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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 3
// This file defines the mojo interface between Android and Chromium for video
// decoding. Any Mojo callee that returns a value does so by callback.
// However, the caller may receive it by out-param (for sync calls) or
// via callback (for async calls).
// However, we only use callbacks to Reset, Flush and Initialize
// in the present design and don't use for other functions.
// This is mainly because other VDAClient functions and VDA functions are not
// correlated.
// Please don't use this design as a good reference, it is strongly recommended
// in mojom that all the function results are reported by passed callbacks.
module arc.mojom;
import "components/arc/common/gfx.mojom";
import "components/arc/common/video_common.mojom";
// Information of the bitstream buffer.
struct BitstreamBuffer {
int32 bitstream_id;
// This handle is passed and used in Decode().
// The handle fd is ashmem.
handle handle_fd;
uint32 offset;
uint32 bytes_used;
struct Picture {
int32 picture_buffer_id;
int32 bitstream_id;
// the crop rectangle with the picture buffer to be displayed.
Rect crop_rect;
// Format specification of the picture buffer request.
struct PictureBufferFormat {
// minimal number of buffers required to process the video.
uint32 min_num_buffers;
Size coded_size;
struct VideoDecodeAcceleratorConfig {
VideoCodecProfile profile;
bool secure_mode;
// The interface to access the hardware video decoding accelerator. To use
// the decoder, the client first calls Initialize() and must wait for a
// callback with the result. Once done, the client can feed the decoder with
// input bit streams via Decode(). The decoder will call
// VideoDecodeClient::NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer() to notify the client that
// it has finished consuming the contents of the buffer.
// The decoder will also call VideoDecodeClient::ProvidePictureBuffers to
// ask for output buffers for decoding. The client must provide at least
// PictureBufferFormat::min_num_buffers of output buffers and tell the decoder
// the number by AssignPictureBuffers(). Those output buffers are imported
// one by one by ImportBufferForPicture(). Afterwards, the video decoder will
// writes the decoded output into those output buffers and notify the client
// via PictureReady() to indicate when a buffer is ready to be used. After
// client finish using the decoded buffer, it can return the buffer back to the
// decoder by ReusePictureBuffer(), allowing the buffer to be reused for
// decoding future frames.
// For secure playback, the client only holds the dummy buffers for both output
// and input. The protected buffers will be allocated in server side
// and never shared to the client. For input buffers, the client must call
// AllocateProtectedBuffer() for each handle before passing it to Decode().
// The protected buffers will be allocated at the server side for storing
// decrypted input bit streams. For output buffers, the server will allocated
// the protected output buffers when ImportBufferForPicture() is called;
// this will tell the server to import and use the protected buffer instead of
// the dummy buffer.
// Deprecated method IDs: 3, 7, 8
// Next method ID: 10
interface VideoDecodeAccelerator {
enum Result {
// Initializes video decoder accelerator with specific video codec profile.
// The caller needs to wait for the initialization result (returned by
// callback) before calling any other methods.
Initialize@0(VideoDecodeAcceleratorConfig config,
VideoDecodeClient client) => (Result result);
// Decodes the content in the shared memory of the bitstream buffer. The
// callee needs to map the the shared memory to read the content and is
// responsible to release the shared memory by closing the file descriptor.
Decode@1(BitstreamBuffer bitstream_buffer);
// Sets the number of output picture buffers.
// This releases any buffers in use/imported previously.
AssignPictureBuffers@2(uint32 count);
// Imports a buffer to be used by the accelerator with specified
// |picture_buffer_id|.
// Releases any previously imported buffer under given |picture_buffer_id|.
// This should be preceded by a call to AssignPictureBuffers().
// Calls VDA::ImportBufferForPicture() with |format| and a
// gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle created from |handle_fd| and |planes|.
ImportBufferForPicture@9(int32 picture_buffer_id, HalPixelFormat format,
handle handle_fd, array<VideoFramePlane> planes);
// Returns picture buffer with specified |picture_buffer_id| to be reused by
// the accelerator.
ReusePictureBuffer@4(int32 picture_buffer_id);
// Resets the accelerator, without decoding any pending buffers.
// When it is done, the callback will be invoked.
Reset@5() => (Result result);
// Flushes the accelerator. After all the output buffers pending decode have
// been returned to client, the callback will be invoked.
// Flush() can be cancelled by a succeeding Reset(). In that case, the
// callback is called with Result::CANCELLED.
Flush@6() => (Result result);
// Deprecated method IDs: 0
// Next method ID: 5
interface VideoDecodeClient {
// Callback to tell client how many and what size of buffers to provide.
ProvidePictureBuffers@4(PictureBufferFormat format);
// Called to notify the client that |picture| is ready to be displayed.
// The calls to PictureReady() are in display order and Picture should
// be displayed in that order.
PictureReady@1(Picture picture);
// Called to notify that decoder has decoded the end of the BitstreamBuffer
// with specified |bitstream_id|.
NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer@2(int32 bitstream_id);
// Called when an asynchronous error happens, for example, illegal state,
// error while decoding the stream, or a platform/system error.
// The errors in Initialize(), Reset() and Flush(), will not be reported here,
// but will be returned in its callback function.
NotifyError@3(VideoDecodeAccelerator.Result error);