211 lines
6.7 KiB
211 lines
6.7 KiB
<form @submit.prevent="onFormSubmit">
<slot :errors="mergedFormErrors" />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Component, Model, Prop, Provide, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { clone, getNested, has, merge, setNested, shallowEqualObjects } from '@/utils'
import Registry from '@/form/registry'
import FormularioField from '@/FormularioField.vue'
import {
} from '@/validation/ErrorObserver'
import { Violation } from '@/validation/validator'
@Component({ name: 'FormularioForm' })
export default class FormularioForm extends Vue {
@Model('input', { default: () => ({}) })
public readonly formularioValue!: Record<string, any>
// Errors record, describing state validation errors of whole form
@Prop({ default: () => ({}) }) readonly errors!: Record<string, any>
// Form errors only used on FormularioForm default slot
@Prop({ default: () => ([]) }) readonly formErrors!: string[]
public path = ''
public proxy: Record<string, any> = {}
private registry: Registry = new Registry(this)
private errorObserverRegistry = new ErrorObserverRegistry()
// Local error messages are temporal, they wiped each resetValidation call
private localFormErrors: string[] = []
private localFieldErrors: Record<string, string[]> = {}
get initialValues (): Record<string, any> {
if (this.hasModel && typeof this.formularioValue === 'object') {
// If there is a v-model on the form/group, use those values as first priority
return { ...this.formularioValue } // @todo - use a deep clone to detach reference types
return {}
get mergedFormErrors (): string[] {
return [...this.formErrors, ...this.localFormErrors]
get mergedFieldErrors (): Record<string, string[]> {
return merge(this.errors || {}, this.localFieldErrors)
get hasModel (): boolean {
return has(this.$options.propsData || {}, 'formularioValue')
get hasInitialValue (): boolean {
return this.formularioValue && typeof this.formularioValue === 'object'
@Watch('formularioValue', { deep: true })
onFormularioValueChanged (values: Record<string, any>): void {
if (this.hasModel && values && typeof values === 'object') {
onMergedFormErrorsChanged (errors: string[]): void {
this.errorObserverRegistry.filter(o => o.type === 'form').observe(errors)
@Watch('mergedFieldErrors', { deep: true, immediate: true })
onMergedFieldErrorsChanged (errors: Record<string, string[]>): void {
this.errorObserverRegistry.filter(o => o.type === 'input').observe(errors)
created (): void {
getFormValues (): Record<string, any> {
return this.proxy
onFormSubmit (): Promise<void> {
return this.hasValidationErrors()
.then(hasErrors => hasErrors ? undefined : clone(this.proxy))
.then(data => {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {
this.$emit('submit', data)
} else {
onFormularioFieldValidation (payload: { name: string; violations: Violation[]}): void {
this.$emit('validation', payload)
addErrorObserver (observer: ErrorObserver): void {
if (observer.type === 'form') {
} else if (observer.field && has(this.mergedFieldErrors, observer.field)) {
removeErrorObserver (observer: ErrorHandler): void {
register (field: string, component: FormularioField): void {
this.registry.add(field, component)
deregister (field: string): void {
initProxy (): void {
if (this.hasInitialValue) {
this.proxy = this.initialValues
setValues (values: Record<string, any>): void {
const keys = Array.from(new Set([...Object.keys(values), ...Object.keys(this.proxy)]))
let proxyHasChanges = false
keys.forEach(field => {
if (!this.registry.hasNested(field)) {
this.registry.getNested(field).forEach((registryField, registryKey) => {
const $input = this.registry.get(registryKey) as FormularioField
const oldValue = getNested(this.proxy, registryKey)
const newValue = getNested(values, registryKey)
if (!shallowEqualObjects(newValue, oldValue)) {
this.setFieldValue(registryKey, newValue)
proxyHasChanges = true
if (!shallowEqualObjects(newValue, $input.proxy)) {
$input.context.model = newValue
if (proxyHasChanges) {
this.$emit('input', { ...this.proxy })
setFieldValue (field: string, value: any): void {
if (value === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { [field]: value, ...proxy } = this.proxy
this.proxy = proxy
} else {
setNested(this.proxy, field, value)
setFieldValueAndEmit (field: string, value: any): void {
this.setFieldValue(field, value)
this.$emit('input', { ...this.proxy })
setErrors ({ formErrors, inputErrors }: { formErrors?: string[]; inputErrors?: Record<string, string[]> }): void {
this.localFormErrors = formErrors || []
this.localFieldErrors = inputErrors || {}
hasValidationErrors (): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.all(this.registry.reduce((resolvers: Promise<boolean>[], field: FormularioField) => {
resolvers.push(field.runValidation() && field.hasValidationErrors())
return resolvers
}, [])).then(results => results.some(hasErrors => hasErrors))
resetValidation (): void {
this.localFormErrors = []
this.localFieldErrors = {}
this.registry.forEach((field: FormularioField) => {