatcher& dispatcher_request,
ServiceWorkerInstalledScriptsInfo? installed_scripts_info,
associated EmbeddedWorkerInstanceHost instance_host,
ServiceWorkerProviderInfoForStartWorker provider_info,
blink.mojom.WorkerContentSettingsProxy content_settings_proxy);
// The response is sent back via EmbeddedWorkerInstanceHost.OnStopped().
AddMessageToConsole(blink.mojom.ConsoleMessageLevel level, string message);
// EmbeddedWorkerInstanceHost is the browser-side ("Host") of
// EmbeddedWorkerInstanceClient. It allows control of a browser-side
// embedded worker instance. The renderer uses this interface to report
// embedded worker state back to the browser. This interface is associated
// with the EmbeddedWorkerInstanceClient interface.
interface EmbeddedWorkerInstanceHost {
// Indicates that the worker is ready for inspection.
// Indicates that the worker has finished loading the script.
// Indicates that the worker has failed to load the script.
// Indicates that the worker thread has started. |thread_id| is the actual
// platform thread id on which the worker runs.
// This is called after OnScriptLoaded.
OnThreadStarted(int32 thread_id);
// Indicates that the worker has evaluated the script. |success| means
// evaluating the script completed and no uncaught exception occurred.
// This is called after OnThreadStarted.
OnScriptEvaluated(bool success);
// Indicates that the worker has started.
// This is called after OnScriptEvaluated.
OnStarted(EmbeddedWorkerStartTiming start_timing);
// Reports that an uncaught exception occurred in the worker.
OnReportException(mojo.common.mojom.String16 error_message, int32 line_number,
int32 column_number, url.mojom.Url source_url);
// Reports that a console message was emitted to the worker's console.
OnReportConsoleMessage(int32 source_identifier, int32 message_level,
mojo.common.mojom.String16 message, int32 line_number,
url.mojom.Url source_url);
// Indicates that the worker has stopped.