* @license http://retailcrm.ru Proprietary * @link http://retailcrm.ru * @see http://help.retailcrm.ru */ if (!class_exists('WC_Retailcrm_Base')) { if (!class_exists('WC_Retailcrm_Abstracts_Settings')) { include_once(WC_Integration_Retailcrm::checkCustomFile('include/abstracts/class-wc-retailcrm-abstracts-settings.php')); } class WC_Retailcrm_Base extends WC_Retailcrm_Abstracts_Settings { /** @var \WC_Retailcrm_Proxy|WC_Retailcrm_Client_V4|WC_Retailcrm_Client_V5|bool */ protected $apiClient; /** @var \WC_Retailcrm_Customers */ protected $customers; /** @var \WC_Retailcrm_Orders */ protected $orders; /** @var WC_Retailcrm_Uploader */ protected $uploader; /** * Init and hook in the integration. * * @param \WC_Retailcrm_Proxy|WC_Retailcrm_Client_V4|WC_Retailcrm_Client_V5|bool $retailcrm (default = false) */ public function __construct($retailcrm = false) { parent::__construct(); if (!class_exists('WC_Retailcrm_Proxy')) { include_once(WC_Integration_Retailcrm::checkCustomFile('include/api/class-wc-retailcrm-proxy.php')); } if ($retailcrm === false) { $this->apiClient = $this->getApiClient(); } else { $this->apiClient = $retailcrm; $this->init_settings_fields(); } $this->customers = new WC_Retailcrm_Customers( $this->apiClient, $this->settings, new WC_Retailcrm_Customer_Address() ); $this->orders = new WC_Retailcrm_Orders( $this->apiClient, $this->settings, new WC_Retailcrm_Order_Item($this->settings), new WC_Retailcrm_Order_Address(), $this->customers, new WC_Retailcrm_Order($this->settings), new WC_Retailcrm_Order_Payment($this->settings) ); $this->uploader = new WC_Retailcrm_Uploader($this->apiClient, $this->orders, $this->customers); // Actions. add_action('woocommerce_update_options_integration_' . $this->id, array($this, 'process_admin_options')); add_filter('woocommerce_settings_api_sanitized_fields_' . $this->id, array($this, 'api_sanitized')); add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'add_retailcrm_button'), 100); add_action('woocommerce_checkout_order_processed', array($this, 'retailcrm_process_order'), 10, 1); add_action('retailcrm_history', array($this, 'retailcrm_history_get')); add_action('retailcrm_icml', array($this, 'generate_icml')); add_action('retailcrm_inventories', array($this, 'load_stocks')); add_action('wp_ajax_do_upload', array($this, 'upload_to_crm')); add_action('wp_ajax_cron_info', array($this, 'get_cron_info'), 99); add_action('wp_ajax_set_meta_fields', array($this, 'set_meta_fields'), 99); add_action('wp_ajax_content_upload', array($this, 'count_upload_data'), 99); add_action('wp_ajax_generate_icml', array($this, 'generate_icml')); add_action('wp_ajax_upload_selected_orders', array($this, 'upload_selected_orders')); add_action('admin_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'ajax_generate_icml'), 99); add_action('woocommerce_update_customer', array($this, 'update_customer'), 10, 1); add_action('user_register', array($this, 'create_customer'), 10, 2); add_action('profile_update', array($this, 'update_customer'), 10, 2); add_action('wp_print_scripts', array($this, 'initialize_analytics'), 98); add_action('wp_print_scripts', array($this, 'initialize_daemon_collector'), 99); add_action('wp_print_scripts', array($this, 'initialize_online_assistant'), 101); add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'include_whatsapp_icon_style'), 101); add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'initialize_whatsapp'), 101); add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'send_analytics'), 99); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'include_files_for_admin'), 101); add_action('woocommerce_new_order', array($this, 'create_order'), 11, 1); if ( !$this->get_option('deactivate_update_order') || $this->get_option('deactivate_update_order') == static::NO ) { add_action('woocommerce_update_order', array($this, 'update_order'), 11, 1); } // Deactivate hook add_action('retailcrm_deactivate', array($this, 'deactivate')); } /** * Init settings fields */ public function init_settings_fields() { $this->init_form_fields(); $this->init_settings(); } /** * @param $settings * * @return array */ public function api_sanitized($settings) { if (isset($settings['sync']) && $settings['sync'] == static::YES) { if (!wp_next_scheduled('retailcrm_inventories')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'fiveteen_minutes', 'retailcrm_inventories'); } } elseif (isset($settings['sync']) && $settings['sync'] == static::NO) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('retailcrm_inventories'); } if (isset($settings['history']) && $settings['history'] == static::YES) { if (!wp_next_scheduled('retailcrm_history')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'five_minutes', 'retailcrm_history'); } } elseif (isset($settings['history']) && $settings['history'] == static::NO) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('retailcrm_history'); } if (isset($settings['icml']) && $settings['icml'] == static::YES) { if (!wp_next_scheduled('retailcrm_icml')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'three_hours', 'retailcrm_icml'); } } elseif (isset($settings['icml']) && $settings['icml'] == static::NO) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('retailcrm_icml'); } if (!$this->get_errors() && !get_option('retailcrm_active_in_crm')) { $this->activate_integration($settings); } return $settings; } /** * Generate ICML * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests */ public function generate_icml() { /* * A temporary solution. * We have rebranded the module and changed the name of the ICML file. * This solution checks the url specified to the ICML file and updates it if necessary. */ $codeSite = ''; $infoApiKey = $this->apiClient->credentials(); if (empty($infoApiKey) === false && $infoApiKey->isSuccessful() === true) { if (empty($infoApiKey['siteAccess']) === false && $infoApiKey['siteAccess'] === 'access_selective') { if (empty($infoApiKey['sitesAvailable']) === false && count($infoApiKey['sitesAvailable']) === 1) { $codeSite = $infoApiKey['sitesAvailable'][0]; } } } if (empty($codeSite) === false) { $getSites = $this->apiClient->sitesList(); if (empty($getSites['sites']) === false && $getSites->isSuccessful() === true) { if (empty($getSites['sites'][$codeSite]) === false) { $dataSite = $getSites['sites'][$codeSite]; if (empty($dataSite['ymlUrl']) === false) { $ymlUrl = $dataSite['ymlUrl']; if (strpos($ymlUrl, 'simla') === false) { $ymlUrl = str_replace('/retailcrm.xml', '/simla.xml', $ymlUrl); $dataSite['ymlUrl'] = $ymlUrl; $this->apiClient->sitesEdit($dataSite); } } } } } $retailCrmIcml = new WC_Retailcrm_Icml(); $retailCrmIcml->generate(); } /** * Get history * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests */ public function retailcrm_history_get() { $retailcrm_history = new WC_Retailcrm_History($this->apiClient); $retailcrm_history->getHistory(); } /** * @param int $order_id * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests */ public function retailcrm_process_order($order_id) { $this->orders->orderCreate($order_id); } /** * Load stock from retailCRM * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests */ public function load_stocks() { $inventories = new WC_Retailcrm_Inventories($this->apiClient); $inventories->updateQuantity(); } /** * Upload selected orders * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests * * @return void */ public function upload_selected_orders() { $this->uploader->uploadSelectedOrders(); } /** * Upload archive customers and order to retailCRM * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests */ public function upload_to_crm() { $page = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'Step'); $entity = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'Entity'); if ($entity === 'customer') { $this->uploader->uploadArchiveCustomers($page); } else { $this->uploader->uploadArchiveOrders($page); } } /** * Create customer in retailCRM * * @codeCoverageIgnore There is a task for analysis * * @param int $customerId * * @return void * @throws Exception */ public function create_customer($customerId) { if (WC_Retailcrm_Plugin::history_running() === true) { return; } if (empty($customerId)) { WC_Retailcrm_Logger::add('Error: Customer externalId is empty'); return; } $this->customers->registerCustomer($customerId); } /** * Edit customer in retailCRM * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests * * @param int $customerId * * @return void * @throws Exception */ public function update_customer($customerId) { if (WC_Retailcrm_Plugin::history_running() === true) { return; } if (empty($customerId)) { WC_Retailcrm_Logger::add('Error: Customer externalId is empty'); return; } $this->customers->updateCustomer($customerId); } /** * Create order in RetailCRM from admin panel * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests * * @param int $order_id */ public function create_order($order_id) { if (is_admin()) { $this->retailcrm_process_order($order_id); } } /** * Edit order in retailCRM * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests * * @param int $order_id * * @throws \Exception */ public function update_order($order_id) { if (WC_Retailcrm_Plugin::history_running() === true) { return; } $this->orders->updateOrder($order_id); } /** * Init google analytics code */ public function initialize_analytics() { if ($this->get_option('ua') && $this->get_option('ua_code')) { $retailcrm_analytics = WC_Retailcrm_Google_Analytics::getInstance($this->settings); echo $retailcrm_analytics->initialize_analytics(); } else { echo ''; } } /** * Google analytics send code * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests */ public function send_analytics() { if ($this->get_option('ua') == static::YES && $this->get_option('ua_code') && is_checkout()) { $retailcrm_analytics = WC_Retailcrm_Google_Analytics::getInstance($this->settings); echo $retailcrm_analytics->send_analytics(); } else { echo ''; } } /** * Daemon collector * * @codeCoverageIgnore Check in another tests */ public function initialize_daemon_collector() { if ($this->get_option('daemon_collector') == static::YES && $this->get_option('daemon_collector_key')) { $retailcrm_daemon_collector = WC_Retailcrm_Daemon_Collector::getInstance($this->settings); echo $retailcrm_daemon_collector->initialize_daemon_collector(); } else { echo ''; } } /** * Initialize online consultant */ public function initialize_online_assistant() { if (!is_admin() && !is_wplogin()) { echo $this->get_option('online_assistant'); } } /** * In this method we include files in admin WP * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @return void */ public function include_files_for_admin() { $this->include_css_files_for_admin(); $this->include_js_scripts_for_admin(); } /** * In this method we include CSS file * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @return void */ private function include_css_files_for_admin() { $path = plugins_url() . '/woo-retailcrm/assets/css/'; // Include style for export wp_register_style('retailcrm-export-style', $path . 'progress-bar.min.css', false, '0.1'); wp_enqueue_style('retailcrm-export-style'); // Include style for debug info wp_register_style('retailcrm-debug-info-style', $path . 'debug-info.min.css', false, '0.1'); wp_enqueue_style('retailcrm-debug-info-style'); // Include style for meta fields wp_register_style('retailcrm-meta-fields-style', $path . 'meta-fields.min.css', false, '0.1'); wp_enqueue_style('retailcrm-meta-fields-style'); } /** * In this method we include JS scripts. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @return void */ private function include_js_scripts_for_admin() { $path = plugins_url() . '/woo-retailcrm/assets/js/'; wp_register_script('retailcrm-export', $path . 'retailcrm-export.js', false, '0.1'); wp_enqueue_script('retailcrm-export', $path . 'retailcrm-export.js', '', '', true); wp_register_script('retailcrm-cron-info', $path . 'retailcrm-cron-info.js', false, '0.1'); wp_enqueue_script('retailcrm-cron-info', $path . 'retailcrm-export.js', '', '', true); wp_register_script('retailcrm-meta-fields', $path . 'retailcrm-meta-fields.js', false, '0.1'); wp_enqueue_script('retailcrm-meta-fields', $path . 'retailcrm-meta-fields.js', '', '', true); } /** * Include style for WhatsApp icon * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @return void */ public function include_whatsapp_icon_style() { wp_register_style('whatsapp_icon_style', plugins_url() . '/woo-retailcrm/assets/css/whatsapp-icon.min.css', false, '0.1'); wp_enqueue_style('whatsapp_icon_style'); } /** * Initialize WhatsApp */ public function initialize_whatsapp() { if ($this->get_option('whatsapp_active') === 'yes' && !is_admin() && !is_wplogin()) { $phoneNumber = $this->get_option('whatsapp_number'); $positionIcon = $this->get_option('whatsapp_location_icon') === 'yes' ? 'right' : 'left'; $whatsAppHtml = '

by Simla.com

