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const qs = require('querystring')
const walk = require('acorn-walk')
const NullFactory = require('webpack/lib/NullFactory')
const VueI18NDependency = require('./dependencies/VueI18NDependency')
const VueI18NMetadata = require('./metadata/VueI18NMetadata')
const utils = require('./utils')
* @typedef {webpack.Compiler} Compiler
* @typedef {webpack.compilation.normalModuleFactory.Parser} Parser
* @typedef {webpack.compilation.Module} Module
* @typedef {Object} Loader
* @property {string} loader
* @property {*} options
* @property {string|undefined} indent
* @property {string|undefined} type
* @typedef {Object} NormalModuleExtend
* @property {string|undefined} resource
* @property {string|undefined} request
* @property {string|undefined} userRequest
* @property {Parser} parser
* @property {Array<Loader>} loaders
* @method addDependency(dep): void
* @typedef {Module & NormalModuleExtend} NormalModule
* @param {CallExpression} e
* @param objName
* @param propName
* @return {boolean}
const matchesVarCall = (e, [objName, propName]) => e.callee.type === 'MemberExpression'
&& e.callee.object.type === 'Identifier'
&& e.callee.object.name === objName
&& e.callee.property.name === propName
* @param {CallExpression} e
* @param objName
* @param propName
* @return {boolean}
const matchesThisCall = (e, [objName, propName]) => e.callee.type === 'MemberExpression'
&& e.callee.object.type === 'MemberExpression'
&& e.callee.object.object.type === 'ThisExpression'
&& e.callee.object.property.name === objName
&& e.callee.property.name === propName
* @param {CallExpression} e
* @param componentName
* @return {boolean}
const matchesComponentCall = (e, componentName) => {
const { callee, arguments: [calledComponentName] } = e
return callee.type === 'Identifier'
&& callee.name === '_c'
&& calledComponentName
&& calledComponentName.type === 'Literal'
&& calledComponentName.value === componentName
* @param {CallExpression} e
* @returns {null|ObjectExpression}
const getDirectiveObject = (e) => {
/** @type {ObjectExpression} */
const objectExpression = e.arguments[1]
if (e.callee.type === 'Identifier'
&& e.callee.name === '_c'
&& isObjectExpression(objectExpression)
) {
/** @type {Property} */
const directives = objectExpression.properties.find(prop => hasPropertyWithDirectives(prop))
if (isArrayProp(directives)) {
/** @type {ObjectExpression} */
const object = directives.value.elements.find(elem => isObjectExpression(elem))
/** @type {Property} */
const prop = object.properties.find(prop => prop.value.value === 'v-t')
return prop ? object : null
return null
* @param {ObjectExpression} directiveObject
* @return {Property}
const getPathToDirectiveValue = (directiveObject) => {
/** @type {Property} */
let property = directiveObject.properties.find(prop => prop.key.name === 'value')
// если директива используется как: <p v-t="{ path: 'directive_detected' }"/>
if (property.value.type === 'ObjectExpression') {
property = property.value.properties.find(prop => prop.key.name === 'path')
return property
const isLiteral = node => node && node.type === 'Literal'
const isObjectExpression = node => node && node.type === 'ObjectExpression'
const hasPropertyWithDirectives = property => property && property.key.name === 'directives'
const isArrayProp = property => property && property.value.type === 'ArrayExpression'
module.exports = class VueI18NLoaderPlugin {
constructor () {
this.name = 'VueI18NLoaderPlugin'
* @param {Compiler} compiler
apply (compiler) {
const metadata = new VueI18NMetadata()
const rootPath = compiler.options.context || process.cwd()
const createId = resourcePath => utils.createId(rootPath, resourcePath)
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(this.name, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => {
compilation.hooks.normalModuleLoader.tap(this.name, loaderCtx => {
loaderCtx.__vueI18NMetadata = metadata
compilation.dependencyFactories.set(VueI18NDependency, new NullFactory())
compilation.dependencyTemplates.set(VueI18NDependency, new VueI18NDependency.Template())
* @param {Parser} parser
const handler = (parser) => {
parser.hooks.program.tap(this.name, ast => {
const [resourcePath, resourceQuery] = parser.state.module.resource.split('?')
const id = createId(resourcePath)
const query = qs.parse(resourceQuery)
if (resourcePath.endsWith('.vue') && ['template', 'script'].includes(query.type)) {
const addDependency = path => {
const dep = new VueI18NDependency(id, path.value, path.range, metadata)
dep.loc = path.loc
walk.simple(ast, {
* @param {CallExpression} expression
CallExpression (expression) {
// @TODO:
// Calculate object name _vm - seek `var _vm = this` in ast
// Maybe another visitor method could help, it will be called earlier,
// cause of AST structure
// Suggestion: seek `$createElement` renaming & extract identifier from it
// (to be sure it is done correctly)
// VariableDeclarator, id / init, init.type = ThisExpression
if ((
matchesVarCall(expression, ['_vm', '$t']) // _vm.$t
|| matchesVarCall(expression, ['_vm', '$tc']) // _vm.$tc
|| matchesThisCall(expression, ['$i18n', 't']) // this.$i18n.t
|| matchesThisCall(expression, ['$i18n', 'tc']) // this.$i18n.tc
)) {
const [path] = expression.arguments
if (isLiteral(path)) {
if (matchesComponentCall(expression, 'i18n')) { // _c('i18n', ...)
/** @type {ObjectExpression} */
const vNodeData = expression.arguments[1]
/** @type {Property} */
const attrs = vNodeData.properties.find(prop => prop.key.name === 'attrs')
if (!attrs) {
/** @type {Property} */
const path = attrs.value.properties.find(prop => prop.key.name === 'path')
if (path && isLiteral(path.value)) {
/** @type {ObjectExpression} */
const directives = getDirectiveObject(expression)
if (directives) {
/** @type {Property} */
const path = getPathToDirectiveValue(directives)
if (isLiteral(path.value)) {
const parser = normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser
parser.for('javascript/auto').tap(this.name, handler)
parser.for('javascript/dynamic').tap(this.name, handler)
parser.for('javascript/esm').tap(this.name, handler)