* adds language definitions for new rules * re-order rules file to order rule definitions alphabetically * adds support for endsWith validation rule and converts snake_case rules to camelCase function calls * adds support for startsWith field validation * better en.js definitions for new validations * adds tests for snakeCaseToCamelCase function * coerces all validation messages and validation rules to be camelCase under the hood * ensures that array syntax rules are properly converted internally to camelCase * adds more robust tests for non-string type data for endsWith and startsWith validation rules * adds support for words that start with numbers to snakeToCamel method renames snakeCaseToCamelCase to snakeToCamel to reduce package size * Reduces some property name lengths for byte savings * Fixes bug that caused validation rules to not be displayed on blur for the box classification Co-authored-by: Justin Schroeder <justin@wearebraid.com>
323 lines
8.7 KiB
323 lines
8.7 KiB
:data-is-showing-errors="hasErrors && showFieldErrors"
<div class="formulate-input-wrapper">
v-if="context.hasLabel && context.labelPosition === 'before'"
class="formulate-input-label formulate-input-label--before"
<slot v-bind="context" />
v-if="context.hasLabel && context.labelPosition === 'after'"
class="formulate-input-label formulate-input-label--after"
import context from './libs/context'
import { shallowEqualObjects, parseRules, snakeToCamel } from './libs/utils'
import nanoid from 'nanoid/non-secure'
export default {
name: 'FormulateInput',
inheritAttrs: false,
inject: {
formulateFormSetter: { default: undefined },
formulateFormRegister: { default: undefined },
getFormValues: { default: () => () => ({}) }
model: {
prop: 'formulateValue',
event: 'input'
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'text'
name: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: true
/* eslint-disable */
formulateValue: {
default: ''
value: {
default: false
/* eslint-enable */
options: {
type: [Object, Array, Boolean],
default: false
optionGroups: {
type: [Object, Boolean],
default: false
id: {
type: [String, Boolean, Number],
default: false
label: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
labelPosition: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
help: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
debug: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
errors: {
type: [String, Array, Boolean],
default: false
validation: {
type: [String, Boolean, Array],
default: false
validationName: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
error: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
errorBehavior: {
type: String,
default: 'blur',
validator: function (value) {
return ['blur', 'live'].includes(value)
showErrors: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
imageBehavior: {
type: String,
default: 'preview'
uploadUrl: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
uploader: {
type: [Function, Object, Boolean],
default: false
uploadBehavior: {
type: String,
default: 'live'
preventWindowDrops: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
showValue: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
validationMessages: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
validationRules: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
checked: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
data () {
return {
defaultId: nanoid(9),
localAttributes: {},
internalModelProxy: this.getInitialValue(),
behavioralErrorVisibility: (this.errorBehavior === 'live'),
formShouldShowErrors: false,
validationErrors: [],
pendingValidation: Promise.resolve()
computed: {
classification () {
const classification = this.$formulate.classify(this.type)
return (classification === 'box' && this.options) ? 'group' : classification
component () {
return (this.classification === 'group') ? 'FormulateInputGroup' : this.$formulate.component(this.type)
parsedValidationRules () {
const parsedValidationRules = {}
Object.keys(this.validationRules).forEach((key) => {
parsedValidationRules[snakeToCamel(key)] = this.validationRules[key]
return parsedValidationRules
messages () {
const messages = {}
Object.keys(this.validationMessages).forEach((key) => {
messages[snakeToCamel(key)] = this.validationMessages[key]
return messages
watch: {
'$attrs': {
handler (value) {
deep: true
internalModelProxy (newValue, oldValue) {
if (!this.isVmodeled && !shallowEqualObjects(newValue, oldValue)) {
this.context.model = newValue
formulateValue (newValue, oldValue) {
if (this.isVmodeled && !shallowEqualObjects(newValue, oldValue)) {
this.context.model = newValue
created () {
if (this.formulateFormRegister && typeof this.formulateFormRegister === 'function') {
this.formulateFormRegister(this.nameOrFallback, this)
methods: {
getInitialValue () {
// Manually request classification, pre-computed props
var classification = this.$formulate.classify(this.type)
classification = (classification === 'box' && this.options) ? 'group' : classification
if (classification === 'box' && this.checked) {
return this.value || true
} else if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.$options.propsData, 'value') && classification !== 'box') {
return this.value
} else if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.$options.propsData, 'formulateValue')) {
return this.formulateValue
return ''
applyInitialValue () {
// This should only be run immediately on created and ensures that the
// proxy and the model are both the same before any additional registration.
if (
!shallowEqualObjects(this.context.model, this.internalModelProxy) &&
// we dont' want to set the model if we are a sub-box of a multi-box field
(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(this.$options.propsData, 'options') && this.classification === 'box')
) {
this.context.model = this.internalModelProxy
updateLocalAttributes (value) {
if (!shallowEqualObjects(value, this.localAttributes)) {
this.localAttributes = value
performValidation () {
const rules = parseRules(this.validation, this.$formulate.rules(this.parsedValidationRules))
this.pendingValidation = Promise.all(
rules.map(([rule, args]) => {
var res = rule({
value: this.context.model,
getFormValues: this.getFormValues.bind(this),
name: this.context.name
}, ...args)
res = (res instanceof Promise) ? res : Promise.resolve(res)
return res.then(res => res ? false : this.getValidationMessage(rule, args))
.then(result => result.filter(result => result))
.then(errorMessages => { this.validationErrors = errorMessages })
return this.pendingValidation
getValidationMessage (rule, args) {
return this.getValidationFunction(rule)({
name: this.mergedValidationName,
value: this.context.model,
vm: this,
formValues: this.getFormValues()
getValidationFunction (rule) {
let ruleName = rule.name.substr(0, 1) === '_' ? rule.name.substr(1) : rule.name
ruleName = snakeToCamel(ruleName)
if (this.messages && typeof this.messages === 'object' && typeof this.messages[ruleName] !== 'undefined') {
switch (typeof this.messages[ruleName]) {
case 'function':
return this.messages[ruleName]
case 'string':
return () => this.messages[ruleName]
return (context) => this.$formulate.validationMessage(rule.name, context)
hasValidationErrors () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.pendingValidation.then(() => resolve(!!this.validationErrors.length))