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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 38
module arc.mojom;
import "components/arc/common/gfx.mojom";
import "components/arc/common/scale_factor.mojom";
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_assistant_structure.mojom";
// Describes installation result.
struct InstallationResult {
string package_name;
bool success; // true if app was installed successfully.
// Describes ARC app.
struct AppInfo {
string name;
string package_name;
string activity;
[MinVersion=2] bool sticky; // true if the app cannot be uninstalled
[MinVersion=7] bool notifications_enabled;
[MinVersion=35] bool suspended;
// Describes ARC package.
struct ArcPackageInfo {
string package_name;
int32 package_version;
int64 last_backup_android_id;
int64 last_backup_time;
bool sync; // true if package installation should be synced
[MinVersion=11] bool system; // true if package is system package.
// true if package registers VPNService intent.
[MinVersion=25] bool vpn_provider;
// Describes ARC app shortcut.
struct ShortcutInfo {
string name;
string package_name;
string icon_resource_id;
string intent_uri;
// Page for ShowPackageInfoOnPage.
enum ShowPackageInfoPage {
// The main package info page.
MAIN = 0,
// Page for managing links assigned to the app.
// Describes a Play Store app discovery result.
struct AppDiscoveryResult {
string? launch_intent_uri;
string? install_intent_uri;
string? label;
bool is_instant_app;
bool is_recent;
string? publisher_name;
string? formatted_price;
float review_score;
array<uint8> icon_png_data;
[MinVersion=22] string? package_name;
// Describes the status of an app discovery request, including completed
// states and all possible anomalies.
enum AppDiscoveryRequestState {
// Request handled successfully.
// Request canceled when a newer request is sent.
// Request failed due to any communication error or Play Store internal error.
// All possible reasons of ending a request:
// PlayStoreProxyService is not available.
// It fails to cancel the previous request.
// It fails to call findApps API.
// It comes with invalid parameters.
// It times out.
// At least one result returned from Phonesky has an unmatched request code.
// At least one result returned from Phonesky has an unmatched session id.
// Phonesky returns with an unmatched request code.
// The app discovery service is not available.
// The installed Phonesky version doesn't support app discovery.
// It gets an unexpected exception from Phonesky.
// The Phonesky app discovery service thinks it's malformed.
// An internal error happens in Phonesky while processing the request.
// At least one result returned with invalid app data.
// Describes the type/category of an app data search result.
enum AppDataResultType {
PERSON = 0, // Person search result.
NOTE_DOCUMENT = 1, // Note document search result.
// Describes an app data search result.
struct AppDataResult {
// Intent uri to launch the result.
string launch_intent_uri@0;
// Label for the result.
string label@1;
// Text information for the result.
string text@3;
// Icon information in png format. It could be null if not provided. Decoded
// in the utility process.
array<uint8>? icon_png_data@2;
// Type of this app data search result.
[MinVersion=28] AppDataResultType type@4;
// Describes the status of an app data search request, including completed
// states and all possible anomalies.
enum AppDataRequestState {
// Request is handled successfully.
// Request is canceled.
// Request times out.
// Request fails for the case of an interrupted status.
// Request fails for the case of response document error.
// Request has an unexpected exception of call to GmsCore.
// Request has invalid parameters.
// AppDataSearchProxyService is not available.
// Failed to call globalQuery to GmsCore.
// Describes the category type of app shortcut item.
enum AppShortcutItemType {
// Static shortcut, which means it was published from AndroidManifest.xml.
kStatic = 0,
// Dynamic shortcut, which means it was published at runtime using the
// ShortcutManagerAPI. Dynamic shortcuts are links to specific,
// context-sensitive actions within the app.
kDynamic = 1,
// Describes app shortcut that is published by Android's ShortcutManager.
struct AppShortcutItem {
// The ID of this shortcut. Unique within each publisher app and stable across
// devices.
string shortcut_id;
// The short description of this shortcut.
string short_label;
// The icon for this shortcut, decoded in the utility process.
array<uint8> icon_png;
// The package name of the publisher app.
[MinVersion=31] string? package_name;
// The category type of this shortcut.
[MinVersion=32] AppShortcutItemType type;
// "Rank" of a shortcut, which is a non-negative, sequential value.
