// 中介者模式(mediator pattern) // 当两个对象存在复杂的依赖关系时,考虑增加一个中介者使之解耦,使他们不需要进行显示的引用. // 但问题在于中介本身会去实现复杂的逻辑,进而导致中介者变得复杂臃肿难以维护. // // 这里是竞价和消息交换的例子. // 参与竞价的玩家只需要向中介出价就可以知道是否能买到商品,由中介确定谁的出价高 package main import ( "log" "math/rand" "time" ) // buyer 之间通过中介进行引用 type Buyer struct { m *Mediator Name string// unique } func (b Buyer)Bid(price int){ if p ,ok := b.m.isMaxPrice(b ,price);ok{ log.Println(b.Name ,"are in lead temporarily with" ,p) }else{ log.Println(b.Name ,"lose with" ,p) } } type Mediator struct { Buyers map[Buyer]int MaxPrice int MaxPriceBuyer Buyer } func (m *Mediator)isMaxPrice(b Buyer ,price int)(int ,bool){ if b.Name == m.MaxPriceBuyer.Name{ return m.MaxPrice ,true } m.Buyers[b] = price for k ,v := range m.Buyers{ if v > m.MaxPrice{ m.MaxPrice = v m.MaxPriceBuyer = k } } if b.Name == m.MaxPriceBuyer.Name{ return price ,true } return price ,false } func main(){ m := &Mediator{ make(map[Buyer]int), 0, Buyer{}, } icg := Buyer{m ,"icg"} nyn := Buyer{m ,"nyn"} rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) for i:=0 ;i<3 ;i++{ icg.Bid(rand.Intn(10000)) nyn.Bid(rand.Intn(10000)) } // output: /* 2019/05/02 12:19:52 icg are in lead temporarily with 1024 2019/05/02 12:19:52 nyn are in lead temporarily with 4232 2019/05/02 12:19:52 icg are in lead temporarily with 6412 2019/05/02 12:19:52 nyn are in lead temporarily with 6747 2019/05/02 12:19:52 icg lose with 4951 2019/05/02 12:19:52 nyn are in lead temporarily with 6747 */ }