import nanoid from 'nanoid/non-secure' // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols /** * The file upload class holds and represents a file’s upload state durring * the upload flow. */ class FileUpload { /** * Create a file upload object. * @param {FileList} input * @param {object} context * @param {object} options */ constructor (input, context, options = {}) { this.input = input this.fileList = input.files this.files = [] this.options = { ...{ mimes: {} }, ...options } this.results = false this.context = context if (Array.isArray(this.fileList)) { this.rehydrateFileList(this.fileList) } else { this.addFileList(this.fileList) } } /** * Given a pre-existing array of files, create a faux FileList. * @param {array} items expects an array of objects [{ url: '/uploads/file.pdf' }] */ rehydrateFileList (items) { const fauxFileList = items.reduce((fileList, item) => { const key = this.options ? this.options.fileUrlKey : 'url' const url = item[key] const ext = (url && url.lastIndexOf('.') !== -1) ? url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) : false const mime = this.options.mimes[ext] || false fileList.push(Object.assign({}, item, url ? { name: url.substr((url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) || 0), type: item.type ? item.type : mime, previewData: url } : {})) return fileList }, []) this.results = items this.addFileList(fauxFileList) } /** * Produce an array of files and alert the callback. * @param {FileList} fileList */ addFileList (fileList) { for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { const file = fileList[i] const uuid = nanoid() this.files.push({ progress: false, error: false, complete: false, justFinished: false, name: || 'file-upload', file, uuid, path: false, removeFile: () => this.removeFile(uuid), previewData: file.previewData || false }) } } /** * Check if the file has an. */ hasUploader () { return !!this.context.uploader } /** * Check if the given uploader is axios instance. This isn't a great way of * testing if it is or not, but AFIK there isn't a better way right now: * * */ uploaderIsAxios () { return this.hasUploader && typeof this.context.uploader.request === 'function' && typeof this.context.uploader.get === 'function' && typeof this.context.uploader.delete === 'function' && typeof === 'function' } /** * Get a new uploader function. */ getUploader (...args) { if (this.uploaderIsAxios()) { const formData = new FormData() formData.append( || 'file', args[0]) if (this.context.uploadUrl === false) { throw new Error('No uploadURL specified:') } return, formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }, onUploadProgress: progressEvent => { // args[1] here is the upload progress handler function args[1](Math.round((progressEvent.loaded * 100) / } }) .then(res => .catch(err => args[2](err)) } return this.context.uploader(...args) } /** * Perform the file upload. */ upload () { if (this.results) { return Promise.resolve(this.results) } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.hasUploader) { return reject(new Error('No uploader has been defined')) } Promise.all( => { return file.path ? Promise.resolve(file.path) : this.getUploader( file.file, (progress) => { file.progress = progress if (progress >= 100) { if (!file.complete) { file.justFinished = true setTimeout(() => { file.justFinished = false }, this.options.uploadJustCompleteDuration) } file.complete = true } }, (error) => { file.progress = 0 file.error = error file.complete = true }, this.options ) })) .then(results => { this.results = results resolve(results) }) .catch(err => { throw new Error(err) }) }) } /** * Remove a file from the uploader (and the file list) * @param {string} uuid */ removeFile (uuid) { this.files = this.files.filter(file => file.uuid !== uuid) this.context.performValidation() if (window && this.fileList instanceof FileList) { const transfer = new DataTransfer() => transfer.items.add(file.file)) this.fileList = transfer.files this.input.files = this.fileList } } /** * load image previews for all uploads. */ loadPreviews () { => { if (!file.previewData && window && window.FileReader && /^image\//.test(file.file.type)) { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = e => Object.assign(file, { previewData: }) reader.readAsDataURL(file.file) } }) } /** * Get the files. */ getFileList () { return this.fileList } /** * Get the files. */ getFiles () { return this.files } toString () { const descriptor = this.files.length ? this.files.length + ' files' : 'empty' return this.results ? JSON.stringify(this.results, null, ' ') : `FileUpload(${descriptor})` } } export default FileUpload