[MinVersion=32] int32 rank;
// Next method ID: 18
interface AppHost {
// Sends newly added ARC app to Chrome. This message is sent when ARC receives
// package added notification. Multiple apps may be added in the one package.
[MinVersion=1] OnAppAddedDeprecated@2(AppInfo app);
// Receives an icon of required |scale_factor| for specific ARC app. The app
// is defined by |package_name| and |activity|. The icon content cannot be
// empty and must match to |scale_factor| assuming 48x48 for
// SCALE_FACTOR_100P. |scale_factor| is an enum defined at ui/base/layout.h.
// |icon_png_data| is a png-encoded image.
OnAppIconDeprecated@1(string package_name, string activity,
ScaleFactor scale_factor, array<uint8> icon_png_data);
// Receives a list of available ARC apps to Chrome. Members of AppInfo must
// contain non-empty string.
OnAppListRefreshed@0(array<AppInfo> apps);
// Notifies that a package has been added.
[MinVersion=8] OnPackageAdded@8(ArcPackageInfo arcPackageInfo);
// Notifies that a package list of apps has been updated.
[MinVersion=14] OnPackageAppListRefreshed@13(string package_name,
array<AppInfo> apps);
// Receives a list of available ARC packages to Chrome. Members of
// PackageInfo must contain non-empty string.
[MinVersion=8] OnPackageListRefreshed@9(array<ArcPackageInfo> packages);
// Notifies that a package has been modified.
[MinVersion=8] OnPackageModified@10(ArcPackageInfo arcPackageInfo);
// Sends removed ARC package to Chrome. |package_name| must contain non-empty
// string. This message is sent when ARC receives package removed
// notification. Removing one package can potentially remove more than one
// app.
[MinVersion=1] OnPackageRemoved@3(string package_name);
// Sends information about newly created task |package_name| and |activity|
// specifies launch activity and |intent| is initial intent used to start
// new task.
[MinVersion=4] OnTaskCreated@4(int32 task_id@0,
string package_name@1,
string activity@2,
[MinVersion=13] string? name@3,
[MinVersion=15] string? intent@4);
// Sends task label and icon.
[MinVersion=19] OnTaskDescriptionUpdated@17(int32 task_id,
string label,
array<uint8> icon_png_data);
// Notifies that task has been destroyed.
[MinVersion=4] OnTaskDestroyed@5(int32 task_id);
// Notifies that task has been activated.
[MinVersion=4] OnTaskSetActive@6(int32 task_id);
// Notifies that notifications enabled settings in Android is changed.
[MinVersion=7] OnNotificationsEnabledChanged@7(string package_name,
bool enabled);
// Notifies that an application shortcut needs to be created.
[MinVersion=9] OnInstallShortcut@11(ShortcutInfo shortcut);
// Notifies that Play Store installation has been started. |package_name|
// specifies installation package
[MinVersion=16] OnInstallationStarted@14(
[MinVersion=17] string? package_name@0);
// Notifies that Play Store installation is finished. |result| contains
// details of installation result.
[MinVersion=16] OnInstallationFinished@15(
[MinVersion=17] InstallationResult? result@1);
// Notifies that an application shortcut needs to be deleted. Shortcut is
// defined by its |intent_uri| and |package_name|.
[MinVersion=18] OnUninstallShortcut@16(string package_name,
string intent_uri);
// TODO(lhchavez): Migrate all request/response messages to Mojo.
// Next method ID: 30
interface AppInstance {
// DEPRECATED: Please use Init@21 instead.
InitDeprecated@0(AppHost host_ptr);
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
[MinVersion=26] Init@21(AppHost host_ptr) => ();
[MinVersion=1] CanHandleResolutionDeprecated@4(
string package_name, string activity, Rect dimension) =>
(bool can_handle);
// Closes the the given task.
[MinVersion=4] CloseTask@8(int32 task_id);
// Requests information about task.
[MinVersion=3] GetTaskInfo@6(int32 task_id) => (string package_name,
string activity);
// Sends a request to ARC to install package.
[MinVersion=8] InstallPackage@11(ArcPackageInfo arcPackageInfo);
LaunchAppDeprecated@1(string package_name, string activity,
[MinVersion=1] Rect? dimension_on_screen);
// Sends a request to ARC to launch an ARC app defined by |package_name| and
// |activity|, which cannot be empty.
