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synced 2025-02-17 15:33:18 +03:00
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112 lines
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# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
config("include_config") {
include_dirs = [ "src/" ]
source_set("libprotobuf-mutator") {
testonly = true
# Dont allow building on windows to avoid tryjob failure. This is OK since
# libFuzzer doesn't build on windows anyway.
if (!is_win) {
configs += [ ":include_config" ]
# Remove *San and coverage for a performance boost.
configs -= not_fuzzed_remove_configs
configs += [ "//build/config/sanitizers:not_fuzzed" ]
public_configs = [ ":include_config" ]
sources = [
# Allow users of LPM to use protobuf reflection and other features from
# protobuf_full.
public_deps = [
# Let ClusterFuzz builders know to not build targets that depend on
# libprotobuf-mutator for AFL.
if (use_afl) {
all_dependent_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ]
# This protoc plugin, like the compiler, should only be built for the host
# architecture.
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
# This plugin will be needed to fuzz most protobuf code in Chromium. That's
# because production protobuf code must contain the line:
# "option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME", which instructs the proto compiler not
# to compile the proto using the full protobuf runtime. This allows Chromium
# not to depend on the full protobuf library, but prevents
# libprotobuf-mutator from fuzzing because the lite runtime lacks needed
# features (such as reflection). The plugin simply compiles a proto library
# as normal but ensures that is compiled with the full protobuf runtime.
executable("override_lite_runtime_plugin") {
sources = [
deps = [
public_configs = [ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_config" ]
# To use the plugin in a proto_library you want to fuzz, change the build
# target to fuzzable_proto_library (defined in
# //third_party/libprotobuf-mutator/fuzzable_proto_library.gni)
# The CQ will try building this target without "use_libfuzzer" if it is defined.
# That will cause the build to fail, so don't define it when "use_libfuzzer" is
# is false.
if (use_libfuzzer) {
# Test that override_lite_runtime_plugin is working when built. This target
# contains files that are optimized for LITE_RUNTIME and which import other
# files that are also optimized for LITE_RUNTIME.
fuzzer_test("override_lite_runtime_plugin_test_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
# Don't actually run this on CF. It's only a test to ensure builds work.
additional_configs = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:no_clusterfuzz" ]
# Proto library for override_lite_runtime_plugin_test_fuzzer
fuzzable_proto_library("override_lite_runtime_plugin_test_fuzzer_proto") {
sources = [
# Avoid CQ complaints on platforms we don't care about (ie: iOS).
# Also prevent people from using this to include protobuf_full into a production
# build of Chrome.
if (use_libfuzzer) {
# Component that can provide protobuf_full to non-testonly targets
static_library("protobuf_full") {
public_deps = [