import merge from '@/utils/merge' import validationRules from '@/validation/rules' import validationMessages from '@/validation/messages' import { ValidationContext, ValidationRuleFn, ValidationMessageFn, ValidationMessageI18NFn, ViolationsRecord, } from '@/validation/validator' import { FormularioFormInterface } from '@/types' export interface FormularioOptions { validationRules?: Record; validationMessages?: Record; } /** * The base formulario library. */ export default class Formulario { public validationRules: Record = {} public validationMessages: Record = {} private readonly registry: Map constructor (options?: FormularioOptions) { this.registry = new Map() this.validationRules = validationRules this.validationMessages = validationMessages this.extend(options || {}) } /** * Given a set of options, apply them to the pre-existing options. */ extend (extendWith: FormularioOptions): Formulario { if (typeof extendWith === 'object') { this.validationRules = merge(this.validationRules, extendWith.validationRules || {}) this.validationMessages = merge(this.validationMessages, extendWith.validationMessages || {}) return this } throw new Error(`[Formulario]: Formulario.extend(): should be passed an object (was ${typeof extendWith})`) } runValidation (id: string): Promise { if (!this.registry.has(id)) { throw new Error(`[Formulario]: Formulario.runValidation(): no forms with id "${id}"`) } const form = this.registry.get(id) as FormularioFormInterface return form.runValidation() } resetValidation (id: string): void { if (!this.registry.has(id)) { return } const form = this.registry.get(id) as FormularioFormInterface form.resetValidation() } /** * Used by forms instances to add themselves into a registry * @internal */ register (id: string, form: FormularioFormInterface): void { if (this.registry.has(id)) { throw new Error(`[Formulario]: Formulario.register(): id "${id}" is already in use`) } this.registry.set(id, form) } /** * Used by forms instances to remove themselves from a registry * @internal */ unregister (id: string): void { if (this.registry.has(id)) { this.registry.delete(id) } } /** * Get validation rules by merging any passed in with global rules. * @internal */ getRules (extendWith: Record = {}): Record { return merge(this.validationRules, extendWith) } /** * Get validation messages by merging any passed in with global messages. * @internal */ getMessages (vm: Vue, extendWith: Record): Record { const raw = merge(this.validationMessages || {}, extendWith) const messages: Record = {} for (const name in raw) { messages[name] = (context: ValidationContext, ...args: any[]): string => { return typeof raw[name] === 'string' ? raw[name] : raw[name](vm, context, ...args) } } return messages } }