'; echo sprintf($whatsAppHtml, $positionIcon, $phoneNumber); } } /** * Return count upload data */ public function count_upload_data() { $translate = array( 'tr_order' => __('Orders', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_customer' => __('Customers', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_empty_field' => __('The field cannot be empty, enter the order ID', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_successful' => __('Orders were uploaded', 'retailcrm'), ); echo json_encode( array( 'count_orders' => $this->uploader->getCountOrders(), 'count_users' => $this->uploader->getCountUsers(), 'translate' => $translate, ) ); wp_die(); } /** * Return time work next cron */ public function get_cron_info() { $defaultValue = __('This option is disabled', 'retailcrm'); $icml = $defaultValue; $history = $defaultValue; $inventories = $defaultValue; $translate = array( 'tr_td_cron' => __('Cron launches', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_td_icml' => __('Generation ICML', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_td_history' => __('Syncing history', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_td_inventories' => __('Syncing inventories', 'retailcrm'), ); if (isset($this->settings['history']) && $this->settings['history'] == static::YES) { $history = date( 'H:i:s d-m-Y', wp_next_scheduled('retailcrm_history')); } if (isset($this->settings['icml']) && $this->settings['icml'] == static::YES) { $icml = date( 'H:i:s d-m-Y', wp_next_scheduled('retailcrm_icml')); } if (isset($this->settings['sync']) && $this->settings['sync'] == static::YES) { $inventories = date( 'H:i:s d-m-Y ', wp_next_scheduled('retailcrm_inventories')); } echo json_encode( array( 'history' => $history, 'icml' => $icml, 'inventories' => $inventories, 'translate' => $translate, ) ); wp_die(); } /** * Set meta fields in settings */ public function set_meta_fields() { $orderMetaData = $this->getMetaData('order'); $customerMetaData = $this->getMetaData('user'); $orderCustomFields = $this->getCustomFields('order'); $customerCustomFields = $this->getCustomFields('customer'); $translate = array( 'tr_lb_order' => __('Custom fields for order', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_lb_customer' => __('Custom fields for customer', 'retailcrm'), 'tr_btn' => __('Add new select for order', 'retailcrm'), ); echo json_encode( array( 'order' => array('custom' => $orderCustomFields, 'meta' => $orderMetaData), 'customer' => array('custom' => $customerCustomFields, 'meta' => $customerMetaData), 'translate' => $translate, ) ); wp_die(); } /** * Get custom fields with CRM * * @return array */ private function getCustomFields($entity) { $customFields = array('default_retailcrm' => __('Select value', 'retailcrm')); $getCustomFields = $this->apiClient->customFieldsList(array('entity' => $entity), 100); if (!empty($getCustomFields['customFields']) && $getCustomFields->isSuccessful()) { foreach ($getCustomFields['customFields'] as $field) { if (!empty($field['code']) && $field['name']) { $customFields[$field['code']] = $field['name']; } } } return $customFields; } /** * Get meta data with CMS * * @return array */ private function getMetaData($entity) { global $wpdb; $table = $entity === 'order' ? $wpdb->postmeta : $wpdb->usermeta; $metaData = array('default_retailcrm' => __('Select value', 'retailcrm')); $sqlQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT `meta_key` FROM $table ORDER BY `meta_key`"; $defaultMetaFields = file( __DIR__ . '/../assets/default/default_meta_fields.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES ); foreach ($wpdb->get_results($sqlQuery) as $metaValue) { $metaData[$metaValue->meta_key] = $metaValue->meta_key; } return array_diff($metaData, $defaultMetaFields); } /** * Get retailcrm api client * * @return bool|WC_Retailcrm_Proxy|\WC_Retailcrm_Client_V4|\WC_Retailcrm_Client_V5 */ public function getApiClient() { if ($this->get_option('api_url') && $this->get_option('api_key')) { return new WC_Retailcrm_Proxy( $this->get_option('api_url'), $this->get_option('api_key'), $this->get_option('corporate_enabled', 'no') === 'yes' ); } return false; } /** * Deactivate module in marketplace retailCRM * * @return void */ public function deactivate() { $api_client = $this->getApiClient(); $clientId = get_option('retailcrm_client_id'); WC_Retailcrm_Plugin::integration_module($api_client, $clientId, false); delete_option('retailcrm_active_in_crm'); } /** * @param $settings * * @return void */ private function activate_integration($settings) { $client_id = get_option('retailcrm_client_id'); if (!$client_id) { $client_id = uniqid(); } if ($settings['api_url'] && $settings['api_key']) { $api_client = new WC_Retailcrm_Proxy( $settings['api_url'], $settings['api_key'], $settings['corporate_enabled'] === 'yes' ); $result = WC_Retailcrm_Plugin::integration_module($api_client, $client_id); if ($result) { update_option('retailcrm_active_in_crm', true); update_option('retailcrm_client_id', $client_id); } } } } }