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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include <minizip/unzip.h>
#include "third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h"
namespace zip {
// A delegate interface used to stream out an entry; see
// ZipReader::ExtractCurrentEntry.
class WriterDelegate {
virtual ~WriterDelegate() {}
// Invoked once before any data is streamed out to pave the way (e.g., to open
// the output file). Return false on failure to cancel extraction.
virtual bool PrepareOutput() = 0;
// Invoked to write the next chunk of data. Return false on failure to cancel
// extraction.
virtual bool WriteBytes(const char* data, int num_bytes) = 0;
// Sets the last-modified time of the data.
virtual void SetTimeModified(const base::Time& time) = 0;
// This class is used for reading zip files. A typical use case of this
// class is to scan entries in a zip file and extract them. The code will
// look like:
// ZipReader reader;
// reader.Open(zip_file_path);
// while (reader.HasMore()) {
// reader.OpenCurrentEntryInZip();
// const base::FilePath& entry_path =
// reader.current_entry_info()->file_path();
// auto writer = CreateFilePathWriterDelegate(extract_dir, entry_path);
// reader.ExtractCurrentEntry(writer, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
// reader.AdvanceToNextEntry();
// }
// For simplicity, error checking is omitted in the example code above. The
// production code should check return values from all of these functions.
class ZipReader {
// A callback that is called when the operation is successful.
typedef base::Closure SuccessCallback;
// A callback that is called when the operation fails.
typedef base::Closure FailureCallback;
// A callback that is called periodically during the operation with the number
// of bytes that have been processed so far.
typedef base::Callback<void(int64_t)> ProgressCallback;
// This class represents information of an entry (file or directory) in
// a zip file.
class EntryInfo {
EntryInfo(const std::string& filename_in_zip,
const unz_file_info& raw_file_info);
// Returns the file path. The path is usually relative like
// "foo/bar.txt", but if it's absolute, is_unsafe() returns true.
const base::FilePath& file_path() const { return file_path_; }
// Returns the size of the original file (i.e. after uncompressed).
// Returns 0 if the entry is a directory.
// Note: this value should not be trusted, because it is stored as metadata
// in the zip archive and can be different from the real uncompressed size.
int64_t original_size() const { return original_size_; }
// Returns the last modified time. If the time stored in the zip file was
// not valid, the unix epoch will be returned.
// The time stored in the zip archive uses the MS-DOS date and time format.
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724247(v=vs.85).aspx
// As such the following limitations apply:
// * only years from 1980 to 2107 can be represented.
// * the time stamp has a 2 second resolution.
// * there's no timezone information, so the time is interpreted as local.
base::Time last_modified() const { return last_modified_; }
// Returns true if the entry is a directory.
bool is_directory() const { return is_directory_; }
// Returns true if the entry is unsafe, like having ".." or invalid
// UTF-8 characters in its file name, or the file path is absolute.
bool is_unsafe() const { return is_unsafe_; }
const base::FilePath file_path_;
int64_t original_size_;
base::Time last_modified_;
bool is_directory_;
bool is_unsafe_;
// Opens the zip file specified by |zip_file_path|. Returns true on
// success.
bool Open(const base::FilePath& zip_file_path);
// Opens the zip file referred to by the platform file |zip_fd|, without
// taking ownership of |zip_fd|. Returns true on success.
bool OpenFromPlatformFile(base::PlatformFile zip_fd);
// Opens the zip data stored in |data|. This class uses a weak reference to
// the given sring while extracting files, i.e. the caller should keep the
// string until it finishes extracting files.
bool OpenFromString(const std::string& data);
// Closes the currently opened zip file. This function is called in the
// destructor of the class, so you usually don't need to call this.
void Close();
// Returns true if there is at least one entry to read. This function is
// used to scan entries with AdvanceToNextEntry(), like:
// while (reader.HasMore()) {
// // Do something with the current file here.
// reader.AdvanceToNextEntry();
// }
bool HasMore();
// Advances the next entry. Returns true on success.
bool AdvanceToNextEntry();
// Opens the current entry in the zip file. On success, returns true and
// updates the the current entry state (i.e. current_entry_info() is
// updated). This function should be called before operations over the
// current entry like ExtractCurrentEntryToFile().
