import Vue from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import flushPromises from 'flush-promises' import Formulario from '@/index.ts' import FormularioForm from '@/FormularioForm.vue' Vue.use(Formulario, { validationMessages: { required: () => 'required', 'in': () => 'in', min: () => 'min', } }) describe('FormularioForm', () => { test('renders a form DOM element', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm) expect(wrapper.find('form').exists()).toBe(true) }) test('accepts a default slot', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { slots: { default: '
' }, }) expect(wrapper.find('form [data-default]').exists()).toBe(true) }) test('can set a field’s initial value', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: { state: { test: 'Has initial value' } }, slots: { default: ` ` } }) await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.find('input').element['value']).toBe('Has initial value') }) describe('emits input event', () => { test('when individual fields contain a populated value', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: { state: { field: 'initial' } }, slots: { default: '' }, }) await Vue.nextTick() const emitted = wrapper.emitted('input') expect(emitted).toBeTruthy() expect(emitted[emitted.length - 1]).toEqual([{ field: 'populated' }]) }) test('when individual fields are edited', () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: { state: { field: 'initial' } }, slots: { default: ` `, }, }) wrapper.find('input').setValue('updated') const emitted = wrapper.emitted('input') expect(emitted).toBeTruthy() expect(emitted[emitted.length - 1]).toEqual([{ field: 'updated' }]) }) }) test('updates a field when the form v-model is modified', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: { state: { field: 'initial' } }, slots: { default: ` ` }, }) const input = wrapper.find('input') expect(input).toBeTruthy() expect(input.element['value']).toBe('initial') wrapper.setProps({ state: { field: 'updated' } }) await Vue.nextTick() expect(input.element['value']).toBe('updated') }) test('updates a field when it is an instance of Date', async () => { const dateA = new Date('1970-01-01') const dateB = new Date() const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm,{ propsData: { state: { date: dateA } }, scopedSlots: { default: ` {{ context.model.toISOString() }} `, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('span').text()).toBe(dateA.toISOString()) wrapper.setProps({ state: { date: dateB } }) await Vue.nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('span').text()).toBe(dateB.toISOString()) }) test('resolves submitted form values to an object', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { slots: { default: '' }, }) wrapper.find('form').trigger('submit') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.emitted('submit')).toEqual([ [{ name: 'Justin' }], ]) }) test('resolves runValidation', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { slots: { default: `
`, }, }) const violations = await wrapper.vm.runValidation() const state = { address: { street: null, }, } expect(violations).toEqual({ 'address.street': [{ message: expect.any(String), rule: 'required', args: [], context: { name: 'address.street', value: null, formValues: state, }, }], 'address.building': [{ message: expect.any(String), rule: 'required', args: [], context: { name: 'address.building', value: '', formValues: state, }, }], }) }) test('resolves runValidation via $formulario', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: { id: 'address', }, slots: { default: `
`, }, }) const violations = await wrapper.vm.$formulario.runValidation('address') const state = { address: { street: null, }, } expect(violations).toEqual({ 'address.street': [{ message: expect.any(String), rule: 'required', args: [], context: { name: 'address.street', value: null, formValues: state, }, }], 'address.building': [{ message: expect.any(String), rule: 'required', args: [], context: { name: 'address.building', value: '', formValues: state, }, }], }) }) test('resolves hasValidationErrors to true', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { slots: { default: '', }, }) wrapper.find('form').trigger('submit') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.emitted('error')).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.emitted('error').length).toBe(1) }) describe('allows setting fields errors', () => { /** * @param props * @return {Wrapper} */ const createWrapper = (props = {}) => mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: props, scopedSlots: { default: '
', }, }) test('via prop', async () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ formErrors: ['first', 'second'] }) expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error]').length).toBe(2) }) test('manually with setErrors()', async () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ formErrors: ['first', 'second'] }) wrapper.vm.setErrors({ formErrors: ['third'] }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error]').length).toBe(3) }) }) test('displays field errors on inputs with errors prop', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: { fieldsErrors: { field: ['This field has an error'] }}, slots: { default: ` {{ error }} `, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('span').exists()).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.find('span').text()).toEqual('This field has an error') }) describe('allows setting fields errors', () => { /** * @param props * @return {Wrapper} */ const createWrapper = (props = {}) => mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: props, slots: { default: `
{{ error }}
{{ error }}
`, } }) test('via prop', async () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ fieldsErrors: { fieldA: ['first'], fieldB: ['first', 'second']}, }) expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error-a]').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error-b]').length).toBe(2) }) test('manually with setErrors()', async () => { const wrapper = createWrapper() expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error-a]').length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error-b]').length).toBe(0) wrapper.vm.setErrors({ fieldsErrors: { fieldA: ['first'], fieldB: ['first', 'second'] } }) await Vue.nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error-a]').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-error-b]').length).toBe(2) }) }) describe('emits correct validation event', () => { /** * @return {Wrapper} */ const createWrapper = () => mount(FormularioForm, { slots: { default: ` `, }, }) test('when no errors', async () => { const wrapper = createWrapper() wrapper.find('input[type="text"]').setValue('foo') wrapper.find('input[type="text"]').trigger('blur') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.emitted('validation')).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.emitted('validation')).toEqual([[{ name: 'foo', violations: [], }]]) }) test('on entry', async () => { const wrapper = createWrapper() wrapper.find('input[type="text"]').setValue('bar') wrapper.find('input[type="text"]').trigger('blur') await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.emitted('validation')).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.emitted('validation')).toEqual([[ { name: 'foo', violations: [ { rule: expect.any(String), args: ['foo'], context: { value: 'bar', formValues: expect.any(Object), name: 'foo', }, message: expect.any(String), } ], } ]]) }) }) test('allows resetting form validation', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { slots: { default: `
`, }, }) const password = wrapper.find('input[type="password"]') password.setValue('foo') password.trigger('input') password.trigger('blur') await flushPromises() wrapper.vm.setErrors({ fieldsErrors: { username: ['required'] } }) await Vue.nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-username-error]').length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-password-error]').length).toBe(1) wrapper.vm.resetValidation() await Vue.nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-username-error]').length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-password-error]').length).toBe(0) }) test('local errors are reset when errors prop cleared', async () => { const wrapper = mount(FormularioForm, { propsData: { fieldsErrors: { input: ['failure'] } }, slots: { default: ` {{ error.message }} `, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('span').exists()).toBe(true) wrapper.setProps({ fieldsErrors: {} }) await Vue.nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('span').exists()).toBe(false) }) })