[MinVersion=23] LaunchApp@18(string package_name, string activity,
int64 display_id);
// Sends a request to ARC for the Android launcher to launch the specified app
// shortcut.
[MinVersion=30] LaunchAppShortcutItem@24(
string package_name, string shortcut_id, int64 display_id);
[MinVersion=9] LaunchIntentDeprecated@12(string intent_uri,
Rect? dimension_on_screen);
// Sends a request to ARC to launch an intent. The intent is encoded as a URI
// string. See Intent.toUri().
[MinVersion=23] LaunchIntent@19(string intent_uri, int64 display_id);
// Sends a request to ARC to refresh a list of ARC apps.
// OnRefreshAppsList is expected in response to this message. However,
// response may not be sent if ARC is not ready yet (boot completed event is
// not received).
// Sends a request for the ARC shortcut icon of a given resource id and
// |pixel_size|.
[MinVersion=36] RequestAppIcon@27(string package_name,
string activity,
int32 pixel_size) =>
(array<uint8> icon_png_data);
// Sends a request to ARC for the ARC app icon of a required scale factor.
// Scale factor is an enum defined at ui/base/layout.h. App is defined by
// |package_name| and |activity|, which cannot be empty.
RequestAppIconDeprecated@3(string package_name, string activity,
ScaleFactor scale_factor);
// Sends a request for the ARC shortcut icon of a given resource id and
// |pixel_size|.
[MinVersion=36] RequestShortcutIcon@28(string icon_resource_id,
int32 pixel_size) =>
(array<uint8> icon_png_data);
// Sends a request for the ARC shortcut icon of a given resource id and scale
// factor.
[MinVersion=9] RequestShortcutIconDeprecated@13(
string icon_resource_id, ScaleFactor scale_factor) =>
(array<uint8> icon_png_data);
// Removes cached shortcut icon with the given resource id.
[MinVersion=9] RemoveCachedIcon@14(string icon_resource_id);
// Activates the given task and move it to foreground.
[MinVersion=4] SetTaskActive@7(int32 task_id);
[MinVersion=5] ShowPackageInfoDeprecated@9(string package_name,
Rect dimension_on_screen);
[MinVersion=10] ShowPackageInfoOnPageDeprecated@15(string package_name,
ShowPackageInfoPage page,
Rect dimension_on_screen);
// Sends a request to ARC to show package info for given package on the
// specified page.
[MinVersion=23] ShowPackageInfoOnPage@20(string package_name,
ShowPackageInfoPage page,
int64 display_id);
// Sets notification setting for the package.
[MinVersion=6] SetNotificationsEnabled@10(string package_name, bool enabled);
// Sends a request to ARC to start PAI flow.
[MinVersion=21] StartPaiFlow@17();
// Sends a request to ARC to start FastAppReinstall flow.
[MinVersion=33] StartFastAppReinstallFlow@25(array<string> arc_package_names);
// Sends a request to ARC to uninstall the given package. Error (if ever
// happens) is ignored, and uninstall option should appear in the UI.
[MinVersion=2] UninstallPackage@5(string package_name);
// Sends a request to ARC to get app shortcuts for apps in global scope that
// match a |query|. Limits the results to only return |max_results|.
[MinVersion=34] GetAppShortcutGlobalQueryItems@26(
string query, int32 max_results) =>
(array<AppShortcutItem> shortcut_items);
// Sends a request to ARC to get app shortcuts for app with |package_name|.
[MinVersion=29] GetAppShortcutItems@23(string package_name) =>
(array<AppShortcutItem> shortcut_items);
// Starts a query for app data, which is querying icing indexable contents.
[MinVersion=27] GetIcingGlobalQueryResults@22(
string query, int32 max_results) =>
(AppDataRequestState state, array<AppDataResult> results);
// Starts a query for Play Store apps.
[MinVersion=20] GetRecentAndSuggestedAppsFromPlayStore@16(
string query, int32 max_results) =>
(AppDiscoveryRequestState state@1,
array<AppDiscoveryResult> results@0);
// Requests assist structure.
[MinVersion=37] RequestAssistStructure@29() =>
(ax.mojom.AssistantExtra? assistant_extra,
ax.mojom.AssistantTree? assistant_tree);