// Note that there is no CloseCurrentEntryInZip(). The the current entry
// state is reset automatically as needed.
bool OpenCurrentEntryInZip();
// Extracts |num_bytes_to_extract| bytes of the current entry to |delegate|,
// starting from the beginning of the entry. Return value specifies whether
// the entire file was extracted.
bool ExtractCurrentEntry(WriterDelegate* delegate,
uint64_t num_bytes_to_extract) const;
// Asynchronously extracts the current entry to the given output file path.
// If the current entry is a directory it just creates the directory
// synchronously instead. OpenCurrentEntryInZip() must be called beforehand.
// success_callback will be called on success and failure_callback will be
// called on failure. progress_callback will be called at least once.
// Callbacks will be posted to the current MessageLoop in-order.
void ExtractCurrentEntryToFilePathAsync(
const base::FilePath& output_file_path,
const SuccessCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback,
const ProgressCallback& progress_callback);
// Extracts the current entry into memory. If the current entry is a
// directory, the |output| parameter is set to the empty string. If the
// current entry is a file, the |output| parameter is filled with its
// contents. OpenCurrentEntryInZip() must be called beforehand. Note: the
// |output| parameter can be filled with a big amount of data, avoid passing
// it around by value, but by reference or pointer. Note: the value returned
// by EntryInfo::original_size() cannot be trusted, so the real size of the
// uncompressed contents can be different. |max_read_bytes| limits the ammount
// of memory used to carry the entry. Returns true if the entire content is
// read. If the entry is bigger than |max_read_bytes|, returns false and
// |output| is filled with |max_read_bytes| of data. If an error occurs,
// returns false, and |output| is set to the empty string.
bool ExtractCurrentEntryToString(uint64_t max_read_bytes,
std::string* output) const;
// Returns the current entry info. Returns NULL if the current entry is
// not yet opened. OpenCurrentEntryInZip() must be called beforehand.
EntryInfo* current_entry_info() const {
return current_entry_info_.get();
// Returns the number of entries in the zip file.
// Open() must be called beforehand.
int num_entries() const { return num_entries_; }
// Common code used both in Open and OpenFromFd.
bool OpenInternal();
// Resets the internal state.
void Reset();
// Extracts a chunk of the file to the target. Will post a task for the next
// chunk and success/failure/progress callbacks as necessary.
void ExtractChunk(base::File target_file,
const SuccessCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback,
const ProgressCallback& progress_callback,
const int64_t offset);
unzFile zip_file_;
int num_entries_;
bool reached_end_;
std::unique_ptr<EntryInfo> current_entry_info_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ZipReader> weak_ptr_factory_;
// A writer delegate that writes to a given File.
class FileWriterDelegate : public WriterDelegate {
// Constructs a FileWriterDelegate that manipulates |file|. The delegate will
// not own |file|, therefore the caller must guarantee |file| will outlive the
// delegate.
explicit FileWriterDelegate(base::File* file);
// Constructs a FileWriterDelegate that takes ownership of |file|.
explicit FileWriterDelegate(std::unique_ptr<base::File> file);
// Truncates the file to the number of bytes written.
~FileWriterDelegate() override;
// WriterDelegate methods:
// Seeks to the beginning of the file, returning false if the seek fails.
bool PrepareOutput() override;
// Writes |num_bytes| bytes of |data| to the file, returning false on error or
// if not all bytes could be written.
bool WriteBytes(const char* data, int num_bytes) override;
// Sets the last-modified time of the data.
void SetTimeModified(const base::Time& time) override;
// The file the delegate modifies.
base::File* file_;
// The delegate can optionally own the file it modifies, in which case
// owned_file_ is set and file_ is an alias for owned_file_.
std::unique_ptr<base::File> owned_file_;
int64_t file_length_ = 0;
// A writer delegate that writes a file at a given path.
class FilePathWriterDelegate : public WriterDelegate {
explicit FilePathWriterDelegate(const base::FilePath& output_file_path);
~FilePathWriterDelegate() override;
// WriterDelegate methods:
// Creates the output file and any necessary intermediate directories.
bool PrepareOutput() override;
// Writes |num_bytes| bytes of |data| to the file, returning false if not all
// bytes could be written.
bool WriteBytes(const char* data, int num_bytes) override;
// Sets the last-modified time of the data.
void SetTimeModified(const base::Time& time) override;
base::FilePath output_file_path_;
base::File file_;
} // namespace zip